Go Nagai wiki
Maboroshi Panty Manga Cover

I too wore undies on my head as a kid

Maboroshi Panty (まぼろしパンティ, Maboroshi Panti, lit. "Phantom Panties") is a sexy Japanese manga created by deviants Hiroshi Koenji and Go Nagai. The manga was originally serialized in the magazine Monthly Shonen Jump by Shueisha. It is a parody of Maboroshi Tantei, just as Kekko Kamen is a parody of Gekko Kamen. And as in Kekko Kamen, the main heroine is almost nude (mostly topless), using panties as a mask. Her secret identity is the student Susumi Fuji. She decides to take the identity of Maboroshi Panty in order to help her father solve mysterious and often really stoopid crimes.


  • Susumi Fuji
  • Inspector Fuji
  • Tsutomu Yagyu
  • Toenail Of Satan
  • Taro Kagawa
  • Sanpei Jaguchi
  • Tani Suno
  • Tokuko Haradate
  • Bakado Ahota
  • Masami Kuruma
  • Reiji Takane
  • Futaba Shinatora
  • Jun Tozaki
  • Doro Matsu
  • Takeshi Kawai
  • Michiru
  • Ugly Jack


Chapter 001[]

At the Crime Academy, a school where they have Jr and Sr high school students together, is a crime ridden cesspoole where violence and other awful things happens, which sounds like modern day schools where they stopped whipping the kids and teachers get fired for calling a kid a dumba55. So Suzuki Washi puts on a skimpy outfit with undies on her head as a mask, which seems more like taking off an outfit than putting one on, and becomes: Detective Maboroshi Panty(or Phantom Panty). Later some fata55 goes to take a dump and the bathroom asplodes with an obscene amount of human waste and kills him. The cops look into this latest killing at Crime Academy(like crime alley in Batman?) and Captain Washi is Suzumi's dad and this is the 8th murder there. He goes there with the Campus Cops and there's a massive load of fecal matter that drowned the guy, which means he was breathing in that slop into his lungs and died in filth! 1 dude falls in the plop and Suzumi comes in and they think something backed up the pipes and released a load of cr-p on him as no human could poop that much(Other than Marii Fundu). Yama the Forensic Scientist goes through the poop and finds the john was set to reverse(why is that a setting?!) and hugs captain as Suzumi sez this is her 1st taste i mean case and calls it "the case of the Locked Stall Sh-t Slayer". At night she goes to the school and checks out her suspects: Kimio Yashina, a chick with constipation who she watches sh-tting out a few cocao pebbles and thinks it can't be her. Suddenly! There's another poop killing and Captain tells the people to return to their placers and the cops will handle it. Suzumi sez dad only wants to eat his Dokaben(A Bento thing and the name of a baseball manga) and remembers a guy called d00kie bin who eats like a mother f--ker and might be the killer At night a fata55 baseball player who is gonna take a dump in the woods and is nearly sh-tted on until Maboroshi whips the killer who misses the enormous load of human waste. Maboroshi says Taro Kagawa is the alternate catcher and was called d00kie bin and was taking out the baseball team guys above him as he was jealous of them(this is like a Case Closed/Detective Conan meets Beavis and Butthead) and she fires poop stopping bullets into his anus. The cops come and the ret-rded fata55 trys to sop her from leaving as she saved his life but only grabs her skimpy undies which come off and she runs home commando as fata55 has her undies to eat.

Chapter 002[]

At Crime Academy is a new Campus Police to fight crime and this sexy chick drops a book and when she bent over, something invisible flipped up her non mini skirt and took her undies in front of everyone. When she went to the Inspector and devolved guy, devolved guy thought she was lying and flipped up her non mini skirt to prove she still had undies, then lusted after her naked crotch, as did Inspector. The main chick comes in and tells off her dad for being a purvo and sez she'd investigate as shes a chick and its not creepy(unless she's queer like Sister Jill or Tom Cat). So she checkes the nude transformers zones of chicks and finds a scratch on em as her dad listens and busts in instead of j=rkin off on the floor hnnnnnnnnnnng psssssssssssst!!! After he's beat away, Susumi sez this is a job for Superman Maboroshi Panty and goes out nearly nude in small undies as bait and shakes her thicc a55. She bends over to pick up a wallet and her undies are snatched and comes back with new ones. She sees her undies floating and when she jumps for em, her new undies are swiped. After going home and putting on black bikini briefs she thinks it over and how he gets chicks to pick items up and goes back for more. She goes to some shed in the woods and calls out Sanpei Jaguchi (Snake thief) who she calls Tsurukichi Sanpei (Fishing Sanpei (a 73-83 fishing manga(Sega Bass Fishing the comic??))) and this crazy looking c=ck sucker comes out with a fishing pole and not ukranian and is gonna take her undies. She raises her right leg and he swings his rod to snatch her black undies but it don't work and she does the Kekko Kamen Crotch To Face Attack and reveals she's not wearing undies and those are painted on! Then she leaves as her dad comes and she leaves Sanpei there with no note and expected dad to handle it, wait, she called the Campus cops b4.

Chapter 003[]

At Crime Academy Suno Tani the tennis club captain is heading home through the woods and this guy catches her and crucifies her on the fence in the nude cuz its f--kin Go Nagai and he's into that. The Inspector dad of main chick and devolved guy get there and devolved guy tries to climb up to her but Inspector pulls him off cuz he wants to go 1st. Another cop climbs up but falls and bites it after Inspector compliments him and he salutes. The firetruck comes in and try climbing but f each other up and fall. Later Crime Academy loses in b ball 42 to 43 against Flower Grove(like Angel Grove?) as the captain was tied naked from her feet upside down from the ceiling. Dad tries to see her by taking the devolved guys binoculars but Susumi reminds him his dead woman whould hate it and he gets bummed as the guys fight over the binoculars. Then its Base ball vs Happy Academy, witch is cr-ppy and non hetero as its guys playing catch a mile away for 8 hours and nothing happens and Tokuko Haradate pitches a good one that goes high but Bakado Ahota a devolved cheerleader f's with her saying her uniforme is torn and Haradate gets beaned in the head by the ball. Crime Academy loses and at night the hot babe crucifier comes for Tokuko but under the blanket is Maboroshi Panty who was waiting as he was truying to keep the schools teams from winning. M P reveals its Bakado Ahota who's behind it and she takes off her robe like Ophisto Bazooka and is all devolved and ugly like Go Nagai like drawing as he either thinks its funny or has an ugly fetish(or both) and would do great on modern cr-p like the ninja turtles movie from 2023 with fat black april o'neil. So devolvorina spazzes out and charges but plows through the walls as M P clings to the ceiling like Strider or Spider Man, both on Sega Genesis, Welcome To The Next Level, and she's no match for her, so her dad comes and his swarm of cops handles the raging chimpasaur as M P sneaks away nearly nude and lookin sexay!!

Chapter 004[]

Crime Academy Teacher Masami Kuruma walks home at night on a mountain road to grade tests of devolved teens and b--ches about her cr-ppy crime filled school/how a wild boar might eat her. Then some guys in masks come out to lynch her, not outta hate, but they wanna lynch and she's it. The next day Susumi and friends find her nude on a wood triangle horse thing w/weights on her legs. Susumi sez they need Maboroshi Panty and da cops come and examine the scene that makes it go deeper in her Transformers Zone. Susumi's dad grills Kuruma but she don't know who did it and dad rocks da wood to make her confess and 1 guy's gonna use da whip but Susumi sez she's a victim like beta's on AnimeNewsNetwork say when a sl=t gets f'd and people point it out. At da Crime Academy vs Raepe school boxing tournament Doro Matsu uses his special move and jumps straight up in a boxing match and gets slugged outta da ring. Susumi seez their team's f'd by da enemy punch and recalls Masami's beaters saying gibberish which might be boxing moves. After losing, captain Reiji Takane whines of his moves not working and his droogs Futaba Shinatora did rolling thunder punch, Jun Tozaki did Battlestar Galactika Magnum, Doro Matsu is embarrased and Takeshi Kawai asks why it didn't work. Reiji sez Golden Japan Jr wins with the moves in Shonen Jump so they need another lynching to train and its gotta be a cute chick like Susumi. At night Susumi walks thinking they'd getta victim tonight and they show up to lynch her cuz she's hot/its more fun/to practice. She asks who they are but they come for her and not in their jeans so she loses em in the woods. Then Maboroshi Panty comes out and calls em being the Boxing team and 1 thinks she's a p0rn0 mag. They are gonna whip/enema/wood horse her and she runs but as they near she throws her undies to have em fight over it. Dad/cops come on her tip and sees them beat out by each other and dads thankrul for Maboroshi Panty's undies.

Chapter 005[]

At his villa home in the mountains a 5 min walk from crime academy, Inspector Fuji vacuums as Maboroshi Panty solves all the cases so they can get lazy/fat like chicks on onlyfans. He looks through his daughters undies and finds 1 w/eye holes and tries it on, as normal dads do that to their teen daughters. He realizes she's the sexy Maboroshi Panty and at night, hides in her closet to confirm. She thinks of who the killer is and gets undressed as dad watches, moved that she fights crime to help him and notices how hot she is(Cuz love is love and it don't matter who you find sexy, right?) and she leaves as Maboroshi Panty. The next day teens talk on how Maboroshi Panty caught another crook and these midgets who got turned down from Crime Academy b=ch about em and how they'd be hobos (not mo) and Crime Academy has the highest % of Tokyo university goers. 1 stops Suzumi and the other catches her with a drugged cloth on her face like its mexico and sent a threatening letter to the school. The cops hear a chick was kidnapped and Dad thinks Maboroshi Panty will help em but hears its his daughter who was caught and tries to get the men to try for once but can't say why Maboroshi Panty can't help. The kidnappers sent a letter of enrolment and wants to get acceptance letters by 5 pm(But if they know who you are, they'd arrest you for kidnapping! Buttf==king duba66es! THIS is why you got rejected! What a p=tz!). The school don't accept em as they got the 2 lowest scores and would f the school rep, plus they got Maboroshi Panty. So times up and there's no letter (Did you tell em where to send it? If so, The cops can go there and bust ur midget a55!) and hairless midget wants to punish her but other one wants to save her in a romantic scene, only to be beat by the midget. They don't know what to do to her and get her nude but Maboroshi Panty's theme plays and her dad in her outfit comes in and saves her as midgets are disgusted by him.

Chapter 006[]

At work Inspector Fuji reads p0rn0 and likes it but he principal sez its bad cuz a girl in their school was in it. Fuji wants to be introduced but Principal chmps out and at home talks with Suzumi of how this p0rn0 is nude to the point of lawbreaking. The chix in the pix sed they never posed nude for it and were honest. At school a creepy guy walks by Michiru/Suzumi and Michiru sez its monthly physical time that Suzumi missed. He's an unlicensed school dr as licenses cost 2 much but he's a genius at physicals and can find issues looking at naked chix. His name is Ugly Jack(Like Black Jack but higher evolved) and no one knows his past but he has scars said to be from self surgery as he s=cked at it. For da exam they gotta go full nude and Suzumi don't wanna. Michiru gets looked at in undies and Jack sez she needs more tests so come back after school. Same with Suzumi and Suzumi thinks its not Kosher as both feel healthy(But no symptoms is a sign ur sick and need to be devolved by shots. Trust em, THEY are dr's) and Michuru's last physical sed she's fine. Suzumi asks if Takashima has a 2nd look and Michiru sez yes and Takashima was in da p0rn0. She tells dad the 2nd exam chix were in p0rn0 and she's going to get proof and don't mind being in p0rn0 if done tastefully so dad gets mad. At school Jack hypnotized Michiru to pose and not remember but after she goes he wants Suzumi. Then Maboroshi Panty saw it and kicks him but he likes her hot bod and takes pix as she poses. When he sez to take off her undies she freaks out and kicks his head but a month later Maboroshi Panty's pix were in the Binibon(Plastic wrapped p0rn0) and she's glad she caught him but why not take his film? f==kin bimbo!

Chapter 007[]

Chapter 008[]

Chapter 009[]

Chapter 0010[]

Chapter 0011[]

Chapter 0012[]

Chapter 0013[]

Chapter 0014[]

Chapter 0015[]

Chapter 0016[]

Chapter 0017[]

Live Action Movie[]

According to pseudo hetero IMDB: Panty Mask is a super-heroine in skimpy Indian outfit who wears leather undies on her head - as disguise. Panty Mask fights a group of evil whip wielding Catholic nuns in an all-girl version of Tombstone.

Sound like a regular day in the offbeat mind of Go Nagai

Manga by Go Nagai
1960s Harenchi GakuenKikkai-kunAbashiri Family
1970s Gakuen Taikutsu OtokoMaroDemon Lord DanteSusumu's Big ShockZuba-BanOmorai-kunDevilmanViolence JackDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyMazinger ZGetter RoboOira SukebanKekko KamenGreat MazingerIyahaya NantomoShutendojiKotetsu JeegShinrei Tantei Occult Dan‏‎ UFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Henchin PokoiderKing BomberAzteckaiserGarlaGroizer-XBattle Hawk‏‎Violence Car Hono no TakaKikkai vs OmoraiBlack LionHenkin TamaiderShin DevilmanHanappe BazookaSusano OhMachine Saurer
1980s Goodbye Boy‏‎ • Haru IchibanX BomberAru Nichi Shojo wa...Maboroshi PantyMild 7Cinderella KnightIron MuscleIron Virgin JunChoushoujo UFOChonoryoku Senshi Jenes‏‎BarabanbaGod MazingerHarenchi MamaFull Metal LadyMazinger USAJushin Liger
1990s Kama SutraGetter Robo GoMazinSagaThe Ninja DragonCutey Honey 90s‏‎Heisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiLovely AngelDevil LadyZ Mazinger
2000s Dororon Enpi-chanSalacia ~Waga Hakugin no MermaidGetter Robo ArcSharakuCutie Honey: Tennyo Densetsu‏‎MazinkaiserViolence Jack Sengoku MajindenDate MasamuneDevilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLRHarenchi Golfer JubeiHoujou SouunShin Violence JackKinshiro Burai SakuraMaeda ToshiieDemon Prince EnmaRobo-Humans Of The BattlefieldSirene Tanjo-henSuikoAkuma KishiCutie Honey vs Abashiri Family
2010s Devilman vs Getter RoboGekiman!Demon Lord Dante vs Getter Robo GSirene-chanCutie Honey vs Devilman LadyDevilman SagaGrendizer Giga
2020s Violence Jack 20XXMazinger Z 2022Yagyu RashinkenReiwa Harenchi Gakuen
Live Action Go Nagai
TV Shows Cutie Honey: The LiveAzteckaiserX BomberBattle HawkHarenchi Gakuen
Movies Harenchi Gakuen Abashiri Family (Movie)Cutie Honey(Live Action Film)Devilman (Live Action Film)‏‎Kekko KamenOira Sukeban: Kessen! PansutoOira Sukeban (2006 Film)Jushin Thunder Liger: Fist of ThunderHeisei Harenchi GakuenKabuto-O BeetleKyuketsu Onsen e YokosoMaboroshi PantyThe Ninja DragonLovely Angel 2 Taiketsu! Homon Soap Jo vs Shuccho SM Jo!!Maboroshi Panty VS Henchin PokoiderThey Call Me JeegLion Girl