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Hanappe Bazooka is a manga and anime by Go Nagai which was written by Kazuo Koike, the homie who did mad bull 34 and crying freeman. sounds like a recipe for good cr-p


This candya55 teen Hanappe Yamada summons Demons to his place and they f his life in silly sexy ways. This goes on for 10 volumes of secks and violence.



Hanappe and takayanagi

The uncut version was deleted as some c-cksucker cant handle butt cheeks

Hanappe Bazooka OVA World Tree Girl

Giantess with long hair? how fetish!

It starts with what I can assume is God talking to this hazy crotch in some wasteland about the destiny of some super guy. Then we get Hanappe and his homies(who are never seen again) guying photos of the chick he like taken w/o her consent and showing her undies. After Hanappe buys one for 20$ he's outta cash and while stalking the chick he is attacked by bullys. they beat on him and cut off his pants and he whizzed himself, and the chick he liked is watching!!. He escapes into a video store and finds a p0rn0 vid, which he shoplifts(just for one night!). At home his dad lost a bundle in the stock market and his hot sister teases him. so he grabs her t-t. later he's j-rkin off to the p0rn0 of a girl doing things alone and imagining it being the chick he likes. but 2 demons show up. its revealed that every 1000 years on Friday the 13th if you wiggle ur wiener in a special way, it summons those demons. yeah that makes sense. so he wishes to be strong. but then his mom coms in hearing noise(and not the summoning that trashed his room) the demons turn into a school girl and her dog. mom isn't bothered by there being a school girl in Hanappe's room while he's wearing only a shirt and the dog gets a b0ner for the moms milf bod. when the mom tickles the dogs b0ner thinking its a bellybutton, he cant take it and starts b0ning her. dad and hot sister come in but the other demon creates money for dad and starts lesbianing the sister. Then Hanappe wakes up. the next day, after school the bullies attack but Hanappe kills em. but it turns out to be an illusion and they wenrnt dead or w/e. the demons reveal Hanappe is gonna be the ruler of the world and needs a heart of ice (sailor moon movie 2) to rule and use his powers. they give him a finger power that lets him enlusten chicks(in the manga it turns his finger into a wiener). so the next day he starts trying to b0ne hot chicks. but gets f'd by fat chicks. and a crossdresser. when he returns home he finds the house is a demon place. dad's b0ning a harem of 5kanks he payed to be with him, mom is being b0ned by bazooka, and his sister is doing SM with dance. so he tried to stop it. but the fam likes their demon life. later Hanappe is bummed (and not by as cross dresser this time) and the chick he likes comforts him. the demons want him to use his powers on her to b0ne but he has high views on her and thinks shes a good person.so the demons show him she's been b0ning the teacher for good grades(wait, how did they know she was doing that??). Hanappe calls her to this dark alley at night to confront her but she denies it. so he zaps her and she goes super lusty and trys to b0ne him. then trys to kill him. so the demons slag her. they say they'll bring her back to life or something. Hanappe researches ways to fight demons at the library (witch wuld be the internet today) and faces them but it turns out they don't care about most of em. except holy pliers. so the demons take his family hostage and he surrenders. but it was a trick and the fam loves being b0ned by demons. so Hanappe kills himself his family starts eating him and turns into grotesque abominations. wait, that's Violence Jack Evil Town. so he's at the spirit of the world tree (ygdrasil??) ho wants to reincarnate him. but the demons come in and try to save him. after a fight with weird a55 monsters, Hanappe is almost absorbed into the womb of new souls or w/e and the demon babe saves him. they bring his soul back and are gonna revive him. oh and the tree girl sez Hanappe has a great love power that powers up from love. what kinda cr-ppy sailor moon sh-t is that?!


Volume 001[]

Chapter 001[]

Hanappe looks at Penthouse and notices the store owner is interested in him. Later in a restaurant girls sit near him and he books it to find a chick with a thicc a55 and checks her out. While looking at guns as I guess Japan was cooler in the 70s and not as Gun phobic like soviet england or 30s Germany, this chick has him draw the eye of the store owner with a 10 000 yen bull, or 100$, as she steals guns. Wait I think its model guns and Japan is still in its beta male phase as Its just a phase dad and she plans to sell em at 1/2 price. He wants a model gun but se has him choose an item o feeling her b00bs. They go to the toilet and he sez his name is Hanahei Yamada, Hana like Dandelion Flower and Hei like Hiramatsu and she sez more like Hanappe and finds more of him b4 he can poe her nip with his finger like he's in Meiwa University affiliated highschool and is in the boxing club but skipped today to wander around, as I guess it beats brain damage. He feels her left nip but won't let her mouth it until finds out more. He has no ambition and when she asks if he wants to be strong or get chicks he sez he wants it all and sucks her left nip. She sez no more sucking and she's Hoshiko Nobara and if he wants more to bring her 1 000 000 in a bar called Phoenix in Asagaya and when he wants her b00bs she puts a gun in his face and he falls butt 1st into the toilet. She sez she don't like cansya55 men who don't got a goal and after 20 he's not cool so its his last chance. Hanappe whines in the toilet of how he s-cked and realizes he wants girls. At night everyones asleep so he gets out photoes and puts on a video and starts j=rkin off but these daemons come ut and say he spelt abracadabra with his fingers while j-rkin off and i made a erfect triangle and was a summoning for daemons and the TV was the circle. Bazooka wants to grant wishes fast as he don't wanna wait and thinks its money/women/power as that's what most want. Bazooka is gonna bow his head off if he don't answer so Hanappe sez Wait and Bazooka sez that's his 1st wish and he'd wait for 2 mins. Hanappe sez he takes it back and that's the 2nd wish so Bazooka's gonna slag him. He asks to e spared and that's all of em and at some point Hanappe p-ssed on the floor. Dance sez in 10 000 years sine the cro magnon era only summoned daemons, <Quasimodo Nostradamus and biden Nero. and he almost became the third and could have b0ned a number of chicks. Hanappe wants another chance and makes a fuss so Mom comes in and the demons turn into students and say they are here for preparing for a class debate on is j=rkin off is good and Hanappe is showing them how he j=rks off as Hanappe whips out his b0ner and hands it. His miIf mom thinks its impure and don' want dat and Bazoka jumps on her and rips off her clothes as he's into miIfs like Hawk Eye in Sailor Moon and hasn't b0ned in 420 years and 12 days since Nostradamus, but to him, 40 year olds are young as he's 365 621. Hanappe's dad and sister come in and and throws dad money and starts queering out with the sister as she's a queer daemoness but unlike hazbin hotel isn't awful. Hanappe gets the Bazooka item but is old if a human uses it then existence ends and he drops it but it was a demon trick and it would've slagged em but he queered out and trusted demons and they go back to b0ning his fam and offers to do him wishes as they are gonna be living with him and h thinks "sorry fam".

Chapter 002[]

In the AM Bazooka gets the fam to the Akuma Dan, like a Shinto Alter KamiDan but evil, and after a ritual they eat while Bazooka b0nes Hanappe's miIf mom. Dad don't mind his woman being b0ned by a demon like trudeau but the Human and demon are switched, and plans what to buy with all his money as his daughter queers out with a demoness. Hanappe gets mad at hem and Bazooka points at him and makes his finger into a b0ner and if he points at a chick she wants to b0ne him. He tells Hanappe to make a fist often as if he aims at a dog then he's f'd like Miki Makimura in Violence Jack. He goes out and nearly points at a kid but accidentally points at a fat chick next door who jumps down and runs after him claiming to have lusted after him since he was a baby like a gender swap of Trunks and Pan in DBGT. He runs inside and asks Bazooka for help but he's b0ning Mr'-s Yamada and tells her to put the finger in the pee hole t make her lust vanish and knock her out, which he has to tell her how the girl crotch works. He does so and carry's her 400; a55 home. After putting up with his fams loud b0ning he gets a suit and goes out to find a chick and in the subway or bus or w/e sees Etsuko Takayanagi who's the school council prez and most popular girl in the school and called the Eternal Virgin that other guys can't get close to. He want to be her 11st and at th abandoned boweling alley Tokyo Big Bowling he using his d0ng finger at her and hides in it. She does lusty things with him mouthing her left t-t and she sez the names of guys she b0ned b4 like Hiro Shiyama from the base ball team and has him grab her crotch as she calls him Hosoi Sensei. Yoshiko in thechopper for the traffic report seez em in the hole in the roofs a55 and when Hanappe accidentally points at her, she drives her chopper at him and kills Etsuko who was about to b0ne him and horribly die in the hit. Hanappe hates it and decides to get his fam back and tries to get her back by pointing at her with his lust finger. Not wanting the 0th time of the Sonichu guy, Dance jumps in the way like Piccolo and Gohan or Serena and Dr Tomoe and he don't wanna lose his virginity to a daemon.

Chapter 003[]

So neither wants to b0ne the other but they gotta to stop the magic. Can't he use the pee pipe thing? Wait, he tries and its hard to find under her thick body hair like a furry or gaijin. So they b0ne and kinda like b0ning and she used to hate men like ellen from ex men but now likes him but Mito Yamada is still number 1. Hanappe wants to be strong and Bazooka sez he already is and if he keeps his heart cold it makes him powerful. So he goes to High School again and is glad it don't got the demon stink(like gaijin stink?) and his teacher Keiko Sugizawa is teaching of the Germans, who were the good guys in WW1 with the Honorable Kaizer vs the demonic brits and lusty french. Teacher catches him sneaking in and sends hi to the discipline room and b--ches at him for skipping class and being late and being a loser and beta male like soviet steve on that late night show. He has enuff and points at her and makes her b0ne him but he didn't have much fun and feels bummed, and not like what he did to her a55. He goes out disenfranchised and shoots up the place gets hit in the face by a baseball and don't notice, then throw it back and it bams the catcher over. He wants to test his might and goes to the karate dojo as this is Japan and they all Kung Fu HARD but is scared. A flying Nunchaku heads for him and he jumps and flips like a Power Ranger and this makes a big manly 7 foot tall Japanese teen wanna try him out. After a punch is countered and 1shots THE TALL Teen and celebrates but the boxing club comes in and this ugly mother f==kr with scars cuz I guess his face got all f'd up by taking too many hits, wants to punish him for skipping boxing club. He challenges him to 6 rounds, no gear, no knock outs, if hes KO'ed they hose him off and keep it up. 1st is 1 teen who wants to quit and don't like how uggmo devolved the sport into violence, and is called Okiyama and is the head of the butt oxing club. The teen is Noguchi and gets beat on so Hanappe tries to help, but needs a col heart to have power and gets his a55 kicked so Noguchi sez to use non resistance like that candya55 ghandi who ruined india by kiking out the 1 thing keeping em from slaughtering each other cuz they worshipped the wrong gods or w/e they haed each other for. Noguchi sez the more f'd up he gets the more it inspires te other teens to stand up and he's all F dat as he dont wanna die for some c=ck sucker he don't know. This makes him get strong and lug him out with candya55 Noguchi being proud of him and thinking he was faking being a weenee and sees him as an hero. Okiyama gets up and seals the exits like sewing a butt closed so nothing gets in or out and reveals he's the high school heavyweight champion and head of the Kanto Bancho Alliance. Since he got his a55 kicked by a 2nd year nothing he's gonna have to seppuku and has his gang pull out their Bancho Blades like in Shutendoji. They go to ice em and Hanappe dodges but Noguchi sez to fight for justice and save him which uncolds his heart and he gets his atm cut. He p-ssed himself again like its The Garbage Pail Kids Movie and to have a cold heart, throws Noguchi to em and he cuts slagged, which makes Hanappe mad and he beats the banana crammer outta em. After a phantasy of being a champion with Kogoro Iboji and I think Hitler, then saving Elena the daughter of lord Rot Ferot who's the head of the worlds biggest financial group, he gets his Aryan Daughter, the cops bust in and are gonna arrest em all.

Chapter 004[]

At the police station Hanappe is interrogated but not with a board of water, and finds Noguchi survived being chopped up. Noguchi was helping em and they were investigating the boxing club, but thinks Hanappe was like Noguchi and had enough of Okiyama's evil. Cop don't know wh beat the black offa the gang and when Hanappe sez he did, the cops break out laughing like he just told a great joke about spreading aids. They boned up on hm and saw he's pretty cr-ppy and was an errand boy for the club. Hanappe chmps out over it and insists he did it but tat's like saying ba rock could beat Hulk Hogan and they laugh at him and his cr-pppiness He sez it was self defence like that guy the media called racist but was really a hero and trys to prove it but loses at armwrestlin to a guys pinky and bangs his hand on the desk trying to bust it. Remembering he needs a cold heart he thinks how he beat em to save Noguchi and the cops let him go and say his fam ain't comming to get him cuz they're weird and not like reddit and his dads a big company chief. He goes home not wanting power or women and wants his fam back as they were before the hormones and surgery, wat thats kim kardashian, before the demons. He sees a car go by and the guys n it remind him of his fam and Hoshiko Nobara shows up asking if he made the million yen. He tells her his f'd up story and she thinks its all bunk like gender studies in college and knows if he shows his finger it'll make her b0ne him and she might get mad, also if he fights he might not work out as his power is as reliable as Zap Cannon. He ends up using his finger on her after feeling her a55 as she swings on a Japanese swing and they b0ne in the half berried tires in the playground. He don't care about anything now and thinks things are better with b0ning but she regains her senses and thinks she fell off the swing and he f'd her while african americaned out and trys beating him with a rock that happens to be there. He jumps like 10 feet, or 1 Gaijin, high and lands on the playground and sez he wants things as they was.

Volume 002[]

Chapter 005[]


The thing of a nerdy teen summoning daemons with secks and getting b0ned was quite similar to Masami Ohbari's Viper GTS, which like many Go Nagai things, has daemons as the good guys and lots of nude scenes ands b0ning, except this actually IS a FULL ON XXX ANIME!


  • The idea of daemons and aliens being the same thing is a common belief in those involved in the supernatural, also there is much evidence such as survivors of alien encounters say THEY recoiled at the name of Jesus.
  • The idea of spelling words with your body while doing something sinful that summons daemons might be related to how yoga is said to be occult as the poses your body is put in spells words in another language that invites wicked spirits, pagan gods and other daemons. Don't believe me. Look into it yourself.


theres a lot

Manga by Go Nagai
1960s Harenchi GakuenKikkai-kunAbashiri Family
1970s Gakuen Taikutsu OtokoMaroDemon Lord DanteSusumu's Big ShockZuba-BanOmorai-kunDevilmanViolence JackDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyMazinger ZGetter RoboOira SukebanKekko KamenGreat MazingerIyahaya NantomoShutendojiKotetsu JeegShinrei Tantei Occult Dan‏‎ UFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Henchin PokoiderKing BomberAzteckaiserGarlaGroizer-XBattle Hawk‏‎Violence Car Hono no TakaKikkai vs OmoraiBlack LionHenkin TamaiderShin DevilmanHanappe BazookaSusano OhMachine Saurer
1980s Goodbye Boy‏‎ • Haru IchibanX BomberAru Nichi Shojo wa...Maboroshi PantyMild 7Cinderella KnightIron MuscleIron Virgin JunChoushoujo UFOChonoryoku Senshi Jenes‏‎BarabanbaGod MazingerHarenchi MamaFull Metal LadyMazinger USAJushin Liger
1990s Kama SutraGetter Robo GoMazinSagaThe Ninja DragonCutey Honey 90s‏‎Heisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiLovely AngelDevil LadyZ Mazinger
2000s Dororon Enpi-chanSalacia ~Waga Hakugin no MermaidGetter Robo ArcSharakuCutie Honey: Tennyo Densetsu‏‎MazinkaiserViolence Jack Sengoku MajindenDate MasamuneDevilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLRHarenchi Golfer JubeiHoujou SouunShin Violence JackKinshiro Burai SakuraMaeda ToshiieDemon Prince EnmaRobo-Humans Of The BattlefieldSirene Tanjo-henSuikoAkuma KishiCutie Honey vs Abashiri Family
2010s Devilman vs Getter RoboGekiman!Demon Lord Dante vs Getter Robo GSirene-chanCutie Honey vs Devilman LadyDevilman SagaGrendizer Giga
2020s Violence Jack 20XXMazinger Z 2022Yagyu RashinkenReiwa Harenchi Gakuen
Anime by Go Nagai
1970s TV DevilmanMazinger ZDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyGetter RoboGreat MazingerGetter Robo GKotetsu JeegUFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Daiku Maryu GaikingGroizer-XMajokko Tickle
1980s TV Psycho Armor GovarianGod MazingerJushin Liger
1980s OVA BarabanbaDream Dimension Hunter FandoraViolence Jack Harlem BomberDevilman:The BirthViolence Jack Evil TownShutendoji
1990s TV Getter Robo GoCutey Honey FlashDevil Lady
1990s OVA Devilman:Demon Bird SireneViolence Jack Hell's WindCB Chara Go Nagai WorldAbashiri FamilyKekko KamenKama SutraIron Virgin JunDelinquent in Drag‏‎Hanappe BazookaBlack LionNew Cutey HoneyHeisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiGetter Robo Armageddon
2000s TV Demon Lord DanteKotetsu Shin JeegShin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen
2000s OVA Amon: The Apocalypse of DevilmanShin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter RoboMazinkaiserMazinkaiser vs The Great General of DarknessNew Getter RoboRe: Cutie HoneyDemon Prince Enma
2010s TV Ghastly Prince Enma Burning UpRobot Girls ZCutie Honey Universe
2010s OVA Mazinkaiser SKLCyborg 009 Vs. Devilman‏‎ Devilman Crybaby
2020s Getter Robo Arc‏‎Grendizer U