Iyahaya Nantomo (イヤハヤ南友) is a comedy manga produced by Go Nagai. It was serialized in Kodansha's Shonen Weekly magazine from 1974 - 1976. Its got a lot of really stoopid comedy with things like naked chicks, violence, and poop, which makes you think "who wrote this?! Beavis AND Butthead?!" then you realize "do they know how to read/write?!"
The Iyahaya family, one of Japan's most prominent conglomerates based in Iyahate Prefecture, has decided to take care of a relative named Nantomo while his parents are transferred overseas. Iyahaya Sayoko can't help but be curious about her relative's boy of the same age. What kind of boy is this eccentric Nantomo?
In the meantime, a boy in a tattered coat appears before Sayoko's eyes, a poorly dressed eccentric person who eats his dog's food. When I asked him what his name was, he said, "Iyahaya Nantomo (Oh no... I don't know...)" He was unclear. Sayoko and her grandmother hurriedly invited him into their house, convinced that he was her relative, Nantomo.
Even though he is not Nantomo, the head of the Iehaya family, Totetsumo, decides to keep the poor, mysterious boy as a Nantomo for ten years and sends him to Kenkin Academy, the same school as Sayoko.
The school is in the state of Cold War with The Hatesate family conglomerate and Iyahaya Family conglomerate. With the arrival of Nantomo, the school is dragged into a great explosion of madness.
Source: Wikipedia, translated
What happens[]
Volume 01[]
It starts with Sayoko Iyahaya asking grammy about her cousin Nantomo whos her age and who's rents moved overseas and left him in their care. Then they see some hobo eating the dogs food and ask who he is, only for him to say Iyahaya(or Goodness Gracious) and when they him if that's his name he sez Nantomo(not really) and they think he's Nantomo Iyahaya and he runs but granny sends the servants(are they indentured?) to chase him. He evades and Sayoko catches him. Granny is disgruntled at how cr-ppy he looks and has the bikini babes give him a bath and new clothes. Granna sez the Iyahaya fam is a big conglomerate and da best in Japan. Also he can't call the Patriarch Grandpa and must show respect as this is like staying Kosher with all these rules and the head is Totetsumo Iyahaya(Spewed Iron Face), Granna is Haya(Early House), The Only Daughter is Domo Iyahaya(Fierce/harsh) who's the Top Stockholder, The Son in law is Matsutaku who's an Iron Processing Manager and kinda meek like with Iron Virgin Jun. Nantomo wants to tell them he's not Nantomo but Totetsumo sez Motsutomo Iyahaya (Namtomo's dad) wanted him here and he's gonna be raised for the next decade and Nantomo must honor the family and its traditions and reputation. When Nantomo don't get it, her tells Nantomo that after the war, equality was a big thing but humans wont be equal as some are better than others and feudalism worked well. Also he gets sidetracked with cannibalism(What is he?! ME!?). Doma sez to respect Totetsumo most and her 2nd most and her candya55 husband least as she regrets bringing him into the family as he's a beta male and soy boy. They eat and Nantomo eats steak with his hands and Matsutaku gets only a bread roll cuz he s-cked. Totetsumo is disgruntled at Nantomo's bad manners and Doma think he needs discipline and needs work. After dinner Nantomo goes to his room and gets his newly cleaned clothes on and Totetsumo gets a call from America from Motsutomo who sez The REAL Nantomo didn't wanna leave em and is going to American School. Totetsumo realizes that the Nantomo they got is NOT the real one and thinks he wanted to ruin their family honor and frame em for kidnapping as they pretty much imprisoned someone. So to cover it, Domo is gonna actually kidnap him and fake him being their kid as these guys are kinda ret-rded in their thinking, I assume its like the royals how there's inbreeding! Look at the evil king charles! his/her rents were cousins(Well, that's different enough. Its not like twins in love like Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer or Star Wars). They catch Nantomo and like the Armon Tanzerian ep of the Simpsons, Doma sez "From now on, you ARE Nantomo Iyahaya" and has Matsutaku teach him etiquette since he's not a REAL member of the family and knows what its like to be a poor(Like the bad guys in the korea film parasite? That one shows the evil and inhumanity of poors. Like with Batman where joe chill slagged the Humans).
The next day Nantomo don't wanna wear proper clothes and goes to Kenkin Academy and the hairless principal is glad to have 2 Iyahayas so he gets more donation money and rolls out a literal red carpet. But when Nantomo comes by, Principal grabs him to dispose of until Domo tells him "That IS Nantomo" and when its said Nantomo's clothes are cr=ppy, Domo b--ches out and strangles him like that savage in Do The Right Thing when his boom box broke. After busting his head on her knee, he accepts Nantomo and Domo tells Sayoko to keep Nantomo outta trouble and unwholesome cr-p. She is driven off in her big a55 limo and tells Sherlock Pochi the great detective to keep Nantomo from befriending the wrong kinda people and to keep an eye on him by having him at school. she stops the car and lets em outta the trunk and Pochi and Alphonse introduce themselves until Pochi's coat is caught in the trunk and is dragged off like the dog in National Lampoons Vacation. In class, Nantomo is introduced and starts p-ssing in the corner as the kids laugh(Teacher; what are you doing?! Nantomo: P-ssing!) but thinking Domo would beat his a55 over saying "this place isn't good enough for his to whizz on?!" allows him to keep pumping out the p-ss which will stink up the classroom like slums in LA where hobos p-ss and sh-t and puke j-rk off and die. so teacher tries to teach but Nantomo is being ret-rded and sits on the desk and starts at him and poots. 1 teen sez the class has devolved into a joke and 1 guy questions Sayoko is he's really her cousin and wants to punish Nantomo for making Sayoko lie to cover it. So after class the teacher leaves and the kids run to Nantomo and he freaks out and runs and Sayoko sends the kids catch him or she might get in trouble(Which means she'd probably get beat her and give her an Enema) then calls Pochi to say how Nantomo escaped but Pochi is in traffic in a car a55. Alphonse tells him to take off his Jacket and he does but b--ches at him saying "I knew to do that from the start and in my jacked was my boy Detective Badge and Notebook". They go to catch Nantomo and Alphonse calls the cops to say there's a criminal at the school, but calls the fire department my mistake as he's a mongoloid. At the school the people spazz out over thinking theres a fire and at 1 part its 5 mins out both ways and they don't know which way is the fire so they vote and f--k about. Alphonse and Pochi start a fire so the fire department isn't called for no reason and when the firemen think it was a prank, they see a fire. inside Nantomo sees em torchin the place and they say its a campfire so Nantomo burns more papers and the diarrhea duo escape. Nantomo dances in joy at the fire and the school sees him in da window and spazzes out as he's important and the staff runs in. Nantomo climbs down the wall like he's c-ck suckin spider man and the teachers get where he was and the way back burns closed.
Later the teacher is cooked and sez the class is lessoned to 6 hours and cuz of the fire he's leaving but Sayoko has him get the athletic club captains to the conference room. Sayoko brings him to the room and the clubs think if an Iyahaya goes to their club they'd get more donations. the baseball club turns him down as he wants to pitch and they'd lose the championship. The Volleyball club wants him as a massager of the chicks and Nantomo wants to but Sayoko sez it should be about the sport not stoopid reasons and sez no for him. So he joins the Sumo club and it has 1 ring in the dirt and Mawashi loincloths (Like Mawashi Taro in Sailor Moon?) and Sayoko funds them and has a Sumo Center built in a few panels but wants them to challenge another school and Nantomo will play so the mom Domo can see. If this brings dishonor to the family as the name is on it, then they might wind up like the brits charles b0ned besides carmilla. Also Sayoko sez she had a brother and sister but they are gone now for not living up to the Iyahaya standards(like sodomus larda55 marlon brando aborting his illegitimate kid with the mexican from west side story?). so they try teaching Nantomo of the sport but he's cr-ppy at it and they try to think of how to avoid getting eps teened by the Iyahayas, like sending Nantomo last to try to beat Yomo Academy b4 he fights. this boris karloff from frankenstein looking c-ck sucker from Yumo academy hears of the tournament and wants to cream em and in Kenkin Academy, the guys train but dont want Nantomo involved as he'd f em up. At night Nantomo sleeps in the dog Peso's house and Pochi and Alphonse tell the Totetsumo there's no missing kid reports and go out to find the real identity of Nantomo. Sayoko sez she likes Nantomo like a toy as she's bored of her past toys and looks forward to seeing him hurt(what a b--ch). The next day its the tourney and Sayoko sez to not let Domo and Grandpa down and the frankensteins monster muthur f--kur picks up the captain of the sumo team with 1 hand. when Nantoomo sez he's competing they laugh at him like he's using a non tier 0 deck in Yugioh, but as the meme goes; tiers are for qvveers. So Sayoko laughs at not Nantomo has no chance and the rules are said like in a Yugioh season 0 Manga where the fighter who wins can continue and theres 10 players. Makoto Kuri faces Futoshi Nokumaban and b4 the match starts he p-ssed himself like the devolved midget in the garbage pail kids movie and runs out. After the ring is cleaned, Shigeru Hajikokorome is called in and runs out like a sissy, as does the other team members. So Captain Donketsu Edomon goes in and his face is beat blooded, but is caught by the foe to keep him in the ring and beat on more until he's chucked out. So the rival team thinks it has won, it thinks all is well, but kiss a thicc a55 Blue shall see you in Hell! and Nantomo comes in and sez he's gonna win. The foe don't wanna but is told to do so by a higher rank one and faces him. Sayoko cheers for him and Totetsumo thinks he's brimming with confidence and when they face off, Nantomo goes under him and pulls off his thong and wins as if ur thong falls off you lose(Like if ur D Wheel stops in a Turbo Duel you lose in the Manga of Yugioh 5Ds). Also there's no rules against removing the foes thong so Nantomo wins. Sayoko hugs her mom in joy but backs off as her mom is an ice b--ch and stares at her coldly enough to harden your hips. Nantomo dethongs the next opponent and Domo thinks its a no good way to win but Sayoko thinks it is. As the Yumo team is training covering their Japanese man parts, which contrary to what you head, are not small, I saw a Wikipedia article that was since censored that sez the average man thing in Japan is 12 point something long, only a few points from the American at 12 point higher numbers, the average korean man thing is 8 point something, and the average african man thing is 14 point something, now I know what ur thinking, 14 inches?! thats a butt breaker! Or There's no way an average korean is 8 point something. Well, these are in metric so its not what Humans are used to. I think 2 inches is 5 centimeters or something. I don't know. f the metric system. So boris karloffice goes to glue his mawashi to his crotch so it wont come off. His name is Gokokuji Rannosuke and he faces Nantomo who tries to en-nuden him but the thong is too strong. After some backflips and dodges to avoid frankenpee ness's attacks. The people figure out he glued his thong on and there's no rules against a dog playing baseball so its kosher. Nantomo hides behind the ref who's then p-mp slapped out of the ring but holds on. So Nantomo shoves his a55 out and is cornered by Gokokuji Rannosuke who does a body slam to crush him into paste. but Nantomo evaded and Gokokuji Rannosuke touched the outside of the ring and beat himself. He whines that "there's no way he evaded me w\o jumping outside the ring" but there's no footprints outside the ring. Nantomo thinks how he jumped on the referees head(like super mario?!) and wasn't caught. so he won the championship and its a big parade and him with a trophy and Nantomo sez hes in 4th grade and dont know what Jr High is and Sayoko sees thats why hes so small.
Meanwhile, Doshita Hatesate(under the waist) is disgruntled at the Iyahaya win and is a family corporation head who donates half the money to the Kenkin School. Vice Principal Koramata is the leader of schools in the Hatasate Faction and wants to rise in rank and sez to ask his dad to increase donations to the school to overshadow the Iyahayas. But Sanbo Daihonei who wears a swastika as he's a Nipponjin and not a kusai baka okama jigoku no kuso gaijin and isn't homophobic against them. He's the Kenkin Academy's number 1 grand master and was raised in a temple(that explains the swastika) and is part of Doshita's staff. He wants to make the Iyahayas lose popularity(why not tell em of the body count? Unless they control the media then word will get out and WE THE PEOPLE will turn on em). So Sanbo Daihonei is glad the Honeji Temple was rebuilt and goes to see the Doshita's father. At the Iyahaya House, Sayoko gives Nantomo food and he's sleeping outside like a dog. So Daihonei goes to the temple and tells his droogs to find out why Nantomo is so popular and ruin it. the next day, Nantomo is running to school as he dont like cars and is so good at it his bag on a long strap dont touch the ground and the driver tells Sayoko that Nantomo must have been a big deal b4 joining da family. Meanwhile Ganriki Banri uses his super power to adjust his vision by touching his eye and watches Nantomo as he runs 5 kilometers an hour and goes mental over the chicks flirting with him. Ganriki Banri challenged him and stares at him with his f'd out eyes and Nantomo dont flinch. He asks Nantomo if he knows Mataemon Araki or Kazuma Watanabe or Bunto Tachikawa and cuz Nantomo don't then the power dont work. so he tries ManZai; Japanese Double Stand Up comedy, and rambles on a weird a55 monologue about kodansha or b-lls or other things that only make sense to Japanese as Sayoko gets the chicks together to help. So he goes on about the battle of Araki and sez he did it to keep Nantomo here and sez if ur as good as Araki Matemon you can make people cr-p their pants with a look and thinks he was a master of enema(as in the Japanese prank of jamming ur fingers in someones anus). Sayoko comes in and Nantomo sez this guy is good at stories and sez Araki Mataemon was a master of enema. Daihonei hears Ganriki is gonna face Nantomo and worries that if he beats up Nantomo then people will feel for him and hate Doshita but finds Ganriki likes Nantomo and Daihonei tells him to b-ggur off.
Some nameless chick sez the Hatesate fam might attack cuz of Nantomo and she takes him to see the Iyahaya Palace in the Principal Office and the Principal is her servant(possible indentured). In the door in his office is a garden with a Japanese building in the middle and its between school buildings. In the palace she explains the Hatesate fam is richer than the Iyahaya and Doshita was born with 1 leg smaller and the dr said "Whats wrong with you under the waist." Cuz the Iyahaya fam made money from the Feudal Era working for the Daimyo, they have legacy but the Hatesate fam got theirs after the war so Sayoko looks down on them(new money vs old money). Nantomo ask about b4 the Feudal Era and she sez they were robbers and a gang and Nantomo sez that makes them the Upstarts like the Hatesate. Nantomo sez how it shouldn't matter if you got money but how you use it so Sayoko think its cuz the Hatesate spends money on cr-p like shiny kimonos. Man this is kinda deep. This is more than some poop and naked chicks j-rk off fest. Its got good messages in it. Sorta like how Beavis and Butthead has clever stuff woven into it. so Sayoko sez her fam has servants from familys going back to the Daimyo but the rivals have new servants from Bancho groups of high school punks. The Hatesate have 10 Bancho punks so the Iyahaya have the Iyahaya ten who are a buncha sexy chicks! Yuri Benten! Ryuko Kasumi! Kaoru Kagero! Kyoko Mange! Akemi Kanbara! Midori Narukami! Ibuki Ginro! Tomonji Kikuno! Muma Satsuki! Hakucho Izumi! the 10 most fierce Female Bancho! Sayoko sez how Nantomo was scared by Ganriki Banri and Hatesate will try again so Nantomo is gonna stay in the Palace to be safe with the ten as his bodyguards and has Yuri Akemi and Kyoko stay to defend him and the rest go out to handle the enemy. Also he wont go to class and will get 5/5 on all his cr-p like that king of the hill ep with the flying hawaiian. I do not like working with propeen, it smells and theres no vending machines. Sayoko and the other chix go off and the 3 remaining wanna get him nude and give him a make over as older women like younger guys. So they get him nude and stretch his weener offscreen and give him a bath and come in wearing quite little. This is how p0rn0es start. Meanwhile, Juro Yowai does some private dick work and finds the REAL Nantomo Iyahaya is different and has a photo of the REAL one. Also some other Detective's working for Iyahaya are looking for info on the current Nantomo and Daihonei has Ganriki Banri and Ranzatsu Sobo called in.
Volume 02[]
So Nantomo is taking a bath and these 3 nearly named chicks show off their thicc booty's and Benten Yuri shows off her Benten by sitting in the hot bath a bit and jumping out, but the Benten is a tattoo of her guardian pagan goddess. Meanwhile, Sanbo Daihonei has Ganriki Banri and Ranzatsu Sobo called in to kidnap Namtomo but Ganriki Banri sez he don't wanna cuz Nantomo is a nice guy and got his lecture but offers to give a lecture to Daihonei later. He goes to do the kidnapping and needs minions to handle the Iyahaya 100 I mean 10. in the bath, Benten shows her White Tattoo that only shows up when her bod is warm and the naked chicks go out and when Namtomo follows, they jump him and carry him nude(man, my mexican friend who likes small guys and tall thicc chicks would love this). Outside, Ganriki Banri uses occult vision to pop his eyes out his head like a slug and X Ray Vision to see Nantomo in a MIXED BATH with NAKED CHICKS! Even though Nantomo got his lecture, Ganriki Banri can't forgive this and sez the chicks are naked and defenseless and now is the time to get em! in the bath Nantomo plays with his foot long ding a Iing face and looks like a secks maniac and scares the naked chick after saying he'd give em a good licking (like that guy who got Kikunosuke Abashiri in Violence Jack??). but they see he's just a kid and put flowers in his hair and a ribbon on his small thing and say he's their Kewpie Doll now and will keep this look. Then the Hatesate fam attacks and the naked chicks go to get their clothes. Nantomo wants his clothes but his wee nee gets caught in the door. The enemy gets in and Ranzatsu Sobo swings a log (not his enormous b0nar but a dead tree) and takes out all his own guys. Thinking the Iyahaya naked chicks did it, he ret-rdedly swings around his log busting the bathhouse. Ganriki tells him "there's Nantomo! The reason we came" only to be clubbed in the head with the log and his eyes pop out like a f--kin cartoon. Ranzatsu swings around and flies out the wall only to attack the pond and Ganriki sees Benten's crotch as she runs. Ranzatsu ret-rdedly busts the bath house and in a spastic confusion, takes Benten thinking its Nantomo. In the Hatesate Palace, Sanbo Daihonei says "that's not Nantomo but we can use her as bait" which reminds me of Nightmare Before Christmas where the kids caught the wrong guy looking for Santa. Once when thinking of the song "finger Like Snakes and Spiders in My Hair" I said "Finger like D0ngs and Spiders in my A55" then kept switching it around with "Fingers like A55 and Spiders in my d0ng" or D0ngs like Spiders and Fingers in my A55" or Spiders like Fingers and D0ngs in my a55" and kept autisming out while banging my hand on my leg and singing it. At the Iyahaya place, Sayoko is p-ssed the chicks she left in charge let this happen and that Nantyomo is naked but Nantomo wants to save Benten and Sayoko sez to do it. The 2 chicks left say Sayoko is into Nantomo and the rose and hat one says Nantomo has a charm that chicks want him(but he's like 10! freekin japan! is this some kinda shotacon?! Is this Hetero Boku No Pico?!). Nantomo sez he needs to know how to hide his charm but the naked chicks don't know how and Nantomo wants to know what to do about coming out to Sayoko. In the Hatesate Palace, Sanbo Daihonei tells Benten that Sayoko left her and she otta join his side as just because her ancestors were (indentured) servants to the Iyahaya Klan dont mean she otta be. Benten don't go for it and p-sses off Daihonei with her words. Nantomo wants to save Benten but Kyoko Mange uses her power like a Yugioh Monster has an effect to help find her by rubbing her b00bs and j-zzing milk on the floor that lets Nantomo see what he wants(If only Dark Magician Girl or Harpie Lady could do that!). He sees Yuri and the chicks see its Daihonei who has her and he controls the Hatesate group under the baka Doshita Hatesate and Yuri can do wild cr-p in a pinch when she gets mad. Daihonei wants to see her Benten and whips her cuz Go Nagai likes hot babes tied up and whipped like Jun in Violence Jack or Honey Kisaragi in New Cutey Honey OVA 7. Nantomo wants to save her but the naked chicks with him don't wanna go cuz they're naked and people would see em and they have some shame. Nantomo goes off to help as the naked chicks dig in the rubble for a Kimono and runs through a meeting where Domo Iyahaya talks with the principal about what he thinks of Nantomo and she beats principal for teaching the kids weird cr-p(wait til all the woke monkeys come in and try to teach the kids ctr and gender issues! go Nagai predicted the future!). Nantomo goes to the Hatesate place after getting a teacher, wait, its Vice Principal Koramata, to open it up saying "hurry" and he didn't think until later and realizes its an Iyahaya and contacts Daihonei. Daihonei pulls out but not rectally and when Nantomo finds Benten bound and gagged, he jumps on her to get her tyings off and is stuck as Daihonei comes in and sez he covered her in powerful birdlime. Daihonei has Nantomo hypnotized and asks if he's the real Nantomo but he don't know if theres another and reveals he became Nantomo a day before enrolling in the Kenkin Academy. Also before he became Nantomo he was a prince but not that devolved musician who went vegan and didn't like The right Honorable Weird Al Yankovic cuz he's evolutionarily challenged and chose to do drugs which sent him to h e Double Dante's Inferno! The baddz think he might be royalty for gaijin but he's clearly Japanese and might be crazy. Daihonei wants to get his real name but changes his mind after thinking he might be some bigwig and it might be dangerous. so they throw him in a cell with Benten and she has him rub her belly with his face in some kinda fetish thing for guys who like belly buttons and might wanna jam their b0nars in em, esp if its a really fat chick with a deep belly button you can fill with rich creamy spurm. Benten Yuri's Benten pagan goddess tattoo comes off and unties her and opens the gate then jumps onto Nantomo before jumping back on Benten Yuri. Before they go, Benten pulls off one of her t-ts and its a bQmb that she uses to look bustier like that male teacher who wore huge fake t-ts in high school as a thing on the gender offenders. She puts it to blow and has the nip as the trigger and they book it as the whole palace goes up but no one bites it cuz this is a f--kin looney toons cartoon! Benten and Nantomo land in the pond and Ranzatsu thinks it was him pooting that did it and later Doshita Hatesate slaps Daihonei for blowing the Palace and Daihonei sez not even his rents beat him(so that's why he turned out bad! look at that devolved greta malcontent! making an a55 of herself on b--chy tirades about her made of fears and ruining her rents lives!). Daihonei swears to take on the Iyahata group even though he threw the 1st punch and they counterpunched. Like if a guy slugs me out and starts beating my skull in the ground, if I cap him, its not "murder". You can't lose a fight YOU started and claim to be a "victim"!
Later Sayoko has a meeting about the Iyahaya Palace being f'd cuz Akemi Kanbara, Kyoko Mange and Yuri Benten were Jack I mean slacking off and she blames Nantomo too. But Nantomo and Benten blew the Hatesate Palace so they are free to go and Akemi Kanbara and Kyoko Mange would be punished by the Cherry Blossom blizzard(Is that where f--kin Monster Rancher got it?!). Nantomo wants to help em but its not form Men to see which is RACIST against his GENDER! HATE CRIME! TRIGGERED! DYING OF AUTISM ATTACKS! Hnnnnnnnng!) So Nantomo comes home and a guy watching from a telescope far away sez to learn more of the world and as Nantomo's grandpa he's watching him, then the queen comes in offscreen and they talk. At night Domo Iyahaya is gonna get rid of Nantomo's unmanliness and make it so he don't embarrass her again like in the principal's office and tries training in Kendo by beating him with a Kendo Sword. but Nantomo vanished from the clothes and Domo is p-ssed in the dojo Iyahaya's trained in for generations. Elsewhere, at this shinto buddhist pagan bell for ringing, Daihonei summons Bujin Bojaku and Senban Furachi of the 10 Hatesate s the Palace being blown ends the cold War between the Iyahaya and Hatesate and now its Combat Time like with Sonia in the MK Cartoon. Daihonei asks for help from 8 million gods and then says 8 million bodhisattva as hes a buddhist but Bujin is p-ssing on the bell place and Senban is shooting snot out his nose as they are barbarians. Daihonei spazzes out at their informal behavior and sends em to the Iyahaya salon in the daylight but they left while he was jawboning and not b0ning a mouth. In the daylight Sayoko tells off Peso the dog for wanting to eat Nantomo's sushi served outside like an animal and when Nantomo eats it, he sees the dog wants it but when he offers it some, it refuses and he keeps trying. (Spoiler: Dogs aint evolved enough to know to do that. animal supremacist: BuT dOgS aRe sMaRt! Me: Bimboes are smarter than dogs and they're Bimboes! but at least with Bimboes they can follow orders and b0ne! animal supremacist: mYY dOg aNd ai sHaRe a Bond iN bEd wE lOvE!). So at the Iyahaya Salon, the people relax if they are in the Iyahaya faction and Bujin and Senban come over and are told its for those who respect Iyahaya's only(like saying "this is a safe space where no disagreement for my insanity is allowed"). They say they respect Sayoko as she's sexy and she gets b--chy and the attendant tells em to get out. Bujin slags the guy with his spear or Naginata or w/e and Sayoko tells em to get out. The Hatesate sends the boys out and seals the anus I mean exits and has his men on the back door so they can have fun f--kin up the place and probably b0ning the chicks. Sayoko uses a panic button in her coat to summon the Iyahaya 10 and Ibuki Ginro chops up the Furachi gang with a tomahawk. Senban introduces himself who pranks girls and Bujin who likes beating guys up and Senban is gonna have some fun. Nantomo is running through the halls and the girls tease him about wearing ONLY a crotch ribbon and 1 chick wants the ribbon on her nip and Yuri comes in and sez how the Hatesate is attacking and Nantomo goes to help despite some dude trying to stop him but he gets away by throwing is book bag in the dues face. In the Salon, the Bujin is beating chicks and Senban is ripping off their clothes and when he gets to Sayoko, she's covered by Nantomo's coat and vanishes like some kinda magic trick. Iyahaya uses his hat to do a Moon Tiara Magic to beat out the guys and when the Iyahaya 10 arrive the baddz are KO'ed and theres a smelly footprint that no one know of and they say Nantomo uses a dark whirlwind(isn't that a Yugioh Card?) and Sayoko is in the nurses office with Jumonji who fills her in and a smelly footprint on the ceiling and don't know what happened. Later Doshita Hatesate is reading comics and eating candy and runs out but is given a plate with big b00bs on it. He bites into it and it blows and Yuri Benten leaves as it blows and he's all f'd out like Yosemite Sam. Daihoneii is p-ssed and is sure Doshita's dad will do something.
Later Nantomo is out and this big dark guy comes up and Nantomo smiles. Domo and Totetsumo Iyahaya talk of how they are proud Sayoko nailed Doshita (well, it was her minion but still) and they got a parents visitation day in 3 days and then at the Kekkin Academy its the Parents Visitation Stadium. The factions are heated up cuz Doshita was injured and The Iyahaya Broadcasting Station has Iboji Kogoro and English teacher Koyayashi as commentators. Once a year the Parents Visitation Day is held and students compete and determine grades as parents watch. Koyayashi explains how the 2 factions compete with the best students in each subject and the students are graded in 5 on each. Tensions are high in case with the place being so divided they might go ape and start violently killing each other, like America after dealing with cocain hussein running it into the ground. So the 10 of each side are in places to spring into action. Doshita shows up to show he's not beat and the Hatesate broadcasting station has swirly glasses nerds in there. Also is Doshita's dad Dosuru Hatesate and his mom Satemo Hatesate and dad used gangster groups to help his quick growing conglomerate. Iboji gets the Iyahaya crowd to mock Doshita over whats under his waist as a pun on his name and Doshita spazzes out. Also the Iyahayas show up and the announcer sez its 1975, the 50th year of the Showa Era and they sing the school song and lift both family flags. Round 1 is math and the Iyahaya Klan sends Computer Yamazaki with an IQ of 256(Robotnik is 300 but hes a feminist so it don't count) and won the last 2 years while being his 7th time chosen as a player. Koyayashi thinks it'll be an easy win like Joey in Yugioh thinking Rex's Dinosaurs can beat Weevils Bugs but he didn't think of Trap Cards. Saitaro Tenpu is chosen from the Hatesate Klan and no one knew of him cuz da butler or w/e who let Nantomo in the Hatesate place, wait, its Vice Principal Koramata, sez he enrolled Saitaro Tenpu today and Sayoko tells her minions to file a complaint with the judges but she's told Saitaro Tenpu was enrolled today and Domo b--ches out at the Principal over not stopping it but he didn't know. She beats on him like shes a french woman you just to "go die in a gutter slum scum" but as Domo is not french, she can actually beat up a guy. Koyayashi and Iboji talk about the fight between principal and Domo and how after a beat down, he accidentally grabbed her b00bz and got chucked off the stand. Jumonji checked out the background on Saitaro and found he's got an IQ of 442 and transferred 385x(If he was kicked out of over 300 schools, then its OBVIOUSLY the SCHOOLS that are the problem! NEVER the one being kicked out while the NORMAL ones stayed! And if you disagree, YOU are RACIST!!). Domo remembers him as The Number Killer (Like Number Hunter in Yugioh ZeXaL with Sexy Anna Kozuki and her bouncy t-ts?). Everyone Iyahaya gets bummed and shocked from hearing it and finds he's a pro who takes exams for others(Which defeats the whole point of taking an exam and if you "pass" without being qualified, then it only f--ks things up when you get in and can't function at the required level! Look at soviet canada electing that beta male cuz his alleged dad had the job first!). He can do any math problem in seconds and once a teacher suicided from a student calling him a guy when he didn't FEEL like it that hour being unable to comprehend his problem solving speed. The referee brings in the Judges: Minister of Education Oshoku, President of Akari University Motokura, Science Nobel Prize Winner the guy who invented lobotomies to help the mentally ill not deal with their insanity through destruction of their ability Dr. Sukoi, Sports Promotion Chairman Hashirei and Pen Island Club Chairman Muchakoji. After frisking them for cheating devices the problem is brought out of Japans biggest bank vault and the problem is written out: Sin F (Pythagoras 12 + Mazinger Z). The 2 guys go up and a divider in chief is put between em so they don't copy and they got 30 mins, or 1 New Cutey Honey oav, to solve it. Yamazaki writes a lot but erases it as its chalk and not markers you get brain damage from sniffing. He does a few times and soon theres 10 mins left. Number Killer writes something then goes off and grins at Yamazaki who spazzes out and starts writing hard. Time runs out and he can't take it and bites it like Garisuke Igaya. He didn't solve the problem but if the Number Killer didn't then both get Grade 3. Number Killer put: F (Einstein Z) over Tan 0 -3 Long division sign (G Mazinger) and got it right so Hatesate wins and the Iyayaha gets Grade 1. Domo wants revenge and Sayoko agrees.
Round 2 is Science and Rika Kawai(Like Yugioh Kawai from Wedding Peach who caught BBW from the magic rice? Too bad we didn't see Momoko enfatten, that would be HOT! Esp with a long expansion scene of her swelling up and moaning!) who's 12 and has an IQ of 414 and its her 1st time competing. Hatesate sends out Koide Edison and the test is on RoboTechnology which makes Sayoko worried as Kawai is good at tests but maybe not tinkering with machines like The Tinkerer from Spider-Man The Animated Series on Sega Genesis! Domo thinks the test was leaked and both teens gotta defuse a TNT thing in a Shockproof chamber b4 it blows. Benten sees Edison is whistling and can use it with her bursting b00bs and changes the nipple charge to his wavelength. Nantomo runs Bentens belly for her Benten Tattoo and it comes ouyt and brings her baku dan nyu in the chamber b4 it closes. Now the teens got 30 mins to defuse it or they go to H E Double africa! The defuzors tinker at it and the Koyayashi and Iboji comment on Kawai's cuteness even though she's 12, but what about Misty in Pokemon? She's like 10, and Pan in GT is 13-15 and THICC! So is Alexis in Yugioh GX and Sailor Venus. So Kawai is struggling and Edison whistles and blows himself out on the Benten Baku Dan Nyu and an ambulance takes him to get treatment even though he'd be dead by the end of this. Everyone thinks Edison got sloppy and Kawai is getting worried. Benten goddess was f'd by the blast and ain't in the mood to help but when its almost over, Nantomo does some Violence Jack thing and the jigen bakudan disassembles itself. Rika Kawai faints and p-ssed herself like a garbage pail kid and Totetsumo Iyahaya gives her a 100 million yen scholarship. Rika is helped away by the nurse with whiz leaking out her miniskirt and this is someones fetish. Dosuru Hatesate is p-ssed that they got a 1 Grade and Iyahaya got the 5 when he paid 100 million yen to get the test info. The 3rd round was English and it was a draw so both teams got a 1, 5 and 3 grades. Round 4 is Music and Sayoko gets ButtEarplugs but Nantomo don't want em. Katsuro Hai of Iyahaya is 14 with a 31 IQ and lung capacity of 9800. He's a 3x Music Champ and this is his 4th Go. Facing him is Taiko Ratsupa, whos a devolving looking fat chick as Go Nagai only draws muscle chicks hot and has an IQ of 1`3 and 9200 lung capacity(Holy f--k these guys are literally ret-rded!). So the guy screams like a sasquatch and Sayoko sez cuz the judges were bad at judging music, the just devolved into a screaming contest. He gets 288 DB and Iyahaya gets ear plugs, oh and the broadcast went off to not endeafen the listeners like wearing headphones or ear buds eventually will. Also: With all the earbuds deafening people, butt stuff breaking the anus and chronic breaking our brains, I think this next generation is gonna wind up all crippled out! Then again, that's probably what THEY want!! So the evolutionarily challenged chick screams and gets 290 and wins and Nantomo didn't get his ear plugs in on time but should have used tamp0ns like in The Final Destination. But good girls don't use those, Virgins wear pads. Just ask Galko Chan! Cuz the difference is under 10, the Hatesate gets 4 and Iyahaya gets 2 Grade. Then there's a lunch break and Principal sez the next game is Health Education.
Volume 03[]
The Iyahaya's, Domo, Totetsumo and Sayoko, as well as the principal are having lunch and chat about the upcomming games as they got a 2 point deficiency but the afternoon games are more oomph. Principal sez the meal boy was bought out by the Hateasate and delivered their meals to them. So the Iyahayas get their forks and knives and rush in to Hatesate room and eat their d0ngs food and leave. Kogoro Iboji/Koyayashi announce that its the final round and Koyayashi scarfs his box lunch. The next contest is health and the Iyahaya member is Idomu Genkai from Hokkaido who broke the last years cold temp record at -120, breaking the last record by over 30 degrees as Hatesate's player Sho To died of frostbite. Competing against him is Reizoko Reito (Cold resistant beauty but sounds like frozen/refrigerated) who was 2nd place behind Sho To before. The salt water ice bath is brought in and the players get nude and get searched for cheating instruments which Sayoko covers her eyes but peaks through her fingers. Reito is bashful about getting bar a55 nude but should have thought about that before being made for a Goo Nagai Manga and Idomu covers himself in front of her. After they get checked for cheating devices and Nantomo peaks through his fingers at her nude bod, they go in the salt bath and ice is dumped in to lower it but Reito sez its too hot and they add dry ice. The salt water freezes and they can see her curvy nude bod through the clear ice and Koyayashi and Kogoro bicker over binoculars Kogoro bought to check out the chicks. Then they go to the next level, Liquid Oxygen and Reito moans but keeps going. She wants them to wait before it gets to -90 before trying to get it to -100 but Idomu sez when the Judge thinks of it that its cheating and favoring 1 side. Domo sez to not wait but Totstsumo sez to wait as they got it in the bag(but really its a bad of spurm after the readers and author are j=rkin off to all the babes). Reito pinches Idomu's leg and he jumps and they add more cold and it gets to -130 and she squirms sexily and gives up after freezing and being taken off to be defrosted. Idomu wins but when the judge feels him, he's warm and they scan him and find he's got a Hakkin Pocket Heater in his a55 like Christopher Walkens watch and he's disqualified. Totstsumo ends Idomu's Scholarship and Reito is put on display as a statue until she thaws out. Iboji is glad she won and Koyayashi don't wanna say it but agrees as hes an Iyahaya man. Also Nantomo lusts after naked hard a55 Reito.
So there's 5 health games and of Iyahaya wins the next 4 games it wins the contest. The next contest is the cold resistance contest as in resisting a common cold. Iyahaya sends Ibuki Ginro who was raised by wolves in America and dresses like an indian after the indians found her. As she was raised in the wild and not some candy a55 sterile environment w/o dirt or blood, she has a good immune system and never caught a cold. Also no vaccines. The Hatesate rep is Koyayashi's brother named Yotaro Koyayashi who looks just like him only hes kinda ret-eded and repeated a class 20x and is 32. The contest of who gets sick 1st loses is in a dome with air and humidity perfect to as "an idiot never catches a cold" and is put in a dome with humidity and air cr-p perfect for catching a disease. The 2 go in wearing undies to prevent cheating an to show off her thicc bod and they get put in chairs and equipped with health monitors and Koyayashi wanted to know Ibuki's measurements as she's got nice t-ts. She sucks air in and inflates her b00bs huge and they bring in a diseased guy to infect them on purpose like the maruta say happened in the alleged camp 731. He's got Chaos Number 108: Various Diseases, in Attack Mode, like Mr Burns in The Simpsons and Ibuki's t-ts are special lungs that hold extra air for her to use. Is this one of those Hokuto No Ken things like Souther and his body built by the gods? So she can hold her breath for an hour but Yotaro has never caught a cold before. They raise and lower the temp and Ibuki is running outta air and clawing at her t-ts but Yotaro eventually catches it and they give Ibuki a helmet and air hole(beter than an anal hose) and her b00bs expand huge from air. Yotaro is quarantined and it turns out, the Big Bro Koyayashi recalled Yotaro catching a summer cold in africa and Iboji says "Only an idiot catches a summer cold".
The 3rd game is Heat Resistance and Mazoo Konkon is on Hatesate's side and is a muscley frooty guy who Koyayashi and Iboji don't find sexy as they aint queers. He's a SM master and was in a lot of SM things and loves being pained so he starts punching himself. The Iyahaya's send out a new chick instead of who they were gonna cuz this SM dude is too hard(Tee Hee) and its Akemi Kanbara whos popular with both genders at the school(like how a lot of chicks love Go Nagai work). The 2st round is Nekoja, based on putting a cat on a hot grill and playing Shamisen so it dances on the heat, which some animal supremacists might thing is "racist" or w/e. The players go on a big hot plate lightly greased and wearing nothing but her holding a hat and a rose like Tuxedo Mask in a p0rn0(but NOT Sailor and the 7 Ballz with him j=rkin off and blasting his spurm all over hnnnnnnnnnng! pssssssssssst!! Ohhhhh Minakooooooooo!!!). So they jump around on the hot grill and the heat goes up like inflation under a commie ruler but Akemi sweats her special superfluid insulating sweat that blocks heat and is good for guys who like sweaty chicks. Konkon writhes in agony/extacy and she sits on the ground until the contest ends. Then the next thing is the Flame Limbo and there's 4 rounds in the heat test. The Nekoja players are replaced by africanized guys who play drums and the Limbo is lit on fire and the lights turned out so it looks cooler. Isn't this a Mario Party Mini Game? The Ref and judges say no hat or rose as that can be protection against the fire and she throws em and the guys lust after her, including Nantomo and Sayoko sez they're a disgrace and if they like her, she'd show em, only to take it back realizing what she just said. Akemi throws the rose into the fire and Konkon gets giddy at it burning thinking he's next and she covers her crotch/nips with her arms and flexibly bends through the Limbo. Konkon catches on fire and loves it like those guys who get their parts removed and think its being themselfes. The bars get lower until the last one is 10 cm under her crotch when standing and she bends and goes under covering her crotch a the guys lust after her thicc nude bod. Then Konkon gets his crotch on fire and he is in the ultimate pain, the ultimate pleasure. So his b0nar burns off and while everyones looking at his flaming d0ng, Akemi slips under w/o get girl crotch being seen. Koyayashi loves her 3rd year jr high looks even though she looks like a playboy model and not like modern anime with 30 year olds looking 6 to appeal to the lgtbqia2+map crowd. Test 3 is the 100m Oil H-ll where they swim in hot oil for 300 feet. Akemi works out a bit to get more sweat built up and Koyayashi gets around thinking of how Akemi will be and jumps to show what the dive is like. Konkon splashes oil on his chest to blister and is told t stop but he likes torturing himself. At least hes not injecting fake hormones into himself to devolve himself to fit his fetishes. So they dive in the oil and she fakes being in danger but its just a prank and swims on. Konkon is fully blistered in under 30 feet and loves it and Akemi does a Mid Air Dragonfly flip to turn around showing off her sexy bod. She gets to the end and is gonna come out but noticing all these guys makes her embarrassed for once and she takes a while trying to figure out how to get out w/o showing her nude bod to all the guys/girls/maybe hermaphrodites. Also her crush Hideo is there ad would see her nude which would be bad for some reason. Koyayashi and Iboji talk on how her feminine side showed up by accident or w/e and if she don't get out, she'd lose. Also Konkon is comming in and is devolved into a mass of blisters and Sayoko sez its more embarrassing to lose to Hatesate as shes part of the Iyahaya ten. Akemi crawls out like a caterpillar and the crowd hates how its not sexy but she slips on her oil and shows the full monty to everyones cheer and Koyayashi's b--ching. The girls decide to not let her suffer in shame alone and start getting nude, like in unions how if 1 goes down, they all strike and close the plant and they all go down. Akemi sez its ok, you don't gotta and stands up nude but is given a straw raincoat for the final heat test. They tie her up and do the Mino dance used on Amakusa's Christian Rebels (Not the Confederates, but both were good guys) with them being put in a straw raincoat and set on fire (Like the evil winnie mandella and her mandela necklace on blacks who had White friends in the now devolved south africa). So the players are set on fire like a Yugioh Manga thing and Akemi stands glorious nude with the oil on her burning and dancing around like a Hetero Ballet guy. Konkon rolls around as his blisters burst and eventually he pops away and dies and probably goes to h-ll for being a deviant. Akemi stans proud and all the guys lust after her nude body as she had her X Men Sweat to protect her and Iyahaya wins by TKO as her opponent f--king died!
The 4th test is the Diarrhea test which Iboji don't like as he's very hygienic. Koyayashi loves it and goes on about his fave kinds of poops until Iboji barfs on him. The Iyahaya's send out Marii Fundu and the Hatesate send out Omorai-Kun who Nantomo knows and thinks Marii has no chance against. The students say this is gross and Omorai was here for the free food. Okomo Chan and Kozi encourage him to eat a years worth of food and puke some back out for him. They stink but the Hatesate are told them being here is part of Omorai comming. Some blonde I don't recognize in a tutu(Looked her up, its Hakucho Izumi) tells Sayoko she BONED up on the competition and found the Omorai-kun manga on bargain and found about him. Koyayashi sez how models are innocent but pee and poop but 1 Setsuko Hara was called The Eternal Virgin who never did anything gross like producing waste(Was she a f--king Robot?!) and Marii is like that as she last pooped 5 years ago in grade 3 (So she's in grade 8? its like degrassi!). They eat food poisoned with soy diseases and Omorai loves it as he lives in filth. Marii eats politely and Okomo and Kozi with they could eat that filth and its to be continued in the next chapter.
Volume 04[]
Koyayashi and Iboji describe the foul food that Marii Fundu and Omorai eat to give em the runs as Omorai loves it and Marii is having stomach churning. She turns down the option for a special toilet as she can't poop and gets kinda upset but her cr-p factory calms down and she finishes her filth. Koyayashi sez the next test is great for SM fans like Mazoo Konkon and he wants to see Marii's a55 and her sh-tting all over. They reveal the a55 cracks and Omorai's is filthy and coated in dead bugs, fish bones and probably human waste with the nurse not wanting to touch it. Marii opens her dress to only show her crack a bit and not showing her soft bod and her undies have a hole in the anus, which kinda disappoints Koyayashi. Omorai gets the fig enema and eats the whole thing with his filthy a55 which then releases a burp/poot which stunk up the area. Marii got the fig enema but her a55 was sealed so they got a construction team to try to open her a55. 1st a grind drill that broke then a chisel that did sh-t then a power drill that went 4 cm in her a55. So they fed her a55 the fig sized enema and Koayayshi sez how this gives the Iyahaya team disadvantage as Omorai gets the Tomato Enema and his a55 eats the nurses hand and she shakes him off before it chews and swallows. Marii gets the Tomato Enema and Koyayashai sez how the cracks in her solid waste will be like cracks in the Earth's Crust that magma flows into and expands and causes a volcano, also how the crust moves and goes under the other crust and causes Earthquakes. So after saying how this will be an earthquake of sh-t, the 2 competitors get the Pumpkin Enema like in Kekko Kamen and then the Watermelon Enema that gives Elephants diarrhea. Marii's a55 rumbles and frenzy's and laserbeaks and blasts gas then a few diamonds created by her cr-p being compressed for so long. The people run to catch the sh-t diamonds and the stink knocks em out so they get gas masks from somewhere and run in, only for Marii to release an obscene load of human waste! A torrent of fecal matter that swamps out the people running in and after 8 pages of cr-pping, she overflowed the building with filth that was compressed and expanded to full size after being released. Most of the people fled but Okomo, Kozi and Iboji were swimming in the rectal sea. After cleaning out the arna of the endless slop and plop the games resume to do the 5th round but Koyayashi don't like how Iboji stinks from being consumed by filth and wears a mask as he thinks a strip of cloth can protect him from air. Iboji would have bit it if he hadn't been flushed out the window but the river of defecated used food.
After bickering, Iboji and Koyayashi reveal the next round is the Torture Game to see who's more robust (not Cutey Honey's Robo Bust). The player is chosen by random and drawing a card with a number of a student and Hatesate is Chaos Number 2883: Yuu Hiromi, who's popular with the chicks as a pretty boy but not a candy a55 beta male with no parts like those korea c=ck suckers. Koyayashi hates hm as he's jealous and thinks Yuu has it too good and its like those feminists who hate on Bimbos who look good and are happy and have fun and guys. Also Yuu is 12 and that makes all the girls into him seem a bit off, but the girls are his age, so its like a 90s guy liking Pan in DBGT as they were around the same age when the show came out. Also Koyayashi don't like girly boys and prefers real men but not in a seuxally challenged way like andersodom cooper on commie news network. So Shining Number 1026 from Iyahaya was called and no one shows up, until Koyayashi checks and he has the students ID as the kid was caught smoking and got suspended for a week and Koyayashi took his book. Cuz Koyayashi was the guy with the students ID, he's chosen and has to face Yuu. Yuu sez sorry to his mama for damaging the body she gave him(which is a good thing on how you shouldn't get tattoos/piercings/cosmetic surgery) and they get nude to prevent cheeting. Koyayashi wears old lady bloomers from his wife and Yuu is in the newest briefs. Koyayashi tries running to not take off his bulmas and is a fat out of shape tub and keels over and his undies are took. They do the Hugging Stone Test where they kneel on jagged stones and have stone slabs on em to dig the shins into the stone. Yuu pees himself and Koyayashi cr-ps himself and they put stone on each and when Koyayashi wants to give up, Totetsumo sez he'd make him and his fam suffer if he does. So the next 2 slabs are put on and to keep Koyayashi from quitting, Totetsumo sez he'd make Koyayashi's wife and kid hug slabs. Iboji interviews Koyayashi and leans on the slabs and Koyayashi confesses out of agony and they put on the 5th slab and Yuu blacked out from pain as hes a girly man. To keep Koyayashi from quitting, Totetsumo sez he'd have Koyayashi's fam boiled in a pot(like Gomeon?) and Sayoko sez Koyayashi too. So the round is done w/o a winner so round 2 has em do Yoitomate where they are tied to a stone sphere and dropped from a height to slam em like with that ep of The Simpsons with Homer on the Wrecking Ball as Sideshow Bob tried to bust their home for a road. Yuu blacked out again and they are dropped from bigger heights and barf out their lunches. Yuu had Egg Rolls and Koyayashi had pickled daikon radish(Daikon 4?). At 16 feet Yuu barfed out meat and Koyayashi barfed fish bones(like the ones on Omorai Kun's a55?) from yesterdays dinner he put in todays bento. After being dropped 2 feet they bring em to the next one and Koyayashi thinks of having his fam boiled in a pot and Yuu sez he'd fight to the end(like that mongol0id in Hokuto No Ken in the SM Armor and Whips) and the crowd sez he's a real man. The final round is the stone hugging ride through h-ll where they are tied to a big a55 rock and rolled over thumbtacks/needles/and 3 and 5 inch nails. Yuu sez he don't care what happens as his cr-ppy rents dont care of him either. They get rolled and their parts and legs are shanked with thumbtacks and needles but the girls can't take it and run in an interfere like maruta and gaijin in 2020 which saves Yuu but costs the round. Koyayashi is ten rolled down by the sumo pushing him and is fully poked by the things. He returns with nails in him and in bandages like a mummy and is back to commenting.
The 2nd part of the Robustness Test is the dismemberment where they are tied to several animals and pulled apart. The chosen student is Archfiend Number 9305: An exchange student from the p0rn0 emmanuel academy, Shy Tereya. Yuri Benten and Tomonji Kikuno talk on how without their powers, they'd not be selected again and again and they'd win all their matches. Tomonji asks if Yuri is embarrassed to be seen nude and she sez yes and felt sorry for Akemi. Darklord Number 7165 was chosen for Iyahaya and its Yuri Benten who b--ches at the ref for making em get nude as there's no way to cheat even with clothes(what about power armor under it or metal braces?) and sez the ref is a purvo. The ref disagrees and the audience sides with him and sez Genkai did cheeting too. They get down to bra and undies and Benten sez its enough but is told the Bra is suspicious and the guys and girls lust after em including Domo and Sayoko. Yuri objects at her small undies being a cheating thing but its ruled they gotta be nude and she curls up and pulls em off as guys lust after her and she thinks of covering like Akemi did. Tereya runs but is caught by the ref who grabs her large b00bs and the guys swarm her to feel her up like its india or a mus lim city and the clothes are taken off Tereya and the ref in the chaos con trol, with Koyayashi having accidentally taken the refs boxers and put em to his head, thinking he'd get ringworm after this. The naked chicks are chained to 4 big dogs who unlike Violence Jack or california DON'T b0ne em and pull the limbs, only to tire after a bit and they do it again with horses. The Wyld Stallions pull open the Tereya's arms and the commentators wanna see her crotch as they are deviants and crotches are gross. Benten is stronger and keeps her arms up and as Tereya is gonna show crotch, the horses give out and Koyayashi sez a fools determination can take down a horse (is that a brony ref?). They bring in the bulls like when Zeus turned into one and b0ned that chick in Greece but its actually an American Buffalo! They pull apart Tereya's legs and everyone sees her transformers zone and the Ref goes to check on Tereya who thinks he's gonna b0ne her and can't as this is Shonen and even Japan isn't that openminded and he asks if she's giving up. She sez no and the Buffalo continue and the stress makes Yuri's Benten Tattoo activate and her Benten comes out to hold the chains(wasn't it blown by that bakudan a few volumes ago?). They move on to the 4th round and Iboji thinks it'll be Kotetsu Jeeg or Grendizer but is told by Koyayashi its the elephant Cat(Like some weird Yugioh Card?). They bring in Elephants and have cat powder on the players and Tereya is freakin out over this as Benten worries. Iboji and Koyayashi interview Tereya and look up her crotch like Yukihige in Dororon Enpi-chan Chapter 2. So they dump cats on the naked chicks like its some kinda furry thing and they tickle em to keep em from tensing the muscles to hold the animals back. The elephants move and Yuri's Benten Tattoo holds the elephant but Yuri isn't holdin it with all the cats tickling her. Nantomo sez to try Nekoja but she sez the cats ain't trained, but as its a comedy manga, its worth a try and Benten plays the Shamisen and leads the cats dancing on hind legs off like the Pied Piper who took the kids. Benten gets stronger and pulls back the elephant and Yuri covers her big fake b00bs. Benten(theres several of em) moves the cats to Tereya who is tickled so much she sez what sounds like giving up and Yuri wins w/o showing her open crotch. Tereya chases the cats to try to bring em home which makes me think she's gonna put em in her a55 (if were lucky)
The Hatesate offers for the 3rd Robustness contest a Whipping challenge with the Iyahayas and Koyayashi sez its cuz they desperate and mocks em. The contest is were they whip each other until 1 side gives up and Domo accepts as they were challenged since the Sengoku (On Neo Geo) Era and never retreated. Dosuru sez they gotta wait a bit to as their daughter is comming and the Iyahayas talk of which Hatesate to beat. The Iyahaya 10 support their masters and Yuri sez if you whip, aim your hand at what youre nailing. Totetsumo knows all 18 arms martial arts and will use it like a Scythe. Domo sez the Iyahayas are skilled at kung fu and Doshita sez he cant whip with his hand bandaged but Dosuru sez they'll win when Koja arrives. He sent her to Sicily to train with the mafia as a hitman and is skilled with the whip (Like the mondol0id from Hokuto no Ken). Koyayashi and Iboji talk of how the Iyahayas will clean the Hatesate a55es and the match starts. Domo wraps her d0ng whip around Dosuru's whip as Totetsumo whips on him. Saoko easily beats on Doshita who's hands/feet are bandaged and isn't able to fight/run. As she whips he dink she invites Namtomo who's looking off into space. Domo took Dosuru's whip and is dual wielding and Satemo tries to whip but whips her own a55. Looking like Devilman, Domo whips her to seemingly kill her as Rerere No Ojisan from Tensai Bakabon sweeps leafs on her and burns em. Sayoko whips Doshita's a55 as his cloths bust off and show ow fat it is and wants to give up but Dosuru won't let him. Domo wants to slag em b4 they surrender and her with Totetsumo wraps whips arounfd Dosuru's neck and are killing him but Koja Hatesate jumps in wanting a whip.
Volume 05[]
So Koja Hatesate jumps in and Referee gives her the Whip and she uses it to break Domo and Totetsumo's whips on her dad Dosuru's neck then beat down Sayoko and save Doshite. Doshite sez u saved me O Nee San but she thinks hes sloppy and tells him to whip back Sayoko who's not getting up for a while. Then that she don't care they iced her mom Satemo but after the torture on her kid bro and dad she's gonna send em to h-ll. Koyayashi and Iboji comment on how things look f'd for the Iyahaya Klan and Domo faces Koja who counters her skill and gets Domo in the face. Domo spazzes out from seeing her own blood and ditches the whip to attack Koja, but goes in the Hatesate stands and chews on the audience. Totetsumo's legs are f'd out by Koja's whips and Koja's gonna torture him dead but Dosuru sez to ice his fam 1st to give him memories for the afterlife. Sayoko gets up and sez she'd not turn her back on a foe and would avenge her Grandpa. Koyayashi sez in the sexy Sayoko is the blood of Domo who's like Jaws and the chicks face off with Sayoko waiting for Koja to attack before she attacks but Koja is skilled and evades as Sayoko gets an arm shot. Sayoko jerks her arm and gets Koja in the face before going on an all out attack that is constantly dodged. Totetsumo thinks Sayoko can't match Koja's skill and eventually will f up and get countered. Koja spins her whip and breaks up Sayoko's then whips her clothes off like Gestapoko in Kekko Kamen OVA 1. Totetsumo begs her to stop as she can't marry if she's seen naked in public but Dosuru sez it serves them right for acting like the daughter of a distinguished fam and tells Koja to make her look like the daughter she deserves. Sayoko begs to stop and the Iyahaya 10 are gonna jump in lead by Yuri Benten but Tomonji Kikuno sez Nantomo is doing warm ups.
Sayoko is in her tighty whiteys and is gonna be whipped full on nude and sez she's lost but grandpa sez never to admit defeat as an Iyahaya. Koja is gonna make her suffer and won't accept her surrender but Nantomo circimmsizes Koja's whip as he finally figured out how Whips Work. Koyayashi thinks even Nantomo can't stop Koja's skills and its the end of the Iyahaya Klan and otta cross over to the Hatesate side but Iboji thinks there's still hope. The SM chick and boy clash whips and Nantomo counters her moves despite her thinking she can use more force. The whips wrap around eachother and she jerks him around and he stands his ground and uses some kind of mind power to make her freeze. Koyayashi thinks its over as Koja is like the snake and Nantomo is like the frog who is too scared to move but Koja gives up in a spazzy tourettes autismo way, much to Dosuru's distaste. Totetsumo thinks Nantomo saves the Iyahaya Klan and is more than a normal boy. Koyayashi and Iboji think the manga chapter is over and tells the readers see you next week but there's still pages left and Go Nagai didn't think of the next game yet. The hosts go back and forth for a hile about Iboji wanting to know the game and Koyayashi wanting to keep it secret for Go Nagai to have more time to think, but the referee sez the next game is the Triangular Wooden Horse, Which Go Nagai thought of at the last min.
Iboji wants to know what the Triangular Wooden Horse is and thinks its something sexy and for girls and torture and when Koyayashi gets goofy aroused and spazzes out, Iboji punched his parts and Koyayashi sez its for torturing female prisoners. Its a wood triangle the chick is placed on and her weight sinks it into her crotch and her hands are tied behind her back cuz this is some kind of weird SM thing. Also weights are added on the legs and it cuts deeper into the crotch, but not as bad as what happens in africa with the female circmscision. Normally things like this aint allowed but in Kekkin Gakuen it is. So they choose the contestant by volunteer and if a player don't come forward that team loses, but if a team wins 3 in a row they win the whole games day thing. Obviously no one comes forward and Dosuru sez he'd make em feel his wrath if none step forward. The Iyahaya 10 say if Sayoko tells em, they'd go, but she sez it has to be voluntary. Iboji sez "raise ur hand like this" and is selected for it and Koyayashi sez he'd get a cut by the anus and b=lls(like the sonichu guy??). Iboji don't wanna be a hermaphrodite and goes to the horse but when it looks like no one will show, a girly mc girlgirl comes in to volunteer.
So Iboji and Margret Friend(named after shojo mags Margret and Friend(Like Lego Friends?)) face off in the Triangular Wooden Horse and they get nude below the waist down and Iboji has a big meaty d0ng! Its drawn comical so not to be illegal as Japan can't show crotches but if its a tentacle or something then its ok. Koyayashi is mad at how shameless and harenchi Iboji is but Iboji is proud of his huge parts and shows em off fully nude. Margret thinks his body is beautiful and Koyayashi don't like it and Iboji uses his d0ng as a microphone like that guy in Apocalypse Zero played by the guy from Mon Colle Knights to talk of Margret undressing. So they get their arms tied and are put on the see saw Triangle Horse thing by big muscley guys and the goal is to get ur opponent to give up by shifting ur weight on it. Iboji leans forward and the thing goes down on Margrets side and it hits the ground and nails her crotch. She leans forward in pain and it makes Iboji's side go down and slam on the floor to buust his butt/parts. Iboji uses his secret move and moves his body w\ his man thing to make Margrets side slam and lands back to move her up to repeat. Margrets crotch bleeds but not the once a month way and the blood looks like flowers until she gives up and falls off so Iboji's side slams in the floor and busts his a55 with blood and sh-t flying out(but no spurm cuz hes not one of THEM).
Seeing what happened to the chick she's the O Nee San to, Osuka Berubara (a thing on Lady Osker from Rose of Versalles from Friend Magazine) challenged Iboji to the Triangle Slide(a note says Iboji would be a detective but have permanent Hemorrhoids). The Triangle Slide is a Triangle Horse but as a slide you ride on ur crotch and last one to the bottom wins. Iboji sez she otta quit being a Hatesate but she gives him a death gaze which surprizes him. They slide and Iboji uses his thighs to slow his descent as Osuka slides and bleeds which the blood lubes the slide to move faster. The females on Osuka's side interfere by dumping a bottle of food oil on Iboji's slide and it speeds his a55 up and destroys his anus and parts. Osuka thinks how her revenge for Margret is done and the crowd wigs out over the Hatesate cheating with Dosuru saying they won the game anyway as Totetsumo and him insult each other. Iboji cries in pain as he can't walk with a ruined a55 and needs help to get to a dr while Osuka was taken on a stretcher by her fans. Things devolve like a soccer game in back door england and the 2 schools start a riot and beat on each other. Sanbo Daihonei sends half the Hatesate 10 to defend their masters while the other half attacks the Iyahayas. Benten is sent to defend Nantomo and Tomonji Kikuno guards Sayoko as Ryuko Kasumi leads the attack of the other 8. Totetsumo battles on, Domo bites a guys arm and Koja whips guys, also Koyayashi gets beat on. Eventually the ambulances arrive and get the treatment and Dosuru vows to use his connections of being backed by the biggest mafia guy in the world. Iboji has knives in his a55 and was forgot about and Nantomo who's unharmed and thinks humans might be without hope.
So Hatesate calls in his mafia guys to slag the Iyahaya's in 1 swoop but Totetsumo has it prepared and shows the worried Sayoko his secret hanger he hasn't been in for years with his Japanese WW2 Zero Fighters he swiped from the military along with salaries and supplies and soldiers which got them to rise after WW2 into the biggest conglomerate. So the mafia guys come to the door the the Zero fighter shreds em with gunfire, then the next day the Zero Fighters attack the Hatesate residence. At the center of the island of Japan is the Hatesate City thats in the Iyahaya prefecture and Kekkin Academy is in the center and divided between em, but the factions never go into rival turf. Until Now!! So the Zero Fighters blow out the Hatesate place and Dosuru reveals he's more than an agriculture machine factory but really a weapons factory and he thinks the Zero'es are outdated(Not in Mega Man X). Totetsumo thinks he's won, he thinks all is well, but kiss Honey's a55, he will see them in h-ll, as word reaches him saying Hatesate is going full military. Totetsumo thinks he's a death merchant and he suspected they were a military industry. Seeing why Iyahaya sales were low in Angola compared to Viet Nam(See Angel Cop for more about that) he gives Iyahaya arms to all in his faction and this devolves into a civil war that splits Japan in 2 like Jun Fudo being bummed by that werewulf guy. Things advance and the military gets in as its not just guerillas and civilians and the Japan Self Defense Forces come in to try to stop it by surrounded the Iyahaya prefecture. Totetsumo is told by Sayoko that the gov is planning on slagging both sides and saying they both iced each other, but Totetsumo thinks its not gonna happen even though his forces can't stand up to the gov. But he has allies in the gov who aid him in the shadows and then Totetsumo meets the commander of the eastern bloc and has a long meeting in a room and gets him to aid him despite thinking Totetsumo fd it all up when he 1st came in. After commander leaves, Totetsumo sez he won by buying the commander and will wipe out the Hatesate. The Eastern bloc attacks them but the Iyahaya's are attacked by the Western Bloc who was bought by the Hatesate. Their home is busted like the Iyahaya place but the inner area can tank a nucular hit and the war spreads to the rest of Japan and splits the nation along the Japanese alps at 138 degrees in 2 like Yuko Akiba in Violence Jack as the soviets get involved in the eastern bloc.
Sayoko calls in the Iyahaya 10 and sez they otta take responsibility to save Japan, and to end the war, they gotta ice Doshita by sneaking into the Hatesate camp. Nantomo hears outside the door and Kyoko Mange uses her kaleidoscope b00b milk to show the Hatesate place and its a mess of rubble. Doshita is in hiding in a banker and has african and viet nam soldiers on his side and they gotta be careful. Yuri's Benten Tattoo sends her fake b00b to the place and she whistles over the radio to make it blow. The Iyahaya 10 swarm in and slag the guys as Midori Narukami uses her Thunder Crash to waste dudes. Sayoko, Yuri and Hakucho Izumi run in and shred Doshite with gunfire but are caught and taken out back by Sanbo Daihonei(bet you forgot about dat c-ck sucker huh?) who has em tied to poles outside. Sayoko sez the cause of the war is over but Sanbo Daihonei sez the war has long since left their hands and they are all pawns on a chessboard. Sayoko regrets competing with Doshita at school and the firing squad lets loose their metal hailstorm but the bullets stopped in midair. This big smally sasquatch looking mess comes in and Nantomo comes outta it saying its his retainer and he knew this would happen so he stopped time in that space to save em.
On the border of Iyahaya prefecture with with Hotohoto Mountain, the people fleeing from the conflict gather and it all hobos who are cameos from other Go Nagai Manga and Kozi and Okomo talk of how Iyahaya prefecture used to be a paradice but fell. But the good prince will come back and fix things as he told em Iyahaya was a good place before. Omorai Kun sees him and Nantomo returns with the Iyahaya 10 and his parents think the Iyahaya place was a shabby house as they use the whole earth as their home. Akemi asks Sayoko what she'd do and she wants to go home but its too dangerous and being with the hobos is best for now, but she's disappointed that Nantomo is a beggar prince. Yuri Benten thinks its weird Nantomo don't look like the king/queen of beggars and queen sez he's not their blood child but came from the sky. At that time, the soviets and American nucular subs head for Japan. 2 years ago the queen looked at the full moon and wanted a child of her own and from the moon came naked Nantomo who bumped his head and lost his memory. He also had super powers and could predict weather or earthquakes and where to get good medical treatment and he could heal people. 6 months ago he sed he had to go to Iyahaya Prefecture and they went but he left em and they worried and she left him the bodyguard who's the devolved sasquatch thing whos the descendant of Ninja from the Sengoku era(Like the Iyahaya 10). Queen sez she knows he's going away and the 0 of em will follow where she cant follow and she leaves Nantomo to them. The 0 wonder what to do about Nantomo and Yuri thinks they otta get his memory back by dropping him on his head again like a f--kin cartoon. Sayoko thinks it might hurt him but Akemi sez he survived the 1st bump from the moonfall so he should be good. They throw the sleeping Nantomo off the cliff with Kagero thinking its might be murder but Yuri saying not to say bad things. He bangs his head and the US Sub launches the nuke and as he remembers, the Iyahaya prefecture is nuked. Then the soviets launch nukes thinking the attack is a declaration of war and WW3 happens.
So the Earth is destroyed and Nantomo talks with an angel in space about how it looks like the world expo the french pavillion. Nantomo thinks he screwed up and he forgot his mission by hitting his head. Then God comes in and bops Nantomo with His staff while saying its His fault for trusting the mission to a 3rd class angel. Nantomo didn't use his Angel energy and it built up and affected those around him to f up the time flow and make it fold toward the end and making the world focus on Iyahaya Prefecture. He's gonna smack Nantomo with a thing to make him not an Angel but Nantomo sez wait cuz he wants to talk. God says if he's not an angel he can't talk to Him and Nantomo sez when he forgot he was an angel, he saw things from the human POV and thought thy were hopeless. They were on the way to destruction and if this crisis was prevented, another would wipe em out. To humans, happiness is being a little better/richer/hotter ect than others like wit Sports being competition, and the final forme of competition is war so they were always heading for WW3. Nantomo accuses God of making a mistake by making Adam outta Clay but God says there was no better materials(odd after making the universe and only being able to use clay) so Nantomo sez to use an Angel to make humans outta and try again with the Heart of God. Nantomo wants to be the new Adam and be made to a human as he's not the best angel, but the new man would get the Angelic Heart and be better. God asks about Eve(not Li-NOPE!!) and Nantomo whispers something that makes God call Sacrilege! But He still cuts Nantomo some slack for being made human and uses a-a time rewind thing to go back to Eden(and disprove evolution!!! Eat it back door bill nye and your gender sodomy!). Nantomo is naked and feels great and calls Eva Chan which is the Iyahaya 10 plus Sayoko who run in naked cuz this is Go Nagai and he loves curvy nude women with thicc a55es. Then God says Iyahaya Nantomo and it ends, or rather, it begins! Hope Ryo Asuka don't do anything.
- (いやはや なんとも) Iyahaya Nantomo.
- Sayoko Iyahaya
- Haya Iyahaya
- Totetsumo Iyahaya
- Domo Iyahaya
- Matsutaku Iyahaya
- Motsutomo Iyahaya
- Sherlock Pochi
- Alphonse Louis Steinbeck IV
- Gokokuji Rannosuke
- Doshita Hatesate
- Koramata
- Sanbo Daihonei
- Ganriki Banri
- Yuri Benten
- Ryuko Kasumi
- Kaoru Kagero
- Kyoko Mange
- Akemi Kanbara
- Midori Narukami
- Ibuki Ginro
- Tomonji Kikuno
- Muma Satsuki
- Hakucho Izumi
- Juro Yowai
- Ranzatsu Sobo
- Bujin Bojaku
- Senban Furachi
- Jumonji
- Kogoro Iboji
- Koyayashi
- Dosuru Hatesate
- Satemo Hatesate
- Computer Yamazaki
- Saitaro Tenpu
- Rika Kawai
- Koide Edison
- Katsuro Hai
- Taiko Ratsupa
- Idomu Genkai
- Reizoko Reito
- Mazoo Konkon
- Marii Fundu
- Omori-Kun
- Okomo-Chan
- Kozi
- Yuu Hiromi
- Shy Tereya
- Koja Hatesate
- Margret Friend
- Osuka Berubara
- God
- a number of scenes are copy/pasted over and over to save time I assume or maybe cuz go Nagai was busy doing other violent p0rn0 I mean kids manga.
- Nantomo being an angel who forgot his mission and lead to the end of the world is a less dark and disturbed version of Devilman with Ryo Asuka. Also its got more poop. But in CB Chara Go Nagai World OVA 3 Ryo loses his memory and wakes up naked in a new lard.
- In volume 05 is Omorai Kun who is filthy as ever including eating enemas with his a55 and devouring befouled food. He actually does NOT sh-t all over the place, but his opponent does.
- In volume 05 Violence Jack, Count Brocken, Danbei Hayami and Dr. Hell Cameo in a crowd of homeless people.

I mean Jack is kind of a hobo with no home and roaming the wastelands
- In a crowd scene is the parents of Banji Suke and/or Chokkei Hayami

Pretty sure its not Chokkei's rents as they wouldn't afford to send him here.
- 1 crowd scene has Chiiko, the umbrella guy from Harenchi Gakuen and Kenzo Kabuto are seen.

The eyebrows guy looks like the dad from Maju Sensen by Ken Ishikawa
- In 1 crowd scene we see the acorn head dude Go Nagai keeps using, oh its The Jainitor, as well as Banji Suke's dad and Danbei Hayami with what is probably Naojiro Abashiri.