Go Nagai wiki
Lovley Angel Manga Cover

At least she's not a daemon(no offense Enpi Chan! We still love you!!)

Yo dawg diss b a sexy comedy from p0rn0meister Go Nagai. Its about an Angel named Lovely Kisaragi who is sent on missions to help people who need it. So its like Highway To Heaven with Michael Landon?? Some people she helps according to Wikipedia include: youngs who can't deal with real people, men who have a real lolita complex, people that have lost their will to live, criminals that may be saved, sportsmen who have lost their touch, monks that have perverted their teachings, women who have been mistreated, etc. But those who have acted with a true evil intent may receive the visit of Black Angel, the dark counterpart of Angel who delivers divine punishment just as Angel brings true happiness. So its like a P0RN0 Highway To Heaven with more babes and sexiness. It got 2 live action movies as Go Nagai like live action chicks playing his sexy anime chicks and the manga was form the years 199x to 199x (96 and 97 but x sounds cooler(more like 199xxx cuz its a p0rn0!!)).


Chapter 1[]

So this sexy chick is walking around and has a glow like when I met Tommy Wiseau and sensed his Ki. This dude is trying to j-rk of and Lovely Kisarasi shows up and opens her coat and is only wearing a thong! Her breifcase opens up and puts an inflatable pool and water in it and she sez shes a door to door Soap Land. The prices are pretty high but he relents cuz shes so f--kin hot! He takes off his clothes and his briefs get stuck on his b0nar sop she j-rks him off. In the tub she mouths his thing and he has a thing of being flushed down her crotch. Later she donates the cash she got to a thing for kids who's rents bit it in car accidents(cuz of japanese drivers) and geezers and a million dollers for africa. Then she's walking by some geezers and makes the plum blossoms bloom so he can see it before the male geezer bites it. people started calling her Lovely Angel as they didn't know her real name(Like f--kin Violence Jack (Character)?!) Oh and the guy who j-rked off got his disease cured.

Chapter 2[]

So this guy Yamada(Like Hanappe Yamada?!) is out at night and might go into a Soap LaND and meets soem guys from work who tease his a55. He runs off and his co workers say he can't talk to chicks cuz hes got social anxiety. Later he's j-rkin off to p0rn-0h mags and Lovely comes over with her thong. She gets her inflatable thing out and shows him the high prices and he accepts cuz shes so sexy. But he j-zzed looking at her thicc a55 and she sucks the goo off his b0nar. So they b0ne in the pool and she gives money to the kids and geezers and africa and Yamada gets over his sh-t.

Chapter 3[]

So these thieves jacked this place and book it and at the base find the pareliment guy they jacked had an a55load of casah. He was taking bribes so he can't go to the cops as he can't say "My obscene amount of money I shouldn't have is gone". Then Lovely comes in and takes off her coat to show her thicc bod and they get really huge b0nerz. She gets out her pool and they wonder how she got in as da door was locked. She offers em a good time for 200 million and they think she's onto em about the heist but she points out the menu is printed and as they just found out thats how much they jacked from that guy, they agree to pay and start b0ning her hard (both at the same time). Afterward they are happy and decide to get real jobs.

Chapter 4[]

So here this geezer is feeling the t-ts of this chick helping him get changed and she don't consent. She complains to her husband and he sez he had to take grandpa in as his rents had enuff of his lust. Grandpa's a cripplelino now and was lusty as a youth and she can't handle him grabbing her thicc bod. Oh and her name is Yoshie. So Lovely comes over and shows her bod and Yoshie donm't like her husband being shown a sexy bod like that. She offers to do stuff for gramps and they agree as Gramps always wanted to bite it between a chix legs. She goes up and gets out the pool and he comes to life. She puts him in the pool and grampa gets a b0nar w/o viagiaira and graNDSON AND wife watch. so gramps can talk now and she mouths his huge weener and b0nes him. Seeing this gross geezer b0ning gets his grandson hot and he b0nes his wife. Later she goes and gramps is doing better and can walk and talk. He gives his grandson Mitsuo a stock thing worth 100 million and goes off to b0ne some chix.

Chapter 5[]

So Fujisawa is ordered by his boss to do stuff for their bank client (Like with Tommy Wiseau in The Room?!?!) Miss Mijo. Oh its a wedding thing and he is kinda worried about it. He looks in a book on Faeries of Europe and likes young looking chicks(Los Pedos!!). so he starts j-rkin off and Lovely comes in and he gets p-ssed she weas intruding on his privacy. She sucks his weener and he dont like it and she gets nude and he don't like it. she offers to do stuff for him for a load of cash and she offers to make his dreams come true by turning into a loli. He b0nes her and she turns back to adult forme and he don't like it so she turns ack and they b0ne. She turns back and he finds b0ning adults is better than b0ning kids and gets confidence for his marriage interview. Later he meets Yuko, this adult chick and gets along with her and thanks "The Faerie" for curing his being a pedo.

Chapter 6[]

So it starts with Lovely b0nign a dude and goes after helping this guy. She goes and this creepy guy follows her to the hotel and confronts her. He sez hes in da Yakuza and runs the secks trade and don't like her doing stuff without his union I mean mob stuff. She shows him her inflatable tub and he slaps her and sees shes nude under her trenchcoat. He finds she's not got a bf and wants her to be his woman and he won't tell the union I mean mafia and is gonna b0ne her. But she body swaps with him and she slaps him in her bod and b0nes him with his own d0ng. After being b0ned and seeing how it feels, he decides to stop misusing women and feels sorry for years of raepe.

Chapter 7[]

So Hiyama Mitsuo is kicking a55 at golf and comes in 2nd. But he usually f--ks it up on the last day and we see his past in as video montage (which would be pretty fun if done as an 80s oav like Delinquent in Drag). Mitsuo is p-ssed people mock him and decides to shoot the place up and b0ne their corpses, JK! really he wants to do well but is bummed. The a big a55 case is delivered to him and in it is Lovely Kisaragi who's totally bare a55 nude. she has him get a gold ball in her groin from a putt and she offers him stuff. He don't got that kinda dough but if he wins he'd have it. Her gives in after checking her thicc nude bod and starts mouthing her crotch (which causes throat, mouth and tongue cancer) but she mouths his man thing. He don't want it from the mouth and she then does crotch on crotch stuff with him and takes him to the pool. They b0ne there and do double mouth to crotch on each other and the next day he does well at golfe and wins the thing after realising he dont care abbout the title (like vegeta did to go ss1 in dbz).

Chapter 8[]

So this guy Papa Deus Machina comes to Japan to get Japan to buy his cr-p and get all their riches. Oh he's a south american drug lord! He's called the shadow prez of Eldoland and the gov can't get any evidence on him. So later he's meeting with japans crime bosses and in a hall an assassin trys to shank him like that guy did Rasputin once. Deus grabs his sword hands and his goons beat the guy dead. So he orders his goons to not let anyone in his room and when he goes to bed he meets Lovely Angel who offers him soap land sh-t. He don't consent as he's too decroded and she sez its like a dream of Heaven. Deus sez he's the god of drugs and warns her he sent people to Real Heaven(So were they innocent? as bad guys don't go there) but she starts sucking his mexic-ck and he sees his mama. After that he sez his mom was wacked by gangsters when he was 8 but was super kind. She sez his moms in Heaven and she connects there when b0ning9(Is this like the 7 2 virgins??) and she can let him see Heaven if he pays to b0ne her. He agrees and in the bath he likes the smell of her crotch. He b0nes her to see his mama and in Heaven he sees her and turns back into a kid. Mama sez he can comer to Heaven but not as a crook. If he spends the rest of his life helping people and stoops doing evil he can go to Heaven and he consents. The next day we wakes up and later builds the worlds nicest orphanage in his country of Eldoland and says an Angel inspired him to do so.

Chapter 9[]

So this fat chick Lady Kaneko goes to a shrine and meets master Shoetsu. He has a buddhist ritual and wants to b0ne her but she's got a husband and don't think its right. He sez its not regular b0ning and is doing it to purify her with buddga so she consents. Later he's bragging with his droogs he jewed her of cash and b0ned her (This is how SVU happens) and he uses a lust chemical in the incense. He also likes b0ning experienced chicks but wants younger chix too and wants to have all of those monks to b0ne chicks at once. Later Lovely comes by and the lower rank guys tell Shoetsu who's j-rkin off to American P0rn0. He has his goons put on the lust incense and has her brought in. He's stunned by how sexy she is and she starts getting nude and squishing her heavy b00bs in his face, then gets out the soap pool and offers him a good time for a high price. She sez she can get him to real Heaven and he can't resist her thicc nude bod. After getting his thing sucked, they b00ne and she becomes Kannon. After she goes the other lusty monks like in PeACOCK kING/ Kujaku-Oh/ Spirit Warrior/ Spell Caster and Mystic Defender wanna b00ne her but Shoetsu sez that was Lady KaNNON and showed him the error of his ways. Now he's gonna give back the cash and get real enlightenment.

Chapter 10[]

So at a gaming place Masamichi Murata AKA Muramasa the coach, is kicking a55 in MAJONG and cleans oiut the guys playing him. Later he's with some chick and Oyama comes by and had a mission for him. Oyama's gang has had issues with The Black Dragons (Wasn't that a squad in Robotech?) and as the cops are on alert, they gotta settle their sh-t with a game like its f--kkin Yugioh! They need Muramasa to beat Tatsuji Nodai, AKA, Noh The Masked Dragon (Masked Dragon in Attack Mode). Muramasa wants revenge against Noh for f-kkin him over and with the partner Chiyoda, this should be easy. If he wins he gets 100 million Yen, but if he loses, he gets wacked! (Good F--k! This IS Yugioh!). He sends his woman Naoko off as he d0n't b0ne bef0re a game. Later Lovely is walking through town like Violence Jack in Future City and a chick thinks she's a model cuz shes hot, but when the wind blows her coat and her undies only a55 is shown, the chick thinks she's too thicc to be a model and might be an undies model. Muramasa is too focused on what to do as if he loses he's iced and if he runs Oyama will have him slagged and Lovely gets his attention with her thicc sexy booty in his face. She gets out the pool and sez she can give him good luck for 1000 million yen. He can't resist dat a55 and b00nes her in da pool. Afterward he feels great but don't think he can win cuz he b0ned b4 a game. At the game he's not feeling f'd by Noh's soul free face and don't worry about winning and he wins. Later he pays Lovely and she sez not to play with his life and he tells Oyama he's going straight.

Chapter 11[]

so this guy Muranishi is a secks work reviewer for a paper or w/e and all the chicks love him. Wait, i think he just writes sexy storys for a j-rk off mag. His bosses say he's a good writer and is wasting it on this p0rn0 thing. Later he meets his contact who sez the Narishiro Estate mansion has a SM Club. Also there's word of a soap chick who goes door to door selling secks and is ultra great and charges different for different customers. He thinks its a load of a55 sh-t but wants to write about it anyway(Spoiler! The most unreal things ARE real! Look at Manswers, Mythbusters and 1000 ways to die! Half the sh-t on there is demented but true!!). He walks by her and follows her and finds she gives a load of money to the welfare office. At there he fakes dropping a pencil and puts a spider tracker on her case and later meets as chick named Asano and says he's a reoprter looking into welfare. They go to a hotel and he b0nes her and gets info from her about the soap chick. After b0ning her as I guess Japanese chicks are sl-ts who b0ne on the 1st date, he wants to get some of her cash and follows the device to his home where she's in it and gets nude. She offers a b0ning for 5 million yen and he don';t wamnna as he's got limp d0ng. She pats his parts like Goku in Dragonball and it revives and they b0ne better than he ever b0ned b4. after a long b0ning, he asks why she does this and she sez she likes helping people and making men happy and helping others with the money she makes helping men. Also she is happy b0ning guys. He realizes she's an Angel and he's an a55 and decides to quit secks writing and work for exposing bad guys (Which will probably get him wacked like with diana and all the guys the clinn tins slagged!) Then Lovely tyhrows the tracking device in the sea for some reason.

Chapter 12[]

so Kuno Haruo is a Japanese geek who is approached by a company who wants to spread his thing but he don't want it dumbed down for lesser machines and turns him down. Is this guy bill gates? Is he gonna do his dna destroying flu shot to devolve us? Meanwhile Lovely is at a guy and dancercising and in the sauna chats with chicks who notice shes pretty. She ses she often drives around and helps people. Then she goes to Kuno's and he turns down a change to use his IP in Toy Machines or Crane Games as he thinks its gay. He sends away thge rest of the guys who say he got rich by selling a game he made himself online and without manufacturing costs or marketing he got all the cash and sold over 20 million units at 1000 Yen each(Spoiler: Nowadays that proved its not very likely to do that). So Lovely goes in the gate with it opening by itself and Kuno is malcontent over how everyone thinks he wants more cash. Then he turns on his PC and talks to his digital GF Monita who looks like Princess Peach meets Mink from Dragon Half. Then Lovely comes in and shows her bod and he thinks she's trying to get his software with her bod. She gets out her pool and shows her rates and he dont want her as he;s a beta malE Who real women dont interest him. (spoiler: In Japan dinks marry their Dating Sim characters). He sez humans r gross and his computer woman is perfect and she starts j-rkin him off and they b0ne. He realises real life if better than computer chix (huh, I thought she'd turn into his digigirl) and goes off to see the good sh-t in ter real world.

Chapter 13[]

So these 2 Hobos Muranaka and Yama drink and talk and Mura's woman ditched him for an empl;oyee and took his cash(gold digging b--ch!). He was too focused on work and DIDN'T PAY HER ENUFF TIME. At his home in da park he sez he can't get over her and can't recover while obsessed with her. Then Lovely Angel comes in and gives him a bath and b0ne for 10 thousand yen. Later he meets Yama but is cleaned up and is over his wife and won 100 thousand yen in a lottery and has an apartment and offers Yama a job as a janitor.

Chapter 14[]

So Yosuke Ootahara has a photo of this naked chick and its in the Izumi Shima collection Flowers of Lust and has full crotch nudity! Its said to have been banned until recent and these 2 90s teens check out the p0rn0 i mean art book of it. Its said Ootahara was b0ning this chick and word has it there's young idols in it. Later, this Idol Mai Ichinose is gonna have Ootahara do her pix to advance her career beyond Idol and he thinks its cuz her career is in the cr-pper and she needs buzz (Like Paige in Degrassi next gen wanting to be famous with crotch shots??). At the shoot he smacks her around and b0nes her to bring out her swenusal sh-t. Also her manager knows of it and sent her in there like that Law and Order where the parents got paid by a celeb fort b0ning their son b4 he was sent up. At Mai's place she meets Lovely who sez shes an Angel and at Ootahara's place Black Angel‏‎ shows up and is in a freaky SM Hand cuffs outfit. Lovely does her sexy soap services for Mai to moon healing her and Black Angel‏‎ seduces him with the h-ll torture thing. Mai wonders if she's turning queer from enjoying being f'd by Lovely but Lovely sez thats not it and a guy comes in and b0nes her right and it heals her being f'd by the photographer like Darcy thinking if she b0nes Peter then it can make up for being f'd by that guy on the ski trip. Meanwhile, Black Angel‏‎ has Yosuke chained up in handcuffs with his butt open and jamming a vibrating thing in his a55 while photographing it saying his photo's will sell fore a million (So are gaylords gonna buy this and j-rk off to it??). Afterwards, Lovely Angel and Black Angel‏‎ meet and Lovely sez she's the Angel of h-ll.

Chapter 15[]

So it starts with a big muscley sumo Den'Oh b0ning a chick and she likes it and pays him for it. Later he meets Yoku, a 90s chick who is p-ssed he's b0ning other chix and he sez the chick he b0ned was just work. She sez she's b0ning other guys and he resolves their dispute by b0ning her really thicc a55 in the park. Later Den'Oh is in a Sumo thing and gets his meaty a55 kicked and others say he s-cked. Its revealed he was the 1sdt high schooler to take Japan in the amateur division and got paid 1-0s of millions up front, but he's got a good face and all these chicks wanted to b0ne him and he did. Cuz of too much b0ning he f'd his hip and f'd matches. Later he goes home and meets Lovely who offers her b0ning for cash. He says that chicks pay Him for b0ning and b0-nes up to 5 chix at once(holy f--k! This guy's gonna get AIDS!!) sO HE SEZ sUMO IS HIS REAL JOB BUT CHICKS KEEP COMMING TO HIM and it pays well. But he knows it can't keep on but he's just a lusty dude like Master Roshi and that frenchie from One Piece. She sez to give paying for secks a try and he figures he might as well but is shocked by the high rates. She sez its good to start fresh after he sez the price is his whole savings, 50 million yen. He accepts as shes sexy and in a Sumo Thong annd he b0nes her like he's having a sumo match. Then she takes him in the big a55 tub and j-rks him off with her big b00bs. After a thorough b0ning, he's feeling better and pays her and she sez he's got what it takes to be Yokozuna. Then he gets his career back and kicks fat a55 in Sumo and overcomes (tee hee) his secks addiction

Chapter 16[]

So this super star Nora Jean is comming to Japan and gives a sexy concert dressed like some SM Freak(Just like that 5kank Arianna Grande). She don't care for Japan and is kinda b--chy over little things. Then this chick fan Mayumi comers in and she sends her men out and brings Mayumi to her bedroom (Oh f--k! This is going SVU!) Nora Jean starts mo lesting her and reveals her f'd secret, She's a Man!!! With a big ding d0ng!! Just like Blue!! He started out androgynous but his producers felt a woman would sell better and gave him implants and hormone shots (good f--k! Go Nagai predicted the 20010s!!). So Nora's goons pay her hush money and say she might be wacked for speaKING out (Holy weinsten batmaN! there's nothing holy about this olde chume!) Then Lovely comes in and offers a b0ning for 100 million yen. He aaccepts as she's hot and whips out the ding d0ng! So they b0ne and she sucks in the d0ng while b0ning and then Lovely's Assistant comes i=n and starts b0ning Nora's a55(This s the closest to gay xxx Go Nagai has come so far(Devilman Crybaby don't count as he didn't write it but its written by that gaylord based on the Shonen Manga Go Did)) Then Nora decides to give up his man thing and get it chopped into a fake girl crotch (Yeah, that usually don't work out)

Chapter 17[]

Its Nora Jeans chapter again according to guides. Not part 2, just a reprint

Chapter 18[]

So this American Senator Daniel Spencer comes over to shake sh-t up and wants Japan to have a military and change the constitution (which soviet canada otta do). He wants Japan to look out for its own defense instead of leeching off America and is a stick in the mud. He could be Prez but has popularity issues. His mom was a Strong Catholic and raised him strict (Good!! You gotta beat ur kids or they wind up like Jay Z!). Later he hassles a worker for a typo and wants to try to be perfect and he don't like how unfair Japan is. Later he's going to bed and sees Lovely Kisaragi in a Geisha outfit. He don't like women besides his mom and don't like Japanese Protoculture. She turns into a blonde bimbo babe in a thing and he still don't want her even with blue eyes as he thinks she's faking being White. After she puts huis hands on her he likes it but knows lust is a sin. She sez his mom said that to keep him on the good path and bit it when he was 13 but now otta know the joy of secks. She offers him a b0ning for cash and has blonde crotch hair and after a bit of d0ng sucking, he consents and is taken to a replica of his childhood bath with bigger toys cuz he's bigger. She sez she'll substitute for his mom and help him get over her and they b0ne. Later he compromises with Japan and loosens his harda55ery when his secretary drops papers and he helps her.

Chapter 19[]

So Yuu Itsuki is an idol doing a press conference about her singing debut and her composer is Sho Hokuto who sez thee thing they do will be a million seller. But its revealed he makes Million Sellers for others but only girls, and he b0nes em on his boat. So Yuu goes on da boat and Sho tries to b0ne her but she sez she don't wanna, and she don't need his song or him annd will work with someone else and jumps oof the boat and swims back to shore. He gets disgruntled and has some booze and a storm comes outta nowhere and f--ks out his boat. So he's out at sea with no computer system and radio and thinks this is the end of him. He wanted to b0ne one last chick b4 he bites it and Lovely Kisaragi shows up and offers to b0ne him for 100 million yen. she takes off her coat and is in a bikini instead of just a thong like Mai Shiranui and they b0ne on the deck in the hot sun. So he thinks its a dream and later some sailors find him with a b0ner. 1 has his hand on Sho's d0ng and offers to j-rk him off cuz i guess James Franco was right and sailors like b0ning guys. He returns and finds there was a bill for 100 million Yen and he pays it as she saved his life

Chapter 20[]

So it starts with some guy coming to Princess Margaret and she's got a blade in her chest and she slags him or something, then the cops come to a department store and say theres an antique Gear Golem Ben from Europe of a princess who was iced b4 her weeding night and now she waits in that bed for her groom. Now, when a young man goes there, it sucks out his soul or w/e vaccines do to kids. 1 guard finds the bed and in it is, Lovely Kisaragi who offers a b0ning for pay. He accepts and as they b0ne, the ghost of the Princess comes and Kisaragi sez she's here for her. She connects to Heaven when she b0nes and this helps the Ghost get to Heaven. Later the guard tells the other guard of it and other guard is p-ssed at trespassing and at night goes to deal with her. He wants to black male her into a free b0ning for trespassing and when he finds the bed, its Black Angel in it who b00nes him 4x in a row! When hew can't go 5, she gets the whip and the next day he's found naked and whipped and dried out.

Chapter 21[]

Its a reprint of the last one with da ghost

Chapter 22[]

So at a private Cram School these teens go over for summer training and Ootake is there to help but is nervous about the busty chix. The chix are there w/o guys sso they don't b0ne or get pregnant and tease Ootake. Ootake hands out keys to rooms and Ayumi Hisanaga bends over to pick up her keys and her b00bs are easy to see as shes in a small ttop and the chicks mock him for looking at em. Later a coworker sez the girls ain't kids anymore but aint adults yet and if he b0nes em it would f him up. Later Ootake is patrolling the halls and sees Hasanaga changing but she don't know he's there. The chicks later come and mock him for being into them and he calls em kids. later he's thinking about Hasanaga's t-ts and hears guys saying theres a way to the girls bath through the guys bath to peek and when he trys it, Lovely Kisaragi shows up and offers him a b0ning in the garden under a mosquito net for a load of cash. He ain't sure but hearing its either b0ning Kisaragi or one of the teens, he goes for Kisaragi and they b0nne for a while. The next day he's teaching and notices Hasanaga is just a kid and he's happy he didn't try to b0ne her.

Chapter 23[]

So these chicks are talking about how 1 got a job in a trading company but has bad grades in criminal law under professor Morozumi as he mumbles in his lectures and she cant stand him. The blonde chick sez he fails people but she can asks for a "Special Lecture". The failing chick, Yukari Nishimori, goes to him and asks for tjhe special lecture and he takes her to the torture room like f--kin Kekko Kamen!! Good f--k Go Nagai! Did the teachers mo lest you as a kid or something?! So he tortures her on em and she goes of with the credits and is all f'd up. When he goes back for his wallet he meets Lovely Kisaragi who calls the torture chamber "toys" and sez he was "playing" with a student like with Yubel in the 4kids dub of GX. So she notices he's got a raging b0ner and offers to b0ne him and takes off her coat to show shes in a bikini. He can't j-zz from normal ways and uses torture as a way of dealing with it and she offers him a million yen b0ning. Her agrees and they b0ne fast and when he wants to whip her, Black Angel comes in and whips him, breaks him hemorrhoid's and gives him a taste of his own chowder. a 1month later he brings a girl in for his own special treatment and has her torture him as he's into masochism!

Chapter 24[]

So it starts with Akabayashi pitching in a baseball game and winning the game. He is fresh outta university and is kicking a55 with the titans(Wasn't that Yamcha's team in DBZ?) and aat night goes out drinking with chicks as he's not pitching tomorrow, even though his homies say not to. At the bar he meets a new girl working there named Hina and she gets drunk and they b0ne. But then some ugly guys bust in with a video camera and reveal the chick is 16 and still in high school (Like Miko Mido) and black male him to throw the game for base ball gaMBLING(This is what happens when u don't stay a virgin!). So he throws a gAME and gets the tape (Yeah like they didn't make copies) and later its the finals and he's delivered a photo of him getting the tAPE(Imagine if he kept it and j-rked off to seeing himself b0ning that chick?) and he's called by the ugly guys saying it looks like he was working for the Yakuza to throw games. Also they reveal they made copies of the tape (i ff--king colled it!!). So then Lovelley comes in and offers to cure his issues with a 10 million yen b0ning. He don't consent but she shows him her nips and crotch hair and he can't take it and they b0ne. So the next day he throws cr-ppy pitches and the batter keeps missing. The Yakuza is gonna chop him up but a survivor from another gang they wacked comes in and blows em out in a dynAMITE thing(j fk ack bar!) and Akabayashi is free.

Chapter 25[]

So this trucker is driving at night and stops at a statiion and chats with Acchan, as chick hes friends with. He jokes with her about having a 2nd beer and later is driving and talks about how if he was s\ingle he'd be with her. So later he's getting sleepy cuz of the food or beer ort w/e and Lovely shows up in his truck and they stop to b0ne. She ERECTS a spiritual BARRIER so no one sees em and he pays her the hundred thousand he was gonna blow in Tokyo and they b0ne. Later he's driving and the 2 hours he b0ned her for didn't go by and he's feeling awake(Spoiler; b09ning makes u tired! If u wanna stay awake, just get a b0ner and the increased bloodflow will keep u up. just think about fat chicks or something!)

Chapter 26[]

So this super smooth a55 cool guy Kazuya is in a host club and b0nes a different woman every night at a hotel. A crazy chick tries to samurai slash him with a Washizaki but he easily counters her and tells her of and she stops. He tells thew hotel guys not to call the cops and goos upstrains. up there he tells his current chick the crazy chick owned an art gallery in Ginza but went under as the bubble burst. Current chick wonders if she could wind up like that and they b0ne. Later Kazuya is at a tea place and calmly telling his story oif nearly getting iced again as often Yakuza dudes want his a55 for b0ning their chix. Kazuya don't think much of chicks and has a coldness to him that chicks love. He also wants an island in the south seas without women (then who would cook and clean??). Then this nice girl comes in and is nice to him and was his jr at the high school host club he was in and they just happened to work near each other. She's still nice to him even though she knows his work. So later Kazuya is at home and Lovely comes in and offers him an expensive b0ning. He is cocky and thinks she can't handle him and both are in the secks for money biz while she sez he never knew true plezure. They agree that if he j-zzes b4 her then he's outta the biz but ifd not, she pays double his fee. After 6 pages of b0ning her, she reveals that b0ning isnt a battle (tell that to Miko Mido) but 2 people lifting each other up, and she activbates her engine gear and gives him the best b0ning he ever had. Afterward she sez she did this for happiness as its her job to make people happy. Later Kazuya buys flowers from the nice girl Mika Amoto, and gives em to her and sez he's quitting the host club and wants to know what love is anbd wants her to show him.

Chapter 27[]

So here a Japanese Astronaut Shoroyama goes into space on the Shuttle Triumph(the insult dog?), and is told of the Space Angel(Oh f--k! I heard of that on Ancient Aliens!! That show is f--ked!!). Its revealed that sometimes they see a sexy naked chick floating in space. She wants Astronauts to follow her and the astronauts talk on if its like Sirens of ancient times, or how sailors b0ned Dugongs or Manatees, of its just another Astronaut corpse. The blonde chick on the mission Katy sez men are desparate and lusty and 1 evil looking dude wants to meet the Space Angel. So they do the space walk and work on a space station(isn't this the 90s? don't they have MIR??) and a meteor(black dragon in attack mode) takes out Shiroyama's Rope of Life and he drifts off. He figgers its over and finds an abandoned Soviet station with some life in its systems and Lovely shows up, reveals there's air, takes off his helmet and offers a 0 G b0ning for 100 million yen. He accepts and they b0ne and the Soviet Space Station looks like a d0ng and she goes out in space and he follows and puts on his suit in record time and she vanishes in a light. The Shuttle appears and they save his a55 and say they say the light and he sez its The Space Angel(Like Evangelion? That show was GAYY!!)

Chapter 28[]

So it starts with Tetsuo j-rkin off to p0rn0 of Risa Misaki and goes to get some munchies from the convienence story(Hope he don't dip it in his goo). While there he sees Risa and recognizes her and her mole on her neck. He follows her home and sees where she lives (near him) and goes back to eat and watch her p0rn0. The p0rn0 vid makes him wanna b0ne her and he uses bad logic like "she b0ned lotsa guys so she'll consent to me" that was used in Degrassi and Law and Order. (Note: atching p0rn0 actually DOES screw people up and make them think bad). So he goes over faking a delivery and jumps on her trying to b0ne her and expecting her to know him from him j-rkin off to her vids (Like in King of the Hill where Dale says "You may remember me, I saw you on the TV) and her manager comes in. Tetsuo books it but she outs him on being chester the mo lester and her manager calls for help. (Back in the old days, someone was mo lestin people, we'd getta posse together and string em up!) So people chase him and he takes some geezer hostage and wants money and a CAR AND rISA. So tthe cops don't let the news give a live broadcast as the perp might be watching tv and Lovely goes over and flashes everyone her smokin bod and goes in. Tetsuop notices the news don't have his story and Lovely comes in as he wants to swap the geezer as a hostage for Risa Hawkeye i mean Misaki. He threatens to slag the geezer but Lovely thinks hes joking and flashes her bod (and she's going commando like Yukiko) and swaps the geezer for herself as the hostage. She offers him a b0ning for 1 million yen and gets nude so he starts b0ning her and sez he aint got enough dough to pay. She sez he can pay him back after getting outta jail and making something of himself. After a rigorous b0ning, he sees the error of his ways and how p0rn0 f'd his brains and surrenders to da cops. Also Lovely vanished and isn't in the news footage.

Chapter 29[]

So it starts with some pretty chick who's suspected of being the chick of a Yakuza boss moving in. After getting home her man Shiroyama comes home after a few days and reveals her dad sold her to him to cover debts and he's gonna b0ne her into his kinda woman. This normal guy Yohei is there and feels for her and the Yakuza guy makes him watch as he b0nes a tied up Akiko (the chick) as he finds it hot and leaves her tied up to be b0ned if Yohei wants. Later a delivery man comes over with a package but Yohei sends him away and helps her and says he told boss he had business to take care of. He wants to run away with her and he still loves her and even if Shiroyama comes after him he'd help her as you shouldn't buy and sell people (Unless its the 3rd world!). so they run and Shiroyama wants Yohei wacked and Yohei and Akiko hide out in a dinky apartment and b0ne. she is too f'd too much to feel and they feel f'd. She goes shopping and Shiroyama's homies find and follow her and he goes over but it caught in a cab by Black Angel driving a car in the nude. Lovely meets Yohei and shows her undies and offers him the ultimate love lesson for 1 mollion i mean 100 000 yen and it'll get the people off his a55. He's heard of the angelic soap lady and consents and Black Angel b0nes Shiroyama. He want's her to come byu his place to get the fee instead of depositing it in her thing and she turns the area into a Texas Prison(and as its Texas, everyones Blonde except the black guys). Akiko comes home and he b0nes her well and Loveley and Black high 5 and say they had good days at work.

Chapter 30[]

So its a Christmas ep and this crotchety guy Sukuroji don't like it. He's a money lender and takes cash people owe him even when they need it more. He even does it to as kids house and wants to kick em out if they don't pay. Also he on;ly gave em a lone cuz of da gov. At his mcmansion he enjoys having money and Lovely comes over. Shge shoes her Xmas Undies and gives him a bath and offers him a 10 million yen thing for 2 million. She b0nes him intoo heaven and he worries about his money and she sez you can't take it with you. Also if he holds on to his unneeded attachment to the physical he'd wind up in Hell and she shows him twisted souls like the Hollows from Bleach. Seeing the error of his ways he goes to the kids house and gives em presents dressed as Santa.. Totally not like that Dickens book. Cuz this has b0ning!

Chapter 31[]

So its New Years and this guy is bummed as he's on a business trip and misses his fam. A Lion Dance comes to his door and in it is Lovely but wearing undies for once. So she offers her services for soap and they b0ne in the tub for 5 pages. She goes and says she'd leave a happiness effect and his fam comes over(ooh! His wife's a fatty! hot!) and Lovely goes off in her Lion Dance thing

Chapter 32[]

So Iratsume Pass Resort is a skiing place and its rumored there's a Yuki Onna in the area that freezes men. So Ikki and Emi are there and a couple and married and he comes out of the closet about his secret, he's bad at skiing(Just take some dna pills and turn Slovenian). she don' like it and demands he get better or she's dumping him (So much for "As long as you both live"). so he s-cked at it and she goes on the expert course and sez she'll see him at the ski lodge at noon. shed meets a pro skier named Teshima and she gets him to teach Ikki, then goes off to ski with him and tells Ikki to practice it. Later Teshima comes by and has dinner with them as Hotel food s-cked and later they go to bed. He wakes up and finds her not there and goes to the hotel and finds her b0ning Teshima and decides to go off and die (See you in h-ll Ikki). So a guy warns him not to go out at night or the Yuki Onna will get him and he wants that and he goes on and blacks out in the snow. He figures he's f'd and Lovely comes by and shows her fuzzy bikini (Man, Go Nagai must have had fun coming up with all the undies for her) and offers a hot spring b0ning. He thinks she's the Yuki Onna and figgers he'd b0ne and die and consents. They b0ne and the next day he's feeling better and figures he don't need Emi and he'd get a better woman and will payty that million yen.

Chapter 33[]

So these business guys are doing deals and complain about how its tougher now as there's no corporate donations anymore and complaining about politics and gov. the fat guy shows the other guy medical photoes of womans crotches (ewwwwwwwwwwww!!) and faces that belong to the groins. Some are actresses and he has a secret way of getting em. Later its a hospital and this idol Arina Nagashima is going for a checkup. So in there Dr Tatebayashi is doing her physical and checks her heart and compliments he nice t-ts. They he has her checked for womb cancer by photographing her crotch even though she's 18(although in degrassi spinner lost a testickle in high school). the doctor plans on selling the crotch shots and has a big a55 politician on his side so he won't be investigated. Holy f--k! I just realised the dr looks like Gennosuke Yumi! Oh Sayaka! Did he do things to you too?!. So later he goes up and gets the photoes and Lovely comes in the picture room and shows her big perky t-ts. She offers 10 million Yen for a b0ning and he don't want it as he's gotten sick of naked chix. She offers an exxxam to warm him up and he is amazed by the beauty of her shining crotch. He is moved by how beautiful her groin is and sees the error of his ways as crotches are the root of life and shouldn't be used for selling filthy pictures of. Lovely leaves but Black Angel wants to punish him and goes up. He's burning the photoes and Black beats him, ties him up and photographs his parts (hope he's uncut). Later the business men look at the new pix and its the Dr's man parts and cancel the campaign contributions to the fata55.

Chapter 34[]

So its a boxing club and Tiger Sakamoto is doing cr-ppy cuz he needs to lose some weight. He gained weight and wants to move up a weight class but is told his punches won't do in there. He's gonna represent in the Japan Championship and is told to get the weight down. After saunas and no eating he still isn't down enuff and worries about being the next Rikiishi from Ashita No Joe. He imagines eating and thinks about how he thought boxing would be easy as you just beat guys up. Then he's be a celeb world champion and live in hawaii and have a bikini babe feed him all day in the sun. When he wakes up he sees Loveley feeding him a burger and freaks out about eating like an anorexic or something. He realizes he really was eating and she fed him and thinks its a trick by the guy he's gonna face and tries to beat her up. He can't touch her and she points out he'd die if he kept not eating and offers him a b0ning for weight loss(is he gonna j-zz out the weight??) he is desperate and takes the million yen b0ning even though boxers are supposed to not b0ne b4 a match. She sez she's a good lock charm and they b0ne 8x and then make it to 10x. He goos for the weigh in and made it but is outta ki so he eats some food and goos to the Japan Jounior Light Weight Championship (eternal; champions!!) He wins thanks to a lucky punch included in the b0ning thing.

Chapter 35[]

So Aikawa gets a package and its a fake weird d0ng that vibrates. she's surprised as she didn't order it but tries it out and likes it. Later the delivery guy returns and says it was sent to the wrong place and needs it back. She says she used it and he sez she needs to pay 500 000 yen but caN DO IT FOR 300 000 IF SHE B0NES HIM!! She consents and he thinks how he put secks boosting things on the item and b0nes her for 250 000. He leaves thinking how lust can be addictive and his scheme gets him chix and dough. Later he's looking for his nnext target and Lovely walks by and he follows her. He loses track of her and when he gets home, she's there and offers him a million yen b0ning. He remembers the rumors of her he heard aND FIGURES SHE HAS LOTSA money and offers her the drugged d0ng to use. She sucks his thing and b0nes her and is gonna use the d0ng on her but Black Angel comes in with it equipped to her crotch and b0nes his a55 with it until he's addicted to it.

Chapter 36[]

So in the place Yugioh is about, a team examines the Pyramids and Sphinx but it's not getting much done. Then are gonna go but find a hidden passage from the West Side (Story??) to the Pyramid and are gonna postpone their trip home. The larda55 Professor Yoshihara falls down a trap card door and the crew think he went off. He's in the dark area and no one can hear him scream and the electric lights come on. He goes to the Pyramid and finds sexy nearly nude chix and Lovely says to be the Queen (Like SM Queen Honey Kisaragi in New Cutey Honey OVA 2??). So the exploration teem can't find him and are gonna search more in the daytime and Lovely offers him a 3 milion yen discovery b0ning and he accepts. He has secks inducing wine mouth to mouth and a bath to clean off the sand and b0nes Lovely. The next day they find him on the Pyramid and he sez his discovery is the Pyramid is an ancient s0apland(which is something I'd expect from ancient aliens)

Chapter 37[]

So this guy sees Lovely and thinks she's the perfect girl and goes out on a motorcycle to find her. He crashes and wakes up in a flower field and realizes he's dead and is bummed as he's in high school and didn't even b0ne yet. He wanders the endless flowers and finds the Sanzu River and a Ferry with Lovely on it. she offers him a 5 million yen resurrection course that he can pay back after he made a name for himself. So they b0ne and she says this is the area between worlds and he can't get to Heaven yet as he made a promise to pay. so then the kid wakes up in the hospital and he's Yuu and was in a coma for 5 days (5 days of b0ning?) and realizes its cuz of the Angel he mnade it.

Live action vrsions[]

Manga by Go Nagai
1960s Harenchi GakuenKikkai-kunAbashiri Family
1970s Gakuen Taikutsu OtokoMaroDemon Lord DanteSusumu's Big ShockZuba-BanOmorai-kunDevilmanViolence JackDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyMazinger ZGetter RoboOira SukebanKekko KamenGreat MazingerIyahaya NantomoShutendojiKotetsu JeegShinrei Tantei Occult Dan‏‎ UFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Henchin PokoiderKing BomberAzteckaiserGarlaGroizer-XBattle Hawk‏‎Violence Car Hono no TakaKikkai vs OmoraiBlack LionHenkin TamaiderShin DevilmanHanappe BazookaSusano OhMachine Saurer
1980s Goodbye Boy‏‎ • Haru IchibanX BomberAru Nichi Shojo wa...Maboroshi PantyMild 7Cinderella KnightIron MuscleIron Virgin JunChoushoujo UFOChonoryoku Senshi Jenes‏‎BarabanbaGod MazingerHarenchi MamaFull Metal LadyMazinger USAJushin Liger
1990s Kama SutraGetter Robo GoMazinSagaThe Ninja DragonCutey Honey 90s‏‎Heisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiLovely AngelDevil LadyZ Mazinger
2000s Dororon Enpi-chanSalacia ~Waga Hakugin no MermaidGetter Robo ArcSharakuCutie Honey: Tennyo Densetsu‏‎MazinkaiserViolence Jack Sengoku MajindenDate MasamuneDevilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLRHarenchi Golfer JubeiHoujou SouunShin Violence JackKinshiro Burai SakuraMaeda ToshiieDemon Prince EnmaRobo-Humans Of The BattlefieldSirene Tanjo-henSuikoAkuma KishiCutie Honey vs Abashiri Family
2010s Devilman vs Getter RoboGekiman!Demon Lord Dante vs Getter Robo GSirene-chanCutie Honey vs Devilman LadyDevilman SagaGrendizer Giga
2020s Violence Jack 20XXMazinger Z 2022Yagyu RashinkenReiwa Harenchi Gakuen