Go Nagai wiki

One of Go Nagai's earlier (and most nude) works. Despite all the nudity, fanservice, lack of outfits, sadomasochism, nazis, S&M Nazis, and implied Yuri, it is not adult. Meant as a parody of X-rated films, Kekko Kamen started out as a manga in the 70s and was made into an anime in 1991 by Dynamic Planning. The english version was done in the 00s by ADV films (like Cutey honey / Black Lion ) and was generally well recieved as a good dub (i.e., not changed or edited for a different audience like Mazinger Z /Tranzor Z). Many see the film as cheesy and pointlessly fanservicey yet others see it as a tasteless good time.


The manga was influenced by Gekko Kamen (moonlight mask) e.g., the songs at the end of the OAV and the masked character never giving away their true identity (like cutey honey does in every episode). In the manga, many characters are parody's of other Manga characters and the character says "Forgive me (Author of the manga this is parodying)" after they get beat out. Go Nagai wrote chapter 1 as a joke and sent it in to his editor, expecting it to be rejected. But the editor loved it and wanted more so Go Nagai wound up drawing a lot of sexy nude women and crude cr-p.

It went on to influence Infamous Anime Director Masami Ohbari(Fatal Fury, Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer, Marine A Go Go, Viper GTS) to make his P0RN0 Anime Angel Blade (And its sequel Angel Blade Punish) where the main character is in a similar outfit (Butt Hole Naked!!) but wears a mask and save chicks from getting bad stuff done to em. Also like Go Nagai: He reuses Characters in creative ways, as with Shaia Hishizaki and Karin Son from Gowcaizer, Tachibana from Gravion, and a ponytail Ninja in a thong from Fatal Fury, all appear in Angel Blade, And like Go Nagai: He draws his Shonen characters getting f'd by girls with man parts and being nude or in sexy skimpy outfits.


Kekko Kamen[]

Kekko Kamen

Kekko Kamen's Kinda Klu Klux Kool/Klean

A curvy girl who wears gloves, mask, scarf, boots and nothing else!!?!?! She saves Mayumi Takahashi in every episode whenever she gets targeted by the staff and has a cameo in Violence Jack manga.

Mayumi Takahashi[]

Kekko Kamen-mayumi

One of her punishments meant to lure out Kekko Kamen.

A somewhat curvy girl who has white underwear (we see it often) and is contantly punished by the staff for various reasons. Kekko Kamen protects her but it's because of Kekko Kamen that alot of the stuff happens to her (since the staff wants to defeat Kekko Kamen and they figure out that Kekko Kamen comes whenever Mayumi is in trouble).

Big Toenail Of Satan[]

The headmaster of the Spartan institute and a liker of nude women. In most go nagai manga, the staff of a school lusts for the students and he is no exception. His goal is to defeat Kekko Kamen and he goes to great lenghts to accomplish this. His stance of education is that punishment makes kids teens want to learn better and he often uses rather PG-13 or R-rated methods of punishment, often involving female nudity. He claims to be a demon and wears a dark coloured dress/cloak/moomoo-like outfit and a mask that changes to show his facial expressions at times.

Teacher Ben Kiyoshi[]

A lusty guy dressed like a dr who is really into chicks and helps the headmaster try to uncover the nude hero. I wouldn't be surprised if he j-rks off like 8x a day with his lusts!

S&M Nazis[]

Kekko Kamen-nazi

Leather? Whips? If she had chains it would be yugioh.

A group of blond-haired/blue-eyed white punishment guys lead by the dominatrix Gestapoko who have been hired as punishment counselors due to their good performance at the Auschwitz academy. They are based off the National Socialists of WW2 and are defeated by Kekko Kamen when she gets nude and uses sadomasochistic techniques on Gestapoko (which she enjoys (0.o) ) and beats up the henchmen. Their leader may be based on Blue from Violence Jack (who is also a s/m queen) as noted by the hair/eyes/leather/face and similar role (non main/minor/henchman villain in one story arc).

Shuwarutsu Negataro[]

A big beefing gaylord who has a super buff body. He's totally not based on the governor who was in predator, as he's Arnold, not Jesse, The Body Ventura. He's got some kinda power of being really good looking and Kekko Kamen and The Principal are kinda turned on by it despite them not being into dudes.

Hanako Tanaka[]

A Tentacle Wielding Robochick made to help students study better my big Toenail Of Satan and Teacher Ben. The 1st female terminator, but she don't terminate. Also you gotta poke her nip to turn her on/off(Not like DATT!!)

Mizutamari Tsuyokaro[]

A samurai dude who takes photoes of chicks after he slices their clothes off. He also has an umbrella and can block Kekko Kamen's crotch attack with it.


Volume 1[]

Chapter 1[]

So its the Sparta Academy in the mountains of Nagano and has 100% of its students go on to elite universities. Teens are forced to study 15 hours a day and dont see their fams or leave their dorms except once a day. If you get a 90 or less on a test you get dragged out at night and mo lested. So Mayumi Takashashi is hung upside down and wailed on for getting an 83 and p-ssed herself so her bod is covered in whiz. Then Kekko Kamen come in, shows off her curvy nude bod, beats the guys up with Nunchaku and frees Mayumi, b4 running off. Later Principal Big Toe Nail bashes the guys for being beat and brings in a new punishment guy: Blood Thirsty Kennosuke! who chops em up and their bodies and chucked down a chute. After checking the students, Kennosuke finds no one knew of Mayumi's punishment and Kekko Kamen is doing it to fight school policy. So to get Kekko, Kennosuke sets up a body exam where the chicks who look like her description look at aa 1 way mirror and have Mayumi reveal which 1 is her or they torture her dead. If they hadn't slagged the other 2 witnesses they could've used em. Mayumi looks shocked seeing Yuka Chigusa and Kennosuke figgers its her, but then Kekko Kamen comes in and beats em up with Nunchaku.

Chapter 2[]

So this teacher is gonna make da teens read da hole tex book and Mayumi looks like shes falling asleep, so teacher is gonna take her to the punishment room! But Kekko Kamen comes in and busts his head with Nunchaku. Big Toenail is p-ssed and some teacher sez he found 2 chix who might be Kekko Kamen: Akemi Nagashima, and Gym Teacher Keiko Natsuwani! He attax Keiko with a knife as her name can be read as Kamen but she counters and he reveals his name is Juro Yowai! He thinks she Kekko Kamen cuz shes strong and she reveals only A Rank Teachers are able to come to the school and shows off her Nunchaku skills. Then Juro takes her to see Akemi Nagashima all beat up and she gets p-ssed at this torture despite the school doing worse all the time. Keiko sez Akemi ain't Kekko Kamen and Juro and Toenail and his goons take that to mean she is! They try to pull off her clothes like she's janet jacks on (or off!!) and she fights em off. Juro catches her in handcuffs and they rip her shirt like its paper and b4 they check her girl crotch, the real Kekko Kamen comes in and beats em with Nunchaku.

Chapter 3[]

So it starts with Mayumi being tortured for saying shes glad KK is here for her and Big Toenail takes it to mean she's not scared of punishment. Mayumi's gonna get cheese gratered but KK beats em and saves the day. Wait, thats just the end of the Last Chapter!

Real Chapter 3[]

So Big Toenail is gonna give anyone who proves who Kekko Kamen is, the stamp of Satan, which lets anyone get into any school w/o taking an entrance eczema I mean exam. And Suzunosuke Akudo wants it so he can load around til then (even though he'd be unprepared and probably f--k outta that school like Paige did at Banting in Degrassi Next Gen). He suspects Koichi Omote of being a chick as he never takes gym and is skinny as a girl. He follows Koichi and watches him change and under wrapping big b00bs pop out! So he thinks she's Kekko Kamen and outs her to Toenail but when they go to Koichi, she whips out a wiener and Akudo gets a beatdown. Later Akudo chex on Koichi and she was wearing a fake man parts (Just like with that Chick from Degrassi!) and gets a nude photo of her. As he runs to get it to the principal but Keiko meets him and sez she'd get the photo to him. The photo was altered to show Koichi all buff and hairy in tightey whity's! So Toenail thinks he's queer and Keiko sez Akudo was gonnas alter the photos annd Big Toenail has Akudo given a different torture for 100 days every day! Starting with the 100 liter Emema!! Meanwhile, Koichi thanks Keiko and calls her Sis but Kieko sez someone could be listening and they dance to da Kekko Kamen theme.

Chapter 4[]

So this geezer comes, up with an idea, to beat KK: Insteadf of unmasking her, just get someone to kick her thicc curvy a55! So he gets a Pro Wrestler banned for killing 5 guys: Hachigoro Niju! 2 get Kekko out, they accuse Mayumi of Cheating and give her a Public Display Punishment, where they strap her to a wheel, spin her and whip off her clothes! Kekko Kamen comes in but Toenail reveals the cheating thing was a scam and Hachigoro Niju comes out from behind a curtain and Kekko's attacks as can't damage him aS HE'S got Iron Muscles (Just like Jigoku in Gakuen Taikutsu Otoko). Then the Bikini chix catch Kekko Kamen in Whips!

Chapter 5[]

So Kekko Kamen flips out, busts open Hachigoro Niju's head in a huge a55 Saint Seiya Blood Spray and escapes top the dorms (So she wasn't really in danger and was just about to kick a55? What is this? The 90s Mega Man cartoon?!)., Big Toenail goes in and finds Koichi who he don't trust but remembers being a guy. Until Hachigoro Niju sez he smells a chick annd tears off her clothes! Despite admitting to being a chick only when caught, she sez shes not KK and the staff is gonna torture her. Until Keiko some in revealing she's her sister and Koichi only came her cuz she had a crush on a guy here (And cross dressing? Was the guy queer or something??). BT don't buy it and has em taken to da torture room and Koichi chained up naked over a spike bed with a big metal thing on her back, and Keiko chained up nude and BTS grabs her big firm t-ts! Big Toenail is gonna give Koichi a Pumpkin Enema (Wtf is it with you and butt stuff Go Nagai?! I read Dororon Enpi-chan!) but Kekko Kamen comes in through the wall like da f--kin kool aid guy and puts him on the spike bed and he bleeds all over it. Then Kekko Kamen takes on Hachigoro Niju and sends him flying, Koichi gets to keep faking being a dude (Why?!) and Keiko gets a raise.

Chapter 6[]

So here Teacher Ben is disgruntled about Kekko Kamen making the teachers run behind and is gonna dissect something. He don't wanna do frogs and hears Mayumi has a cat and is gonna cut it up. Mayumi saves her cat/best friend Miitan and Teacher Ben don't like humans being friends with animals as its gay or w/e and is gonna dissect her! After cutting off her clothes, Kekko Kammen busts through the ceiling but Benny sez he's doing this to help the students as they are behind and cutting up frogs won't do. She beasts his head in with Nunchaku and when word reaches BTS he's like "what evs" as it happens so much.

Chapter 7[]

So the class has to do a speed writing thing and the top 15 win and the rest got torture. Mayumi is doing well but a guy next to her bumps her and and her pencil snaps so she gets the lowest score and has to see Byoma Hashi! At night she is strapped into this training thing made by his dad Ikketsu where she has to wrote 100 Kanji on a paper on the other side of da room and isnaked and tied to this spring ting that holds her back. Once it took 1 guy 30- years to write al 100 (So won't this make her All big and beefy??). She trys but gets jerked back and slams intro the wall and calls for Kekko Kamen. Byoma sez he has a trap for her, A hall of mirrors where she'd see her own curvy nude body! Also are pants with poison pricks enuff to slaG AN ELEPHANT! But Kekko Kames comes in as she isn't ashamed of her thicc bod (da f--k kinda logic is that?! Shame a chick who goes around naked with her own naked bod?! Plus EVERYone sez KK is super hot! She gets praise for her bod!) And she takes Byoma Hashi down! hen sez if the pants were more stylish she'd have worn em but girlss like tight sexy things, not baggy sweatpants. Then sez she IS ashamed of her sexy dynamite bod (Da f--kk?!)

Chapter 8[]

So in here Garisuke Igaya is studying and Mayumi has to clean the board but the eraser had water in it so it didn't erase well (Wait, that don't add up. Wet erasers clean the board! I went to grade school in da 90s homie!) and teacher uses her aas a human chalkboard (tied up nude on it and gonna tattoo words on her) but Kekko Kamen comes in and pops outta the desk and mashes his head with nunchaku. Later he's got a head wound and gets KO'd by Garisuke Igaya for bugging him while studying, but when he don't understand something he asks the out cold teacher for help, not getting that he's probably dead. He goes to BTS to whine about teacher ignoring him and BTS sez he's Ko'd by Kekko KaMEN. When Garisuke Igaya don't know anything about Kekko Kamen, he spazzes out like the big bang theory fruit but dont care as its not on any test. But when BTS sez her f-king up the staff interferes with study's, then Garisuke cares, spazzes out over his future and goes after Mayumi for being the cause of it. He goes to the girls dorm and I guess there's no guards or anything as he goes to Mayumi's room and trys strangling her, but Kekko Kamen coms out and he bites it of a heart attack as he wasn't used to seeing sexy nude women from studying so hard.

Chapter 9[]

so here Mayumi gives Yuka Chigusa flowers but Yuka sez she don't know Mayumi. turns out, that Yuka Chigusa is really 2 chicks; Yuka and Chigusa! So Mayumi goes back to The Future 2 her room and finds Inspector Fantomazz Who has several disguises like Cutie Honey and thinks she holds the secret of Yuka Chigusa and Kekko Kamen. to get it, he gets her naked and thumbtacks photoes on her body and takes photoes to share if she don't come clean. Mayumi sez Kekko Kamen is 2 chicks and Yuka chigusa looks different or something, wait, its Kekko Kamen's body looking a bi different at times. So they get Yuka Chigusa, Koichi and Keiko in a room and have tied up naked Mayumi in a room with a big a55 caged lion. and if the chicks don't come out, Mayumi will be eaten(i think Riki-Oh ripped this off). Then Kekko Kamen pops outta the floor in the lion room and the lion eats Fantomazz. Kekko Kamen and Yuka Chigusa peace sign each other secretly.

Chapter 10[]

It starts with Cattaro of the Gravesite being whipped for getting bad grades and he calls out to be saved by Kekko Kamen. She don't come and he gets his candy a55 kicked. He gets bummed out and talks to his only friends, his snakes, and BTS comes by saying Kekko Kamen only saves pretty girls like Mayumi Takahashi and Toenail gets him to turn on Kekko Kamen, even though its Toenails school and staff and rules that torture him, and to use his snakes to get her (Kinda like how people blame God for their problems and turn on him). So he goes into Mayumi's room and has his snakes he controls go on her. She trys to say that Kekko Kamen don't play favorites and saves the innocent and if she left him then he did stuff wrong. He admits to copying others but don't care and the snakes swarm her and she blax out. She wakes up naked as usual and hanging by her wrists above snakes. Toenail sez she'd bite it from fear and Cattaro is blindfolded so he don't see the curvy nakked chix as he plays his flute (not the skin kind) and the snakes crawl over her curvy nude body. Kekko Kamen comes down on a rope and fights the snakes but they cover her and crawl on her curvy nude body and her buns look extra thicc (but they don't crawl into her like in that Cutey Honey Manga or Shutendoji OVA 1). Eventually Cattaro looks and can't focus and the snakes fall of and go for Toenail. KK KO's Cattaro and the chicks leave Toenail covered in Snakes.

Volume 2[]

Chapter 11[]

So here it starts with this creeper in a tree wanting girls undies. Mayumi is gonna take a shower and meets Koichi who used to use the mens bath but now everyone knows shes a chick. When she did the other guys felt her up but didn't know she was a chick as she covered up so I guess they thought they were going queer. Wait, She was just trolling and used her sisters bathroom in her room. This is like that Degrassi Next Gen ep, but not trying to be srs. After bathing with the naked chix, they find everyones undies were stolen (Degrassi Next Gen did this too) and aa song of the thief plays. Later this new kid Susumu Fuji comes in and sits next to Mayumi. When teacher is gonna punish her for looking at him instead of the lesson, Susumu stands up to him and Judo flips him after teacher takes a swing at him. Later Mayumi trys to warn him of the teachers but they show up and fight. They get beat down and put in a pendulum room where a blade Pendulum goes down annd will chop her up. They say they'll tell her rent she suicided (Which will make TOTAL sense with her sliced open like that) and eventually her clothes are sliced off and they see her nude. B4 the pendulum slices her open like Tsubasa Nishikiori in Violence Jack, Kekko Kamen jump kicks it off like in a video game and busts Mayumi's chains with Nunchaku (Da f--k are those Nunchaku made of?!). After busting the teachers heads, a guy comes in wearing the stolen undies all over as he's got some kinda deviant art thing going. He fights KK over her not wearing undies and retreats and KK and Mayumi save Susumu. But he pulls a knife on Kekko Kamen as she carrys him and reveals to f--kin nobody reading this's surprise, hes the undies nut . He made a deal with Toenail and this trick was his back up plan if he couldn't beat her. As he try's to take off KK's Mask, Mayumi, burning from his betrayal, does KK's crotch jump attack and it throws him off enough for KK to throw him into a wall. He pulls a gun (Which why didn't he do that b4?) and both chicks crotch attack him and KK crushes his head in her thighs ands crotch. He blax out (And dies?) knowing there's something better than undies (ewww! Crotches are grody! gag me with a spoon!)

Chapter 12[]

So Big Toenail is spazzing out over Kekko Kamen and this geezer sez a woman can beat Kekko Kamen as she won't be overcome by her thicc nude bod(Wait, what if she turns queer from it? Like how that degrassi chick Zoe got turned in Next Class?). So he brings in Tarzania! A chick raised by gorillas and is strong and don't wear a top like Jungle Honey! So then MaYUMI's room is checked by the inspection team and they find/place an answer sheet there and she blacks out over the accusation. She's strung up by her wrists on a big wood basketball hoop looking thing with a string bikini with Targets on it and the students gotta use soccer balls to do the most damage and the winner gets better grades. After her bikini is knocked off, Kekko Kamen shows up in a hot air balloon like Team Rocket but not f--kin ghey and beats the guys with Nunchaku. When sdhe goes for BTS, he summons Tarzania who fights Kekko Kamen with a knife. Kekko Kamens crotch jump attack is countered by a karate chop to the crotch and Kekko Kamen wions by pulling off her loincloth and beating her down as she spazzes out over her crotch showing.

Chapter 13[]

So it starts with Tobio Tonma, aka Scodello, the Janitor banging his boyfriend metal helmet and telling teens to get to class. Then he goes mental over not seeing naked chix for any of the 2 years he's been here. He hears Kekko Kamen is out and rampages through the schjool to see her, which gives Mayumi a BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS. He gets there 2 l8 annd beats in the teachers already mashed head with his metal helmet in a berserker rage over missing her. So he decides to lure Kekko Kamen out by catching Mayumi. But he f--ks this up too by tripping and shattering his metal head thing (was it made in china OR SOMETHING?!). He takes her to a room to punish her and reveals the metal thing that broke was a fake to get her and he uses his nails to slice her clothes, as they are strong from pulling weeds(yeah, that makes sense). So he's gonna use his nails on her crotch but then Kekko Kamen comes in from under his Tatami Mat and he's drooling and p-ssing himself like he's Yukihige but not as gross. His head thing protects him from Nunchaku and he reveals his 7 powers: Sharp nails, Being fast, walking n the ceiling, steel teeth, pooting, and then Kekko Kamen does a Y formation with her crotch showing and she karate chops him out.

Chapter 14[]

So in here Ai Sakai is totally gay for Kekko Kamen and wants to be like her so she goes around wearing a hast, cape, mask, and ribbon on her crotch and becomes the ribbon patriot! So later Go Shinya didn't hand in his assignment as he was sick yesterday and gets punished by The Teacher Avengers! As he's being dragged to the dungeon, Ribbon Patriot saves his a55 with a nunchaku to the teachers skull but the Teacher Avengers arrive and she trys to fight em. Go gets knocked da F out and she is overpowered as her crotch jump don't work with a ribbon on it. They take off her ribbon and are gonna take off her mask but Kekko Kamen comes in and saves her with the real crotch attack. She tells Sakai she's not ready and once Sakai abandons her shame, she can be her partner.

Chapter 15[]

So here it starts with Kekko Kamen jacking Big Toenails personal safe and saying she's not into justice anymore. He spazzes out over it and that geezer plans to use an armored car (Is this gonna be like Gakuen Taikutsu Otoko??) So KK Kills the 2 Guards Guarding the armored car with big a55 rocks and in there armored car is BTS with some guys to catch her. But she summons her own guys who sneak attack Toenails guys and are gonna attack BTS. But then the Real Kekko Kamen comes in and busts fake KK's mask off to reveal its Miss Shimamura who is in a bodysuit over her clothes. Her team is revealed to be Seamstress 009 and were trying to f--k up her reputation. So Kekko Kamen beats em down with Nunchaku and she bonks Toenail for trying to hug her in thanks for helping him.

Chapter 16[]

So Tarzania wants to avenge her loss to Kekko Kamen and trains and puts on a mask like Jun's Dad‏‎ in the Iron Virgin Jun manga. She goes around in a Pharaoh mask and cape as Omenotep and goes around grabbing chicks between her big b00bs and leaving them tied up and naked hanging from trees. So Big Toenail and geezer stake out the attacker and see Koichi Omote coming along. Tarzania takes her on and tears off her clothes like its Ikki Tousen and when she wants her undies, Kekko Kamen appears! She reveals she did this to face Kekko Kamen again and they fight. Kekko Kamen don't do well and with Tarzania able to catch Nunchaku and karate chop through f--kin trees! So Tarzania uses Kekko Kamens crotch attack and grabs her face 1st into her crotch. Koichi throws a Rock at the mask which breaks open with 1 hit as its really cr-ppy and probably made in the 3rd world and wiith her identity exposed, Tarzania is bashful and is jump kicked out by Kekko Kamen. She then realizes how shameful her crotch jump attack is.

Chapter 17[]

So its summer and Big Toenail is practically j-zzing himself over chicks in swimsuits and Emon Marugochi is called in to be the swimming coach. He comes out in an apron loincloth thing and has Koichi wear a boys swimsuit as she's enrolled as a boy (Just like Delinquent in Drag‏‎!!). She wears a red loin cloth speedo thong thing and Emon has her stand up straight like a guy and feels her t-ts. Also there's a camera at da bottom of the pool and Big Toenail is watching. Emon has the chicks swim IN DA NUDE to swim better and Big Toenail is watching through a glass bottom of the pool and drooling spurm. The chix wanna get out but he wants em to train and Kekko Kamen comes out and uses her crotch jump and nunchaku to beat him. Kekko Kamen makes Big Toenail swim nude (So I guess that mask is his face?) and the chix think its gross (So I guess everyone loses when women win) and the chicks cuddle up to Kekko Kamen as they like her thicc bod

Chapter 18[]

So Big Toenails neice Akemi Satan is comming over and is nicknamed Little Tengu Nipples (Sounds like that Ghastly Prince Enma Burning Up episode). She dresses like some kinda SM chick and He grabs her b00bs only to be beat down by her (Imagine if Goten tried that with Pan! Creepy Uncle!!). She sez he's too soft and a j-rk off and she's gonna beat Kekko Kamen! She catches Mayumi to use as a Human Defiling Icon and has her crucified upside down on a Y and sez she's in cahoots with Kekko Kamen. So everyone has to whip her and if you don't, you'll be punished, annd they'll know its Kekko Kamen doing it. A guy whips her in the crotch, which doesn't destroy her undies as I guess they are stronger than usual clothes, and Ai Sakai stops the next guy. She reveals she's Ribbon Patriot and takes out guys with Nunchaku, but is taken down and whipped by Akemi. Then Kekko Kamen shows up and fights Akemi but is whipped down (Is this where Gestapoko came from?) but she trips Big Toenail who falls into her and her skimpy outfit tears off. Kekko Kamen beats her head in with Nunchaku and Big Toenail lusts after his thicc neice.

Chapter 19[]

So some guys are playing cards and Sexy Seven Kamen busts in and uses her whip to bust em (Are they dead??). She wears a different mask each time and takes on the Teacher Avengers. Its revealed then that its Nana Eguchi who frames students and saves em to be famous and be better than Kekko KaMEN. So in the bath she fingers Yuka Chigusa as Kekko Kamen with her similar bod and hhas her framed for being Kekko Kamens ally by planting orders from Kekko Kamen on her bag and Narcing on her. So She's whipped and everyone wonders where Kekko Kamen is. Then Sexy Seven Kamen comes in and whips out the teachers while thinking Kekko Kamen won't show up while Yuka Chigusa's here. But then sees the body is slightly different and Kekko Kamen shows up and outs Sexy 7 as framing the students and being Nana. They fight and Kekko wins with a mask breaking head shot and she realizes Kekko Kamen is 2 people.

Volume 3[]

Chapter 20[]

So this bada55 Violence Jack looking mother f--ker comes in and asks this chick her name (Kaori Wakatsuki) before revealing he's Merciless Mack,. He goes to Big Toenails office and sez he's a bounty hunter here for Kekko Kamen. He suggests Kaori is Kekko and later, some guys get Mayumi and are gonna get her nude, lick her all over, and b0ne her. Kekko Kamen saves her but when she goes to leave, Mack sneak attacks her and cuts her leg with his Katana. Kekko Kamen gets away thanks to Mayumi grabbing him but he goes to Nurse Kaori with Keiko, Koichi, Yuka Chigusa and Mack slices off their pants to check for the leg cut. Its not on any of em and Big Toenail wants to check more of their bodies but Kaori protests as none has a thigh cut. Mack reveals he never said the wound was on the thigh and she revealed she's Kekko Kamen as only Kekko and him knows! He slices open her outfit like Tsubasa Nishikiori in Violence Jack but there's no wound. then the real Kekko Kamen comes in saying Nurse treated her wound and beats him out with Nunchaku. The naked chicks then hogtie Big Toenail.

Chapter 21[]

It starts with Mayumi being happy as Mizuki Mr Tachibana is her gym teacher and shes hetero for him(I guess she turned). for gym class they gotta do Judo (The way of the Jew) and he busts their a55es for wearing Bras under their Gi's as its not formal Judo wear. When doing throws he opens Mayumi's Gi to show her t-ts to throw her off and he throws her around. then he starts feeling her b00bs and koichi tackles him off. she fights him but he keeps countering and grabbing her h00ters and undressing her. The other kids try to leave but he stops em and starts clothes removing fighting and grabbing them. Keiko comes in to stop him but he always wanted to take off her clothes and lick her all over(Is this your fetish Go Nagai? Or do you just think its funny?) and he tears off her clothes with his hands (Is this where Ikki Tousen got it from?!). Then Kekko Kamen comes outta the Tatami Mat and he whips off his pants top have his man parts hanging out. this freaks out Kekko Kamen for some reason as i guess he's got a really gross wiener or something(circimsized??) but Keiko nails him in the man parts with Kekko Kamen's Nunchaku. Kekko Kamen then busts his parts with Nunchaku(better clean those) and i guess he dies of crotch damage.

Chapter 22[]

So Big Toenail hires a private dick to nail kekko kamen(ew) and he's got the runs so he goes to the toilet. In there he hears chicks talking and sees Yuka and Chigusa are 2 chicks faking being 1. He reveals this to Big Toenail (Oh his name is Runnie Puck) and they figger that 1 is Kekko Kamen and the other is her alibi. They accuse Yuka Chigusa in public and the other in her dorm is caught by Puck with a bike chain on her legs. The twins are chained up naked in the torture chamber(Japanese Twins? Like Austin Powers??) and deny being Kekko Kamen. they say their fam could only afford to send 1 kid so they faked both being 1. Yuka is tied up naked in a glass box and spiders come out and on her and she's racist against spiders like she's french or w/e. Chigusa is tied to a wood thing and is gonna be sawed in 2 but Kekko Kamen shows up and sez those 2 have nothing to do with her. Puck fights her with a bike chain and knox out her Nunchaku and pulls off her mask

Chapter 23[]

Its revaled that the Kekko Kamen who was just unmasked was Mayumi Takahashi and Puck strangles her to maker Yuka/chigusa confess. Mayumi easily breaks out and claims to be the Real Kekko Kamen (Which makes no sense, but then again, this IS a manga) and she trys to prove it by doing the crotch attack. Puck stops it by throwing his hat on her crotch and taking her down with a bike chain. They chain her to a stretching thing that uses a steering wheel to pull the chains to show off her bod(How does that work?!) and is gonna take photoes of her crotch and spread em around the school(but she's like 15! Thats the same as 5!) but Puck gets da runz and goes to squirt some. Then the real Ghostbusters Kekko Kamen busts through the stone ceiling and fights Puck who's using a Bike Chain like that guy in Devilman:The Birth. He nails her leg but gets cramps and isn't fast enuff to block her crotch attack with his hat and she nails him with her Nunchaku. He poops himself and keels over and Mayumi sez she figgered out Yuka Chigusa's secret and thought they were Kekko Kamen so she tried to save em. Then nurse Kaori comes in and sez she accidentally gave Puck a laxative instead of anti diarrhea meds and winks to the audience.

Chapter 24[]

So after a title page of Big Toenail naked with his a55 showing, we get a dark room of a chick calling her fam and finding her mom is having surgery. A teacher catches her but she escapes as no outside communication is allowed, nor escape (Is this a concentration camp?!). BTS sez to the school to come forward and later Nami Koishikawa Nami Fujiki is bummed and Mayumi comforts her and sez she won't turn her in as she knows it was her. she sez her mom is f'd and needs surgery and she wants to get out and Mayumi volunteers to help. At night she uses a towel to take out the high voltage fence and trys to escape. But is caught and BTS grills her over why. Then its revealed Nami is missing and Mayumi admits that she did it to help her and the situation. Mayumi is taken to be punished and says Nami is gonna bite it from the accursed forrest that no one returns alive from. Mayumi is gotten nude and put in an octopus tank as Nami is warned by talking animals in the woods and caught by Tatari, the Guardian of the Forest, who is employed by the academy to keep people from escaping. Nami's clothes were torn off and she's strung up by a foot and is gonna be iced by him. But Kekko Kamen shows up on horseback(Now thats what I call (shades) Riding Bareback!!(Yeahhhhhhhhhhh)) and fights him. She trys her crotch attack but a cloth is thrown at it and the rest of the Tatari Klan shows up.

Chapter 25[]

So Mayumi is being felt up my tentacles and Kekko Kamen fights off the Tatari Klan and escapes with Nami on horseback. But Tatari shows up on her shoulders and reveals Mayumi is being tentacled. the Klan catches her and beats her out and is gonna unmask her but they fight over her and kill each other until there's only 2 left. But then Kekko Kamen and Nami escaped and she shows up behind em. She was faking it to wait for em to ice each other and she splits into 5 people and uses her crotch attack to take em out. 1 Kekko Kamen goes back and beats the guards out with Nunchaku and busts the octopus tank to free Mayumi, who was enjoying being tentacled by em.

Chapter 26[]

So it starts with Toenail whining that his school is not in 1st place and its all cuz of Kekko Kamen. so the vice Principal suggests BTS take on KK himself. Vice gets a disguise which is like a cross dresser SM thing and BTS does too. They go out, tear off chix clothes, and lick em and no one knows its them as they wear cr-ppy masks and dress like Dr Frank N Furter. Kekko Kamen shows up and they try Whips but they get Nunchakued out so Vice whips out his parts and Kekko Kamen is creaped out by it. Using this chance, they start licking her all over and she fights em off and they run. Later, the girls have a physical and BTS and Vice are there and have memorized KK's Bod with their tongue and fingers. so they're gonna lick and feel up the chicks until they find Kekko Kamen. they think Koichi is her based on feel and the Real Kekko Kamen shows up and they whip off their clothes to reveal they are the Pink Pair and fight KK. She uses a spin kick like Ryu and beats em out.

Chapter 27[]

Here Kei Kurenai is a bada55 smoker who leads a girls gang and kicks a55. some guys want money back from her and she beats em out. Big toenail wants tro take down KK no matter the cost and hires Super Golden Batman to do it, A superhero made of a love triangle from Batman, Superman and the Golden Bat. He has Superman bodsy, Golden Bats magic powers and Batmans Nimbleness(is this copyright? Or is it like TFS and their Piccolo Yoshi or Sonichu??). So Mayumi walks by Kei and thinks she's like Kekko Kamen from behind somehow but dont think the kindhearted Kekko Kamen would lead a gang. Then BTS calls her in and trys doing stuf to her. Kekko Kamen comes in and beats him out but the Real Mayumi comes in and warns her that the Mayumi there is a fake. Fake Mayumi shanks Kekko Kamen (Wait, isnt this used in Shutendoji OVA 1‏‎?) and devolves into some kinda monster Ultra Q-Taro. Kekko Kamen escapes through a window and fights Masked Lion-Maru Raider. But is then grabbed by Super Golden Batman who unmasks her as Kei Kurenai! Super Golden Batman sez she might have aides and BTS is gonna burn her at the stake nude like he's Amish or w/e. And when her homies come to save her, they'll get caught. she sez she works alone and he grabs her t-ts but she sez he can't execute her as its illegal. He sez up here his word is law and he'd tell her rents she suicided studying for exams. Then tells SGB to interrogate her.

Chapter 28[]

So they parade Kei Kurenai around on a horse with a sign tied to her saying she's Kekko Kamen. Mayumi trys to help but is smacked away annd Kei is nailed for speaking out at it. Mayumi is bummed and spreads da word but Ai Sakai sez they can help by causing a scene and in the chaos can save her. Koichi Omote sez to wait til her sister Keiko Natsuwani gets back from her business trip but Ai sez they can't wait. Koichi thinks they don't have a chance but the teens think she's a chicken and the girls decide to all go out nude. They do this and get in a fight in this Nude Crusade as the other chix go to free Kei. But the Kei in the cage is Ultra Q-Taro faking being her and the chix are caught and gonna be cooked. Masked Lion-Maru Raider is taunting Kei but Koichi shows up with Nunchaku saying "What if Kekko Kamen wasn't defeated yet?"

Chapter 29[]

Koichi takes off her clothes and does the crotch jump attack (So much for the Nunchaku). The naked chix are beating the teachers but BTS comes out with the caught teens and makes em surrender. BTS is gonna do stuff with Mayumi but SGB sez they are about to get Kekko Kamen to reveal her associates. They go to the torture chamber and find Masked Lion-Maru Raider is beat out and Kei is gone. SGB is gonna use his brain to figger it oot and sez to burn all the girls on crosses top lure Kekko Kamen and her homies out. As she'd need help to save em all. So the girls are crucified and set ablaze and Yuka, Chigusa, Kei, Keiko, Koichi and Kaori together and Keiko comes over and they get nude and put on Kekko Kamen outfits. Keiko says she has evidence that the high suicide rate is due to too much exam pressure and the education guys are gonna close the school. They go over to the school and free the crucified chix and the naked chix fight the teachers. The 6 Kekko Kamens do the crotch attack and stack and loop into a wheel attack and steamroll Super Golden Batman! They take off BTS's facemask and reveal he's really Satan's Filthy Toenail and he jumps away and the school girls are free andd naked. The end

The trailer for the OVA (it's comically fun)


Manga by Go Nagai
1960s Harenchi GakuenKikkai-kunAbashiri Family
1970s Gakuen Taikutsu OtokoMaroDemon Lord DanteSusumu's Big ShockZuba-BanOmorai-kunDevilmanViolence JackDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyMazinger ZGetter RoboOira SukebanKekko KamenGreat MazingerIyahaya NantomoShutendojiKotetsu JeegShinrei Tantei Occult Dan‏‎ UFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Henchin PokoiderKing BomberAzteckaiserGarlaGroizer-XBattle Hawk‏‎Violence Car Hono no TakaKikkai vs OmoraiBlack LionHenkin TamaiderShin DevilmanHanappe BazookaSusano OhMachine Saurer
1980s Goodbye Boy‏‎ • Haru IchibanX BomberAru Nichi Shojo wa...Maboroshi PantyMild 7Cinderella KnightIron MuscleIron Virgin JunChoushoujo UFOChonoryoku Senshi Jenes‏‎BarabanbaGod MazingerHarenchi MamaFull Metal LadyMazinger USAJushin Liger
1990s Kama SutraGetter Robo GoMazinSagaThe Ninja DragonCutey Honey 90s‏‎Heisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiLovely AngelDevil LadyZ Mazinger
2000s Dororon Enpi-chanSalacia ~Waga Hakugin no MermaidGetter Robo ArcSharakuCutie Honey: Tennyo Densetsu‏‎MazinkaiserViolence Jack Sengoku MajindenDate MasamuneDevilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLRHarenchi Golfer JubeiHoujou SouunShin Violence JackKinshiro Burai SakuraMaeda ToshiieDemon Prince EnmaRobo-Humans Of The BattlefieldSirene Tanjo-henSuikoAkuma KishiCutie Honey vs Abashiri Family
2010s Devilman vs Getter RoboGekiman!Demon Lord Dante vs Getter Robo GSirene-chanCutie Honey vs Devilman LadyDevilman SagaGrendizer Giga
2020s Violence Jack 20XXMazinger Z 2022Yagyu RashinkenReiwa Harenchi Gakuen
Anime by Go Nagai
1970s TV DevilmanMazinger ZDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyGetter RoboGreat MazingerGetter Robo GKotetsu JeegUFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Daiku Maryu GaikingGroizer-XMajokko Tickle
1980s TV Psycho Armor GovarianGod MazingerJushin Liger
1980s OVA BarabanbaDream Dimension Hunter FandoraViolence Jack Harlem BomberDevilman:The BirthViolence Jack Evil TownShutendoji
1990s TV Getter Robo GoCutey Honey FlashDevil Lady
1990s OVA Devilman:Demon Bird SireneViolence Jack Hell's WindCB Chara Go Nagai WorldAbashiri FamilyKekko KamenKama SutraIron Virgin JunDelinquent in Drag‏‎Hanappe BazookaBlack LionNew Cutey HoneyHeisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiGetter Robo Armageddon
2000s TV Demon Lord DanteKotetsu Shin JeegShin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen
2000s OVA Amon: The Apocalypse of DevilmanShin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter RoboMazinkaiserMazinkaiser vs The Great General of DarknessNew Getter RoboRe: Cutie HoneyDemon Prince Enma
2010s TV Ghastly Prince Enma Burning UpRobot Girls ZCutie Honey Universe
2010s OVA Mazinkaiser SKLCyborg 009 Vs. Devilman‏‎ Devilman Crybaby
2020s Getter Robo Arc‏‎Grendizer U
Live Action Go Nagai
TV Shows Cutie Honey: The LiveAzteckaiserX BomberBattle HawkHarenchi Gakuen
Movies Harenchi Gakuen Abashiri Family (Movie)Cutie Honey(Live Action Film)Devilman (Live Action Film)‏‎Kekko KamenOira Sukeban: Kessen! PansutoOira Sukeban (2006 Film)Jushin Thunder Liger: Fist of ThunderHeisei Harenchi GakuenKabuto-O BeetleKyuketsu Onsen e YokosoMaboroshi PantyThe Ninja DragonLovely Angel 2 Taiketsu! Homon Soap Jo vs Shuccho SM Jo!!Maboroshi Panty VS Henchin PokoiderThey Call Me JeegLion Girl