Tea/Anzu in Yugioh Season 2 wore a yellow sleeveless top and red miniskirt 2
Reiwa Harenchi Gakuen (新店開装 ハレンチ学園) is a one shot Manga by Go Nagai from 2022 (The year of that Blade Runner thing and Robotech II The Sentinels and Soylent Green) that's kind of a retelling as we see the characters meeting up.
- Yasohachi Yamagishi
- Fukurokoji
- Mitsuko Yagyu
- Hige Godzilla
- Marugoshi
- Marudan Marukasa
- Macaroni Kid
- Cannibal Teacher
- Ayu
What happens[]
Yamagishi sez this chick is sexy and Fulurokoji is surprised he nows dat word but is told they ain't brats forever(bratz 4 ever, rated R, for 5kanks!!) Fukurokoji sez she's Mitsuko Yagyu, nicknamed Jubei, who is strong and transferred to their class when Yamagishi was suspended. She's too much trouble to go after as a guy f'd with her and got KOed but Yamagishi sez she's too insolent for a woman, which makes Fukurokoji beta out like a feminist and say "YoU CaNt SaY ThAt WiTh GeNdEr EqUaLiTy" and Yamagishi sez he's a Showa Man. He can't let women hit men and goes to spank her as things will get bad if chicks get too much slack and the Reiwa Era will be f'd by violent women. Jubei gets up to him and asks if he's talking of her and he spazzes out as she introduces herself and Da Boyz imagines her nude and spazz out as she talks of getting sucked and they get b0ners. Marugoshi, Umbrella guy, Cannibal teacher and Hige Godzilla are sleeping in the same bed but not b0ning and H G wakes up and smells the bait of young females and thy rise and shine but not with their man things. Jubei meets with Ayu who sez to be careful and the teachers come for em like lusty animals faking being human and come to check uniformes being in order. Any bad dressed teens ain't allowed in and will have their undies ripped off, but Ayu sez its a bad excuse to feel up chicks(like airline security grabbing your parts to check for dangerous things but let gaijin on no issue?) and the chicks flee. Jubei sez dats harassment but Ayu sez the PTA don't believe the teens and trusts the teachers. Yamagishi leads the boys to defend the dames from lusty teachers like a reverse Violence Jack Evil Town and Ayu sez if they get in the school the teachers won't do stuff to em as they are like trained dogs that know the place of the toilet. Jubei tells Ayu to run for it and she'd gold em off as Ayu imagines her being SVU'd by lusty asians and how she's too pure for that. Jubei shows her undies and the teachers go after her in a lusty thing like Akira Fudo in Devilman Crybaby Episode 4 and she fights em off. Hige Godzilla comes behind her (not with his goo) and Yamagishi slugs him out like a 2020s teen slugging out his teacher for saying "don't go on p0rn hub in class". Fukurokoji and some nameless dink grab Marugoshi but he easily overpowers those little wieners and sez "You brats don't know what a woman is"(Interesting after Heisei Harenchi Gakuen with his surgery). Cannibal Teacher, Macaroni, Marugoshi and Hige Godzilla beat up young boys(As teachers today wanna kick those candy a55 c=ck suckers spurm filled butts) but Yagyu has enough and pulls out a Bamboo Sword. The teachers go back to lusting for her like many teachers do stuff to students even though THEY make fun of Catholic Priests for that when a small fraction of em is THAT way, and chase her as se shows her undies. Yamagishi sez thats too much fanservice and she beats the teachers out with the bamboo blade as Ayu sez she's cool and Yamagishi sez she's the real Yagyu Jubei and scary, but not like Richard Scary who dud Busytown which is misread as Bustyown. After school she walks home with Yamagishi and sez they can do this every day. She thanks him for helping against Hige Godzilla and he thins its nothing as he got beat out(The 60s Yamagishi would've kicked their a55es). She offers him a tank you kiss if he closes his eyes but when he does she puts a don's a55 yp his face and he puts his lips on it. Jk really its the dogs face and he smooched its tongue it licks its a55 with. She used a Yahyu Ninpo Substitution thing and sez Harebchi Gakuen was fun and Yamagishi discovered love. The end.
- Ayu saying the teachers are like animals in human disguises is like Violence Jack Evil Town or progressive groups that claim to help people but really go wild when they get the chance like when rodney king got pulled over for drunk driving and attacked the cops but the news only played the cops counter hits, so when the cops had a fair trial, the mislead people went mental and destroyed their town.