Sayaka Yumi is a chick from Mazinger Z who was Koji Kabuto's gf. She was kind of brash and tough but still pretty hot. She piloted a couple chick robots that fired missiles out of their DD's and wernt as cool or tough as Mazinger Z (but a lot of guys with a robot-fetish loved em). She's a nice girl who cares for others bit can have a temper (like if Asuka from Evangelion wasn't totally awful. Srs. I hate her! She's awful! She didn't get enough beatings as a kid!) She also was in the 2nd and 3rd OAV's of CB Chara Go Nagai World
Mazinger Z[]
for the 1st 13 eps and Mazinger Z Vs. Dr. Hell she was played by Tomoko Matsushima who also did Princess Aya in Anju to Zushio Maru, Anne Sullivan in Helen Keller Monogatari: Ai to Hikari no Tenshi (was that a musical?) and Okei-chan in Magic Boy
For Ep 14-39, Mazinger Z Vs. Devilman and Grendizer, Getter Robo G, Great Mazinger: Monster of The Ocean Floor she was played by Minori Matsushima wjo did Akane in Akane-chan, Candice "Candy" White Ardlay in Candy Candy (sounds like a strpper thing), Aurora in Devilman Epiode 32, Dororo in Dororo, Honey Honey in Honey Honey no Suteki na Boken (sounds like a strpper thing), Meat in Kinnikuman, Little Lulu in Little Lulu (isn't that popular with the pedo population?), Himiko in Queen Millennia and shes gonna be in Mazinger Z Infinity b--chin
for ep 40-92, Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z vs. The Great General of Darkness she was done by Kotoe TAICHI who was Miss Natalie Rose in Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mrs. Allan, Priscilla Grant and Prissy Andrews in anne of green gables, Rei Asuka (the gx chix?) in Yuusha Raideen and Miep Gies in Anne's Diary: The Story of Anne Frank.
In the Tranzor Z dub she was done by Mona Marshall who did Dogumarkuro's Flower and Hagakure Harara in Apocalypase Zero (Like if Go Nagai just didn't f--king care!), Riki Ryugasaki IN B dAmAN cROSSFIRE (Which I liked), Bull and Pirate A in Battle B Da Man (Like bad beyblade), Young Ichigo in Bleach (Which was good and had good DS games), Minoru Kokubunji in Chobits, Izzy, MarineAngemon and Terriermon in Digimon (Which was more bada55 than Pokemon), Dr. Naomi Abram, Mrs. Miller (ep 8), Muffin (ep 8) and Woman (ep 25) in Dinozarus (Which I thought was good), Lun Grace in Eiken (Which was hot and colorful and fun), Ayumu Yamato and X-Zone Members in Idaten Jump (Which was trying to be the next Beyblade), Ongo in Jungle De Ikou (Which was hot), Raiko Minamoto in New Getter Robo, Motoko Aoyama in Love Hina (Which I never saw), Shiro Kabuto in the Tranzor Z dub of Mazinger Z, Susumu in Devilman (Live Action Film), young Haku in Naruto (Yaoi??) and Hirofume, Lilly and Shuuta in Zatch Bell(Which had thicc busty babes).
Volume 01[]

Then in Violence Jack Boss raepes them in revenge (Jk, but after what Go Nagai did with Hige Godzilla, Its possible)
After Koji f--ks around and gets it to lock on to Mazinger Z like Sonic 3 and Knuckles and kinda f--ks up da town with the Mech as he don't know how to drive it. Koji sees that if he can't stop Mazinger he'd destroy the world and don't wanna be that devil and we get a lot of flashbacks to Demon Lord Dante where Ryo Utsugi goes Kaiju and f--ks up Japan, right down to the human in the head of a big black monster. Yamitaro Ankokuji is in town and sez they don't know what this metal f--k can do, so they call Prof Yumi. Yumi sends in Sayaka with Aphrodite A and these tanks come over to f--k down Mazinger and Koji wonders if he's gonna bite it. But the tanks can't to jack sh-t to him and he realizes how bada55 Mazinger Z is. Koji realizes if he slags the tanks then more will come and he's gotta reason his way out. At the Photon Power Lab, Ankokuji meets Prof Yumi and openly is into Sayaka and they chat about how Robots are made. Sayaka attacks Mazinger but goes jack sh-t to it and she sees Koji in the head. Prof Yumi realizes that both robots are made of Alloy Z and that's only in the Photon Power Lab so Ankokuji suspects Yumi made Mazinger. But Yumi reveals that Mazinger Alloy Z is stronger and is Super Alloy Z (Like Nintendo and Super Nintendo??) and Aphrodite a and Mazinger Z are bro/sis as they had the same creator: Juzo Kabuto! As Juzo had 2 grandkids one might be the pilot and he has Sayaka talk to him. Mazinger stopped spazzing out and Koji radioes her and sez he heard them somehow and explains the situation. But then another robot comes out at Suruga and its Garada K7 and Doublas M2 f--king up Japans military like its the opening to the Mazinger Z Anime. Baron Ashura is pleased and confident in his robots butt f--kery of Japan and Sayaka and Koji go over to f--k em up. Koji is suddenly better at driving this thing as he says it "responds to his will" like its the 2000 Inspector Gadget movie with Ferris Bueler. Garada and Doublas attack the Photon Lab but the lab has pop up missile launchers like its Computer Warriors or some sh-t and they hold off the Mechanical Beasts until Mazinger and Sayaka show up and f--k up the bad robots. Baron Ashura pulls a Cobra Commander and retreats to his Bardos Island base and tells Dr H-ll about it and the bad doctor wants to have Mazinger Z to conquer the world(Which kinda happens in Mazinkaiser OVA 1). Ashura wants to capture Koji and later Koji and Sayaka go back to living in their old house as its closer to where Mazinger is housed. Later Koji fights Dogura S1 / Magura F2 but it splits in 2, grabs Mazingers arms, asnd goes for the head! But Koji slams em back together with Mazingers big black arms. Dogura S1 / Magura F2 flies up with Mazinger to kill Koji from the impact shock by Koji falling. Koji slams his head on the glass as I guess there's no seat belt and Sayaka in Aphrodite A comes out to Save Koji's big meaty a55. Koji gets up, slags 1 of em and cooks the other with BULESTO FAIYA! And Ashura b--ches about it.
Volume 02[]
So Boss, Mucha and Nuke try to f--k with Koji but he stops his bike sideways in the road (But not like that pose from Akira everyone rips off) and they wind in the water. Later at school a new student comes by and its Koji and Boss is p-ssed but Sayaka stops him. Teacher reveals Koji';s the one who saved Japan and Boss is jealous as he thinks Sayaka will go for him (And in Mazinger Z Infinity: Its revealed that happens ands they b0ne). Meanwhile, Ashura summons Bamaras Y1 and Bazin B9. Back at School, Boss tries to hassle Koji but Koji counters and Boss wants to go out with Sayaka after school. Koji beats up Boss when Sayaka's not looking but when Boss tries to fight back, Sayaka looks and he gets f'd. The teacher gets Boss in trouble and then the Mechanical Beasts attack and Koji motorcycles to the lab. but Mazinger is already out and driven by Ashura and busts the city! Koji follows and at the lab Sayaka gets there but Dr Yumi sez Mazinger is still in the hanger. Ankokuji sez he saw Mazinger in town and they realize its a fake and Sayaka sends Boss and friends after Koji. Sayaka goes in an upgraded Aphrodite and as Koji follows Fake Mazinger, its back opens up and Iron Mask guys on Mechanical Steeds come out and Koji fights em. Then Boss and his droogs come by and Koji drives off and Fake Mazinger jumps to stomp Koji like its freekin Super Mario. But Aphrodite fires off one of her b00bs and blasts him back. Koji returns to the lab and Sewashi, Nossori and Morimori give Koji a new suit to use Mazinger Z better. Ankokuji tests it and beats on Koji but it does diddley d0ng and Koji beats him out easy. Didn't you have to save Sayaka and the city? Why are you j-rkin off with Ankokuji?! So Koji drives Mazinger out and Ashura calls the Mechanical Beasts to fight Mazinger. Ashura beats up and throws Aphrodite A but Mazinger saves her and is introduced to him/her. Koji tries a Rocket Punch but Bazin B9 f--ks with electromagnetic waves and f--ks it up. He tries Breast Fire but Bamaras Y1 grabs and lifts Mazinger so it can't nail em. Then Bamaras Y1 throws Mazinger and Bazin B9 uses Electricity too counter Earth's Gravity somehow and Mazinger goes high and lands on its feet hard so Koji gets f--ked. He/her sends Bamaras Y1 and Bazin B9 to bring Mazinger to Saluud but Koji turns on its arms and slags Bazin B9. Then jumps on Bamaras Y1 like a Mario game and uses Rust Hurricane on Fake Mazinger. He/her escapes by launching the head and a ship comes outta it and Koji busts the Fake Mazinger, which is just disguised Mechanical Beast. Later there's these guys hiking in a hill and at this cliff where people jump. A chick jumps but rises up like some kinda Yokai (Just like with the Himalayas and Demon Lord Dante and a bit Dororon Enma-kun). Sayaka and Koji are told this by a hiker and Koji is told to be careful cuz the weather changes fast here and theres thicc fog. Koji thinks that cuz its brighty and sunny now, its not possible to get that fogged out and he checked the Weather Report. Koji hopes there is a ghost as it might be fun and Sayaka is kinda creeped out. Guide guy is p-ssed at them for not listening and later the fog comes in and Boss trys to grab Sayaka's a55 but accidentally grabs Shiro's (Guess he's turned pedo). Boss Shiro, Sayaka and Koji hold hands like Care Bears to keep from falling off and find a sign saying go back. Then, outta f--kin nowhere, a guy shows up screaming and his head rips off! They run and go in a swamp and are in a bunch of reeds that's floating off. The water is too cold and filthy to swim in and they see a house of the dead corpse walking on water and dropping to the bottom. Then they are in as hotel and Sayaka goes to take a bath as we haven't seen any naked chix yet. Koji and Boss bathe together but its not gay in Japan and there's a huge statue of Devilman in there. Sayaka sneaks in the boys bath and Koji tells Boss he thinks the Ghosts are trying to keep em away from something. Koji thinks the Guide is doing something with machines and Boss defends the Supernatural and leaves. Sayaka jumps out with her hair covering her nips saying she'll help Koji and (Like Adam and Eve) Realize they are naked and freak out, run and slam into each other naked (But their parts don't touch so its good). They go out and investigate but find a cr-ppy puppet and tape recorder and red paint. Then a group building something in the swamp and it turns out its Count Brocken who replaces Ashura and summons Mario N7 that uses electromagnetic waves to hover and has lots of hands to move puppets like MARIOnettes. It brings out a buncha naked chick puppets with blade arms and they chase Koji and Sayaka. Boss and Shiro wake up and notice Koji never went to bed and same with Sayaka. Shiro calls the Hover Pilder over and Koji fights the dolls. Shiro gets in and drives it and the dolls catch Sayaka and cut off her clothes so she's in her undies. The Pilder busts the things holding her and Koji catches Sayaka and Koji hops in and busts Mario N7 with missiles as Brocken jets off on Rocket Arms holding his head saying "this was just a recon and Next time I'll get'cha". The next day Koji makes croquette with Mazinger moves like a popping Rust Hurricane and a Jump in Your Mouth Rocket Punch. Then Brocken comes in and challenges him to a duel with Mazinger Z vs Croc-Diver O1, and leaves. Koji worried Brocken would cap his a55 or something and Sayaka wants to help but Koji seZ he wants to do it 1 on 1 (Btw, if Mazinger Z can't stop it, what good would Sayaka's mech do?). So Mazinger goes to fight Croc-Diver O1 and after Brocken locks his head on it like Transformers The Headmasters, they fight. But Croc-Diver O1 splits into 3 robots like that Beyblade that splits in 2 but still counts as 1 and hang f--ks Mazinger. It tears off a T-t so he can't use Breast Fire but Koji f--ks em with his arms and Brocken fliers off.
Volume 03[]
She aint in it
Volume 04[]
So Dr H is b--chin about all these Mechanical beasts being f'd by Mazinger Z and its invincible Super Alloy Z Body. Dr shows Baron a piece of Super Alloy Z and has Goukyuun U5 use an arrow of Alloy X (Its always X!! Planet X! X the unknown! XXX! xXx State of the Union! X the man with X Ray Eyes! X Men! XXX Men! Mega Man X! Ranger X!) and skewers the piece of Super Alloy Z. So at the Photon Lab, run on Japanuim which is only found in Mt Fuji, Sayaka gets Koji in the pool and is pulled in by Shiro. She sez another Mechanical Beast is attacking! The Battleship Shiranami is f'd by Goukyuun U5 and Koji and Sayaka go over in their mechs. Sayaka fires a b00b missile but Goukyuun U5 fires an arrow and gets her bot through the neck. Then nails Mazinger a few times and it f'd its systems so it can't use most of its attacks. Goukyuun U5 beats on Mazinger but Koji tries all his moves til he finds Rocket Punch works and he busts it. Later Dr H shows Ashura a Mechanical Beast based on him/her. Koji and Shiro are skiing and they get a call on his Non apple Watch to fight a Mechanical Beast that's too much for Aphrodite A and Boss Borot. Boss attacks but it uses whip fingers to fling him around and a chest panel opens and fires missiles like Overlord in Transformers Super god Masterforce and busts him. Aphrodite attacks with b00b missiles but it splits in 2 and evades, then chomps on her with its body and blows her apart. Her head lands and Sayaka falls out and he/she is gonna stomp her but Mazinger shows up. He/she fires breast needles and pops Mazingers Eyes and missiles off his scrander, then splits in to and chomps Mazinger. Koji self detonates with the missiles in him and busts the enemy but esacapes in the pilder. He asks Mazinger to forgive him and sez he's gonna fix it. Later Ashura talks to Tauros D7, Kingdan X10, Belgas V5 and Ghostfire V9, but he /she wants to use his/her daughters Gamia Q. He/she drives his/her sub and sends em up and they come out of the water and a camper asks if they are ok. They slice off his head with their hair and he falls in his campfire(and is probably eaten by animals or people later(well, he IS cooked). at school later they go to see Koji when they do they try slicing him with their blade hair(Like Mao in riki-oh?) and Boss 's clothes get f'd. Ashura talks through em and sez they'd cut him to pieces like its Hokuto No Ken or something and they attack. Then this robot is f--kin up Tokyo and Sayaka goes in her Mech that's been rebuilt like 3x by now and is sliced in 2 by KingDan X10. Ghost Fire V9 cooks the city and Kingdan busts Aphrodite's head with a blade. At school, Boss's clothes get sliced off and he sez its becoming a Shameless School and they're doing Mazinger here, but Koji sez boss's gross bod isn't good enuff for Shameless School(Although there were some ugly mother f--ker in there) and Boss can barely read. then a Cameo by Mitsuko Yagyu IN THE NUDE, the Pilder comes in driven by Shiro and Koji throws 1 Gamia and the others chop her up. Shiro sez the Mechanical beasts are f-kkin up Japan like bad censorship laws and Ashura sez they f'd Sayaka's mech and his men are looking for her body but if she's alive, he's f--k her up. If he hands over Mazinger Z he/she well call off the attacks. Koi fights the Gamia's but Shiro slags em with the Pilder. Belgas goes to the lab and tells Yumi that if he hands over Mazinger Z, he/she will end their attacks on the Japan, and that Gamia Q's iced Koji. Koji gets back and Yumi has given up Mazinger as it was carried off by what looks like Drones and is gonna bring it to Saluud, but the Pilder comes by and he/she orders Belgas to slag it. Of course Koji gets in despite Belgas's detaching parts and he f--ks saluud up. Belgas fights Mazinger and Saluud sinks in the sea as Mainger Z sinks to the bottom of the sea, but can take the m,iles of pressure, even on the pilder dome somehow. He hits the floor and its soft and he sinks in it and uses violent wind to raise the silt in the floor up and in the dust, crushes Belgas's head. Its remaining pieces reassemble and Mazinger comes out from underground and throws the rock Belgas was on and nukes it with Breast Fire. Ashura trys to ram Saluud into Mazinger and he catches it and swings it around like in Mazinkaiser vs The Great General of Darkness, so he/she sends Glossam X2 to buy time to get away. Its designed for underwater combat and fires missiles at Mazinger, grabs him in its jaws, throws him, then blasts with a super heated beam to heat up Mazinger and Cook Koji. Koji uses his own Breast Fire and it heats up and cracks and blows Glossam X2. Koji gets outta the sea and wonders if Sayaka was on Saluud but notes that if she was, he/she would have used her against him. Then Tauros D7 nails a hole in Mazinger gut and Ghostfire V9 Chains up Mazinger in a non SM way for Tauros D7 to penetrate him. Mazinger jumps, Ghostfire gets skewered, and Mazinger swings its chains to slam em both and they blow. then Kingdan X10 comes in with Aphrodite in its hand and Sayaka tied to a bed in its torso and demands that Mazinger come with them
Volume 05[]
Mazinger Z goes on the water base Saluud and Boss is clinging to his leg as the base goes under da sea. Boss in an Iron Mask suit tells this guard its his shift and tells Koji that Sayaka is being cared for and they plan to try something at the right time. Later, 30 km off Ogasawara, Saluud is spotted as they tracked Aphrodite A's transmissions. Drt Yumi is there and hopes to save huis kid, but hopes she can forgive him if he has to send her to H E Double Korea to stop the Baddz from getting Mazinger. Later, Boss in Iron Mask sez to the guards "We got trouble" and when they come, Koji headshots em(So much for not wanting to be a murderer, wait, didn't that happen with Rick in Robotech?) and they go to save Sayaka. Boss stands guard and Koji sees she's bare a55 naked under the covers and Boss wants to see (You saw her nude b4 Koji!!). Meanwhile, a half hairs Baron Ashura is taking a shower and feeling his/her right b00b with his/her left hand and still wears a hood and we see his/her a55, when he/she gets a message saying the Japanese Navy tracked em with Sayaka's mech. He/she orders an attack and we never get to see his/her crotch. Saluud spins a thing to make a Whirlpool and Dr Yumi orders em to drop Depth Charges which f--ks out the artificial Island. Koji trys to stop Boss from seeing her nude but the ship jerks around and Sayaka falls out and wakes up and hugs Koji, b4 Boss tells her she's Nude. Saluud's island comes off and attacks the Japanese Military by flying around like Ginnai Doma's head and the underwater base is getting f--ked by the Navy. As they can't send Kingdan X10 underwater, they launch subs to fight and Sayaka wears an Iron Mask outfit and her and Boss fake moving prisoner Koji around to get to Mazinger. Guarding her is Gamia Q3 who I guess survived the last fight and fights Koji with a sneak twist, She's Nude under her outfit and her t-ts stun Koji and she gets a hair in his shooting arm. They fight on and the Navy f--ks out the enemy subs and goes iun to end Saluud. Sayaka interferes in the fight and gets sliced and Koji tugs her cape to save Sayaka and Sayaka throws Koji his gun. Ashura is told the Saluud is too f'd to go on and he/she sez to ditch it and leave Mazinger and Kingdan X10. Koji shoots off Gamia Q3's hair and as she runs he splits her in half. He then is gonna take Saluud down and Sayaka sez her dad told her of swimming jets on Mazinger Z's Feet. Koji slags Kingdan X10 and gets its sword and busts through the ship to get Ashura but he/she sez its Koji who's going down cuz the ships nucular reactor will soon overload and runs off. The escape pods fire off and Dr Yumi has a few shot down but most escape. As he think he won't give up on her unless he sees a body, an escape pod poops up and Sayaka is in it and parachutes out. Mazinger busts through the base and uses BuLesTo FaiYa and gets out. On da Navy Yumi tells his girl the only way Koji can survive is the swim jets. Koji gets out but sinks in the floor. The ship blows and then Mazinger swims up as unlike Devilman, you can;t kill the main guy. Later Koji is on patrol as Dr H's attacks are getting worse and Boss Borot attacks him annd blows his Scrander, then fires missles at Mazinger. At the Lab, Sayaka has Boss use his Borot to go on patrol and he sees the other Borot beating Mazingers A55! Fake Borot's head f--ks off and its revealed by Brocken that its Evil Boss B9! Koji seez its not his friend and throws it off and Boss attack it but is thrown off easy. Brocken sez to ignore Borot and focus on Mazinger and Mazinger f--ks it apart. Later Brocken sends Uhnura P9 and Great Bardon which fly to the Photon Lanb and f--k up the area below it with a gravity cancelling device and throwing people and sh-t into space. Mazinger goes out with its Scrander and Sayaka stays back as her mech cant fly. Tokyo looks like the moon surface and Uhnura P9 talks and reveals its controlled like Mazinger but by an Iron Cross guy. They fight and Mazinger's hand is shanked and leg sliced off. So he uses the spear in his hand to skewer it and breast fires it to H E Double France! Later Ashura guys are out at night and he/she plans to f---k up Koji. Later Sayaka is on patrol as the Iron Cross guys were out last night. Then Ghoul is coming and Koji gets in Mazinger and Sayaka's Mech moves on its own to hug Mazinger like they're b0ning. Ashura had his goons put a thing in her mech to control it and has Brocken send Naider V1. Koji can't use most of his moves with Sayaka on him and fires Rocket Punch with Iron Cutter which are caught by Naider V1's Magnet Shield. Naider V1 shanks both good guy mechs on its long spear and Koji sees the only way is to shoot through the hostage and breast fires apart Naider V1 And Sayaka's mech. Then Sayaka ain;'t mad but glad Koji saved her. Later Boss wants to go for a walk with Sayaka in the park but she goes with Koji. Mucha and Nuke offer to go but Boss isn't queer as Netflix didn't get him, But he goes with Nuke as Koji and Sayaka won't notice him. In the park they find a haunted house ride and go in but get caught and Ashura's busted ghost sez he/she wont rest until he/she beats him. Then there's a Brocken head and spears attack em. Turns out its Viscount Pygman who grabs Sayaka and these hands grab Koji so he can't save her. He throws her to beasts and Koji notices his spear wounds are gone ands he realizes its Psychic powers making an Illusion like Future City in Violence Jack and he yells Arachni Power Mazin Go and the spell is broken. Viscount Pygman runs off as I guess he can't beat Koji in a fist fight and they realize the house was never there. Later, Archduke Gorgon meets Count Brocken and sumnmons Kentador Gamma 7 which f--ks up the Kamakura Coast and Sayaka goes out in Diana A to face it. Koji in Mazinger Z comes out and finds Diana crucified upsidedown and Sayaka below it. Then outta the Ground, Kentador Gamma 7 comes out, shanks the Scrander and throws Mazinger down. Koji fires his Rocket Punch off with Sayaka in it away and Koji slices Kentador Gamma 7 open with the scrander. Later Koji's getting ready for bed but Ghoul is coming and he drags Sayaka outta the bath and don't notice she's nude for a bit. Sayaka and Koji in their mechs go out but Ghoul sprays dissolving liquid that melts the ground and they sink into it. The lab can't fire the Scrander as there's jamming signals and the good bots sink toward the magma. So Yumi sends Boss and Borot to throw a ball and chain into the mush and he starts pulling em up. But Gorgon sends Dollgost Beta 5 to stop him. Instead it speeds him up outta fear and he pulls em out and Mazinger slams Dollgost into the muck(how did it melt the ground to the magma? won't that f--k the crust and planet to have a soft spot there??)
Great Mazinger[]
Was she in this?

Nowaday's they'd make Koji look like an SVU guy for this, But Japan has Sanity
So Gennosuke Yumi wants to make a Mazinger Army to take on Dr. Hell at his last base. Its days from being finished and Koji Kabuto wants to end the Dr for slagging his grandpa and other people. Somehow Dr H hears of this and vows to crush Japan in 10 days. He sends Baron Ashura and Count Brocken to send all his forces to Japan to waste it. Ghoul is flyed by Brocken and Budo by Ashura. Koji uses his upgraded Jet Scrander to fly but it comes off in da air and Mazinger lands on his feet. Sayaka Yumi hugs Koji worried of him and the curvy blonde twists Lori and Loru show up. Koji nearly slags em thinking they are Gamia Q and they are former Pro Racers (Like Danica Patrick??). He also meets Shun Azuma and Masao Ooide who are gonna pilot other Mazinger Army Veritechs. Koji don't think Ooide is a mechanical beast like Azuma as he reminds him of Sayaka and Sayaka chases him as women spazz out at minor jokes. We get a look over of the robots and pilots.
Then Dr H's forces attack and take out a warship and Ghoul launches Birdon B7 which falls to the jets. Jeiser J1 comes next and grinds up the jets. The Scrander needs 3 days to finish the upgrades and both of the Dr's battle fortresses are probably full of monsters. Dr H sends a message broadcast to Japan saying he's called that as he's gonna send everyone in Japan there. At night the Ghoul attacks Japan like its the Allies in WW2 and the Japan sends the Mazinger Army. Sayaka uses Venus A and its equipped with Mazinger Z's attacks and they battle the Mechanical beaSTS. The other Mazinger Army homies each have an attack from Mazinger and all 3 robots(4 pilots) get slagged. Sayaka is then saved by Koji in the incomplete Scrander equipped Mazinger, who then tears up Ghoul from inside. So Baron Ashura in Budo is landing on the beach like the Allies in WW2 and Ghoul coomes down after being f'd from within and slams in the sub and all on both get sent to h e double england! Ghoul seems to survive and returns to Dr H Holes base and Mazinger and Venus follow.
He vows to beat Mazinger and pulls a SDF 1 by turning his Castle into a giant f--kin robot that was somehow under all that rock all this time! Koji blows off its head but like Black Zarak in Transformers Super God Masterforce, it keeps on fighting and blasts Mazinger with Gordon Fire! After taking a chop with a sword and damaging his breast fire thing (At least Honey Kisaragi's b00bs weren't hit) Sayaka attacks, does diddley d0ng and gets blown out! After Mazingers other attacks do Jack and Sh-t, Koji tries to Kamikaze with his Photon Core having the same power as a Nuke(And Japan's gov just lets Koji have it? Bada55! In soviet england you can't own nunchaku or knifes for cutting bread!) The H base, Black Devil Gordon (When I hear Gordon I think Shining Time Station) spins like a freakkin Beyblade and makes a Phantom Hurricane Twister like Dragoon! Then sets it on fire like its Soviet California! Koji think's he's f'd but his grandad Juzo Kabuto's spirit encourages him in a scene Totally not ripped off by Yugioh. Koji realizes the center of the Twister is clear and tries to fly but the twister is in the same direction as his jets. so he detaches it and goes in the neck hole (Akira Fudo in Devilman:Demon Bird Sirene: I'll rip off your head and sh-t down your neck!) and Gordon blows apart! Koji survives and they bring him back and fix up Mazinger.
Later Koji chats with Sayaka about how he only fought for peace and now its over. Then Archduke Gorgon goes to his base and reports to his boss the Great General of Darkness that their enemy Dr H was slagged and now all in their way of the Mycenae Empire taking over da urth is Mazinger Z! So General sends Grantonios and Biranius. Later, Koji, Boss, Mucha, Nuke. Shiro Kabuto and Bikini Sayaka are at the beach and Sayaka don't want tan lines so she stays under a parasol. So Koji swipes her Bikini Top, but the Photon Power Lab alls Koji to deal with new monsters attacking. Mazinger Z, Diana A and Boss Borot go to face it and Grantonios tells em its not some metal puppet but was sent by the Great General of Darkness to slag him. Diana gets f'd by Biranius's fish (with 1 biting the b00b) and Grantonios whips off Mazingers right arm and crumbles Borot with vibrations. Koji tries a Rocket Punch and Koshiryoku Beam but they get rebounded and bust his cracked Mazinger. So Mazinger Z just got f'd dead and somewhere else, Kenzo Kabuto somehow senses his kid needs him and sends Tetsuya Tsurugi in Great Mazinger to save him. He arrives and slags both baddies with fancy moves and carries the busted Mazinger off (As Sayaka and Boss and just stay there). Later Koji, Sayaka, Shiro and Dr Yumi are in a Limo wondering who made a Superer Robot Than Mazinger Z. They go to the ocean and a base rises up and in it is Kenzo Kabuto who Yumi sez died in a lab accident. Kenzo sez he did bite it but got better after his dad made him into a cyborg with only his head being alive (And this is like 15 years before Robocop 1). Also he made Great Mazinger with help from an Electronic brain (Like Bionic Bunny having a Bionic Brain in Arthur?) and his dad warned him of the Mycenae Empire comming back and he spent years making this lab and training Tetsuya. He tells Yumi to help his son become a better scientist than him as he's got scientist ancestry and Kenzo will probably bite it so he needs a back up. Koji and Sayaka are written out sent to study in America.
After slagging the Great General of Darkness, Kenzo Kabuto is gonna revive Mazinger Z with Prof Yumi and a new Super alloy Z and have Koji return. Marquis Janus sees this with her science or witchcraft or w/e and Grand Marshall of H-ll sez to stop em but Koji is already in Japan. Koji is driven with Sayaka and Battle Beast Ruby Ghilas shows up and blasts the car. But its really a flying saucer made In America and flies off(Da f--k?!). It follows them but Great Mazinger slags it and Venus flies on a Scrander of its own to guard them. At da base Koji reunites with his dad and Koji, Sayaka, Jun Hono, Tetsuya Tsurugi and Boss vow to work together like the Power Rangers. Grand Marshall goes all out and launches all his sh-t at Japan and slags Tokyo. They also attack the Photon Power Lab and Jun and Tetsuya go there as Mazinger and Sayaka fight the other area. Great Mammoth and General Julicaesar attack Mazinger Z and Diana A but Great comes in and slags em. The enemy runs after their leader falls and they f--k em up. Even Boss Borot and Shiro in his own kiddy mech come in as Kenzo said Shiro could come. Jun realizes that Kenzo planned to nuke the base and take Dr H to h-ll with him! He uses the nuke in the base to wipe the area and says sorry for not being a great dad to Shiro and Koji(Couldnt you do this by remote?! Did you have to be there to set it off?!) and Dr H survives as he wasn't close enuff. The Double Mazingers attack GMOH and he's resistant to missiles with his mantle like he's Enma-Kun or some sh-t. He blasts them with fire and Great Mazinger uses Thunder on its blade and throws it through the GMOH's mech eye and slags him(At least until Mazinkaiser or Mazinger Z Infinity). Later Koji and frends say bye to Kenzo and thank him for helping them beat the Mycenae Empire. Now Koji can grow up to be a scientist but not be a beta male like those big bang theory dinks! The end!

We see her nips later in the ep. Only took like 25 years
Here and Mazinkaiser vs The Great General of Darkness she's voiced by Ai Uchikawa who was Moena Shinguji/Angel Blade in Angel Blade Punish (great way to start off the list, with a P0rn0e), Miki Yunaki/Euphrosyne in Angelium (ANOTHER P0RN0!? wait, this was done by moonrock! they did Nami SOS/Sexy Sailor Soldiers! That was Thicc!!), Teresa in Gravion (Another Masami Obari?! At least its not a p0rn0(despite Mizuki Tachibana's huge t-ts)), Kans Iwata in Hamtaro(good f--k. I hope she didn't use her p0rn0 voice in any eps(she probably did)), Kurama-HIME in Hininden Gausu (p0rn0), Koyume Hojo in Keibiin (p0rn0), Momoko Shiraishi in Kisaku the Letch (not Momoko! what would yosuke think!?), Secretary in Marine a Go Go (not just a p0rn0, but a masami Obari p0rn0), Beatrice Lambert in Masquerade (p0rn0), Shizuka in My Sexual Harassment (a gay p0rn0), Chisato Mamiya in Mystery of Nonomura Hospital (is her p0rn0 career why she was chosen as a go nagai babe??), Marimo in Phoenix, Nurse in Variable Geo OVA 1 (at least this was only based on a p0rn0), Azusa Hinomori in Welcome to Pia Carrot 2 (p0rn0 gx) and Arima Ayumi in Yu-No (surprise! its a p0rn0!!)
In the ADV dub she was voiced by Shaneye FERRELL who was Chiaki Nakahara in Dai-Guard, Mutsuki Ichimonji in Happy Lesson, Rumy in Lost Universe, Toki in Rurouni Kenshin: The Motion Picture and Omanma in wedding peach (the fattening monster that turned chicks fat! hot!!!!)
In The Great General Of Darkness OAV She's dubbed by Kayli Mills who did Akira Kazama in Street Fighter V: Champion Edition(some babes), Keqing in Genshin Impact(a lot of guys like it, nothing wrong here), Misako in River City Girls 1 and 2(good beat em up), Wei Zhen and Hua Shengling in Shenmue III(we need more Shenmue), Ichika Kindo in Beyblade Burst GT(grand tour? does it have babes like Pan?), Jagamon (ep 39); Lunamon (ep 39); Potamon (ep 39) in the remake of Digimon Adventure:, Mitsuba; Piyon in Hunter × Hunter, Douman; Eikisai in Ikki Tousen: Western Wolves(good babes), Yuko Ozawa in Jujutsu Kaisen, Minori Asagiri in Mob Psycho 100 and Kero-Kero Girl (ep 151); Nanako (ep 152) in the vis dub of Sailor Moon SuperS(the 00s dub was better)

That panel on the lower right show's a good side view of her b00bs
In the 2003 Mazinkaiser Manga by Go Nagai and Naoto Tsushima, Koji Kabuto has given up after Mazinger Z got busted and Sayaka Yumi chats with him about Jun Hono and Tetsuya Tsurugi fighting. Meanwhile, Dr H is reviving Baron Ashura in a tank with his/her DNA and it regrows into the bisected hermaphrodite we know and love. Dr H sez he genetically took the evil of 2 beings into 1 to make him/her loyal to him forever. Sayaka shows Koji the improved Aphrodite A and Koji is bummed over not being able to fight and when Koji goes for a motorcycle ride he meets a reverse Baron Ashura who's man and woman halfs are on the other side and this one is nice looking and polite. Koji dont trust her/him and good Ashura says she/he serves Dr Heaven and reveals that had she/he been evil Ashura she/he could have slagged him by now. so Koji goes into space on a ship to a big a55 satellite that don't reflect waves so its undetectable from da urth. Its been there thousands of years and was pat of the Mycenaeans that were really aliens who the early humans worshipped as gods like f--king ancient aliens! Anti Ashura sez the tech from Mechanical Beasts and Mazinger is from there and she/he takes Koji to meet... His Grandpa Juzo Kabuto!! Turns out the Juzo who bad Ashura killed was a clone and Real Juzo made 2 clones of himself to help him and 1 turned evil and became Dr. Hell (Good f--k! Thats a pretty f'd Retcon! What next?! Optimus and Megatron being Brothers?!). Real Juzo (Shin Juzo??) sez theres good and evil in us all and Koji chose to be good unlike evil clone Juzo. But then the evil Juzo launches an all out attack like in Mazinger Z Infinity and Mazinkaiser OVA 1 to slag Great Mazinger and Shin Juzo Kabuto gives Koji Mazinkaiser to stop his evil clone.
Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen[]

Her nips are covered so don't delete this you c-ck sucking aids bags
Here shes voiced by Youko Honda who did Natsumi Katou in Bakuman, Ichika Tachibana in Uta Kata, Sevel in Queens Blade, Megumi Hidaka in Kyo no Gononi, Flora Perfume in Battle Spirits: Brave and Kajitsu Momose in Battle Spirits: Shōnen Gekiha Dan
Mazinger Z Vs. Devilman[]
Mazinger Z Infinity[]

If this were filmed in Fullscreen we'd see the top of her head
Here she's working as a scientist or something as her dad is prime minister of japan. Then a new thing happens under mt Fuji. She isn't fond of Lisa calling Koji Master and wants Koji to stop fighting. Also she wants to dump Koji cuz he's not as good a bf as she wants. Eventually she marries Koji and has his kid who turns out to be Lisa somehow. Wtf.
In the dub she's played by Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld who did Nurse Joy and Bonnie in Pokémon, Rio in Yugioh ZeXaL (Hot), Allie, Riley Akaba, Amanda, Grace and Gloria Tyler I Yugioh ARC V (Gayyyyyyy!!), Queen in Yugioh VRAINS (Links ruined the game!!), Fraw Bow in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (I only saw Wing, Seed and a bit of G) and some loli's in Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions (That was actually good and weird as that's basically the Yugioh forme of Mazinger Z Infinity).
Here she's voiced by Ai Kayano who was Alisha Diphda in Tales of Zestiria, Rinna Mayfield in Shining Resonance(is that like shining force?), Ponoka-sempai in Ai-Mai-Mi, Sister Lily in Black Clover (why does everyone hate that one???), Ai Yoshimiya in Bodacious Space Pirates, Reverko in DD Fist of the North Star II, Saori Takebe in Girls Und Panzer, Alice Synthesis Thirty(Alice Zuberg) in Sword Art Online Franchise, Omamori-sama in Ushio and Tora and a buncha main characters in new cr-p I don't recognize.
Mazinger Z vs. Transformers[]

She only shows up in like 2 scenes.
Chapter 001[]
In some extra dimensional place these robed beings watch different universes with Koji in Mazinger Z bustin Baron Ashura's robot. The G1 Season 1 Autobots fight the Decepticons at the Space Bridge and Starscream's beam deflects off Grimlock's head to blow off his right wing and send him into a Space Bridge which sends em off. The robed beings intervene and 1 asks "what would we gain as a result". In Mazinger World like CB Chara Go Nagai World, Boss, Mucha and Nuke work with the scrap from Koji's fight and the trio b--ches about how there's nothing worth much here. Shiro Kabuto sez Proff Yumi sent em to find out of the diamond beam used by the mech that cut Mazinger's Wing in the fight. Boss gets excited at the diamond and wants it for money and in Boss Borot finds Gromlock who transforms and sez he's no mechanical beast. They clash fists like a Shonen Anime and both go flying (which makes you wonder of Boss Borots power as Grimlock beat up Megatron who survived an energon ship blowing with enough force to move planets) and Grimlock is surprised its piloted by humans, which they become friends. As Grimlock is low in Energy, Boss takes him to the Photon Power Lab as The Autobots emerge from the vortex and find Baron Ashura, or Ashler in some dubs, b--ching about Mazinger. The Autobots introduce themselves and Wheeljack scans Baron seeing a mix if Human and Tech unlike anything he's seen and they tell their backstory. Baron brings em to the Fortress Saluud and claims he's a good guy fighting the evil Mazinger Z who refuses to share Photon Power Selfishly(Like wanting successful people to "pay their fair share" and giving it to Junkies) and rules Japan from a Mt Fuji Base(Which in the netflix reboot would be canon as modern cr-p makes the bad guys good like orcs being sympathetic in the amazon Lord Of The Rings abomination). The Autobots think the Mechanical Beasts are scary faced giant warriors and Dr H comes in but is told on private chat by Baron to fake being good but he already knows and sez to free Earth from Mazingers evil he had to Use demon power and shows clips of Mazinger Z and Aphrodite A. The Cybritronians are amazed as its as big as Devastator and this Earth has tech beyond their Earths. They say its like Meatron and wonder of where he went and tell Dr H he's an emperor of Destruction that leads the Decepticons to conquer the universe, which interests the good faking Dr(until the comics recon Megatron as a freedom fighter ho made mistakes(not a joke, they dd that)).
Chapter 002[]
The Decepticons found the Photon Power Lab with Laserbeak and want its energy, with Starscream malcontent as usual about Megatron not having him fixed. Megatron tells him they don't know where the are and its Starscreams fault, but then Mazinger Z comes out and fights Baron Ashura's Kijkaiju. The Autobots show up as the good guys gotta fight good guys like He Man Vs ThunderCats and Mazinger grabs Bumblebee with Optimus telling Baron to not fire as it might hit him like with Hot Rod in the Movie. Koji, I almost wrote Toji, is surprised they talk and realizes they ain't Kikaiju but Baron blasts through Mazingers back and out his front with a beam. Optimus confronts Baron on firing and he/she has the mechanical beasts beat on Mazinger as Megatron watches and finds interest. Mazinger takes a beating protecting Bumblebee who notices and Grimlock comes in with Boss Borot riding him but not in a b0ning way and burns the diamond beaming one with fire breath, which shocks Baron hot hot he in and not in a b0ning way. Optimus sez sorry and Koji is ok as he knows Baron tricked em and they fight together to pound the Kikaju to Jigoku and not in a b0ning way. After Baron escapes Koji gets out and meets the Autobots and they see both are good guys as Megatron meeets Baron.
Chapter 003[]
In Saluud Megatron plans with Baron and in the Photon Power Lab Sewashi/Morimori/Nossori are amazed by WheelJack and Rachet being Super Robot Life Formes. Ironhide lusts for Aphrodite (Wait til you see her in Mazinger Z 2022), Boss/Mucha/Nuke/Koji play ball with I think Mirage. But then Megatron and the Mechanical Beasts attack the Lab and the good guys team up to fight em but the Scrander isn't fixed yet. Ironhide gets mad at Rumble trying to crack Aphrodite A's Dome and the Constructicons forme Devastator which matches Mazinger's power and holds him as Starscream tries to headshot him. Optimus Prime Riding The Scrander saves Koji and busts Starscreams left wing as he was fixed I guess by Dr H's goons.
Chapter 004[]
Optimus tells Koji they got control issues with the Scrander so Mazinger Z slugs out Devastator and busts him apart with a Rocket Punch. Megatron uses a Diamond Beam on his Fusion Cannon but Mazinger and Optimus evade and Scrander Cross and Kohiryoku Beam to slag some Kikaiju. Thundercracker and Skywarp attack but get cut down by the Scrander and Optimus taking out Skywarp attacking from behind as he knows his tricks. Baron attacks with random blasting Dianmond Killer Beams and Megatron grins and sez there's more fun to be had as Soundwave wants them to retreat. Then the Diamond killer Kikaiju get slagged and a big a55 jet comes in.
Chapter 005[]
Starscream has become Mazinscream after getting Mazinger Z's Spare Parts and Photon Energy, like Mumm Ra combining with Skeletor in TunderCats Vs He Man. He's got Koshiryoku Beam and Rocket Punch but an attack by the good guys f's him up and he can't control the Photon Energy. Baron has the Kikaiju catch him to bring back to Bardos and make their Vanguard but not the card game no one plays. The good guys attack with Mazingers Breast Fire but Mazinscream uses Null Fire to wipe the a55es of the Kikaiju clean outta here. The Photon Power and Enegon mix is super strong and Mazinger tries holding it off with Breast Fire and Proff Yumi has the Photon Power Lab barrier at full power. Mazinger fires both Rocket Punches that carry Optimus as he tries to use an Energon Axe but Mazinscream has a barrier like the Lab. Megatron turns into a gun like he should and not a tank and Optimus fires him as Mazinger uses Koshiryoku Beam and it busts Mazinscream's head which f==ks the dimensions right and sends em back to their worlds to continue the fight as if nothing happened.
- In Violence Jack she is a kid who helps Jim Mazinger. She don't do much and in the end, leaves the sh-t hole of Kanto and goes with Koji to be his secretary when she grows up (She probably grows up to be really HOT!!).
No. She don't ride on the naked chick versions of the fembots
- Hanappe Bazooka: In Hanappe Bazooka OVA she appears in a few frames of Hanappe Yamada's fantasy of the chick he likes starring in a p0rnoe video

I edited out her nipples cuz wiki commies are gay!
- In New Cutey Honey OVA 2 a chick that looks just like Sayaka gets turned to stone or w/e by Jewell Princess. After Honey Kisaragi wastes her, the place crumbles and all the naked chicks crumble. its ok. they were already dead. WA TAAAA!
- In Re: Cutie Honey OVA 2 when Scarlet Claw uses a net to catch people, Koji, Boss and Sayaka are shown being caught for a sec.

He beat Gamia Q, he can take Panther Claw!
- In Devilman TV she appears in Pink Undies during a heat thing all sweaty. yeah. that's hot!

This isn't the 1st time she got nude. And it wont be the last.

In Mazinkaiser OVA 4 she also wears a Pink Bikini
- In Heisei Harenchi Gakuen Chapter 004 the ghost teachers attack and umbrella guy Marudan Marukasa who is licking Sayaka Yumi's undies and Honey Kisaragi sitting near her. Hige Godzilla is zapped by Himiko Doma's ki blast and the occult club rushes in and gets felt up by the ghosts lesters: Hage Godzilla, Oppai Teacher, Nenneko Teacher and Hijikata Teacher. They say they like it and wish more could be done but the teachers say they ain't real ghosts and the teachers brag of their skills in bed, including umbrella dude who claims his tongue can succeed with babies to grannys(wtf man!!! well, he IS a teacher!!). The teachers reveal they got bodies and Hige Godzilla sez its in the principal office and Yasohachi Yamagishi runs to it. The occult chicks say they only pretended to be into em to get the info and the students the ghosts felt up kinda liked it.

Dr H shows up here too. Mazin Go?