Go Nagai wiki

Go Nagai[]

800px-Go Nagai 20080704 Japan Expo 05

Growing Up[]

Born under the name Kiyoshi and growing up in a somewhat large family (he was 4th out of 5 brothers), Go Nagai has went from college student to internationally famous and genre creating integral piece of anime history.


Born a few weeks after the A-bombing of Japan on September 6 1945, he was named Koyoshi Nagai and liked the works of Tezuka Osamu (not Osama). his father died while he was young so he and his family moved to Tokyo. He did well in college but not well getting into university. In Japan at the time, university was seen as a prerequisite to having a successful life (kinda like how being popular is needed to be liked). When he was almost 20, he fell ill and thought he was going to die of colon cancer but recovered since it was only an intestinal problem (Colitis) and he recovered. his outlook on life had been changed by the disease and he wanted to make something to show that he existed (writing manga).

Common Themes[]

In his work, Go Nagai often reuses similar ideas. Some would call it uncreative, but when you do as much new stuff as Go, its really hard to call him uncreative. Some would say he likes the reused materials and puts them in because he thinks he is fun.


After reading alot of porno mags in his youth, it would seem that Go likes nude women. The fact that he announced that he likes nude women in an interview also supports this theory. Most of his works involve some kind of nudity, whether it is only a minor scene, a popular semi-minor theme of the show or the main theme that everyone knows (and loves) it for, he enjoys putting nude women(and sometimes men) in his works.


Go Nagai loves motorcycles. In many anime/manga he does there is often a motorcycle scene of group. Not only does New Cutey Honey have a biker gang in the first OAV, but Honey Kisaragi has a form devoted to her being a motorcycle rider (hurricane honey). Akira Fudo rides one in the TV Devilman and Koji Kabuto drives one to blow off steam in Mazinger Z. Violence Jack has biker gangs in many of its volumes and in all 3 OAV's.

Futuristic Samurai[]

Often(ewell not as often as nude women) Go puts guns/electricity/robots together with samurai. It can be modern samurai like in the Slum King in Violence Jack. Or it could be ninja with lasers as in Black Lion.


After reading too much Dante's Inferno he got a b0ner for demons. Usually making them the good guys and fighting The Lord. Either he's some kinda Satanist, or is just doing it to F with people. Either sounds plausible. Also he often draws em either really abominus, or really sexy.


Yeah. he draaws em. alot. not as much as daemons or robots, but more than most manga guys. Either he's doing it to F with people, or he's got a fetish. not sure witch as either is plausible


more than akira toriyama, he has characters sh-tting. other gross stuff includes barf, whiz, apurm and guys j-rkin off or b0ning


he sees Astroboy and Gigantor as the originators of Robot Anime but he really modernized art by putting the human INSIDE da bot for da 1st time yo. want proof? look at all the robot anime b4 him: astrboy and gigantor! after him; gndam, robotevh, evangelion (spoiler; that ones gay) transformers kinda (the toys started as manned bots). not just giant onres too. cutey honey or iron kaiiser were humaboid or cyborgs who were man sized and kicked a55

female body builders[]

hes got a lot of big beefy chicks in a bunch of his cr-p. they aint gross either. he ddraws buff chicks sexy. usually they are pro wrestlers. i assume he's into FBB muscle babes. not bad. I;m more into fat chicks but muscle cann be hot. homie!

really graphic violence[]

yeah hes done that. its kinda his thing. often ending a story with everyone getting chopped up. totally not like with berserk and what happened to the guys. or gundam and kill em all tomino. or evangelion where they all got devolved into slop or w/e. he did it 1st!


He's quite into girl on girl scenes and has multiple series with it, ranging from just naked chicks hanging out, or full on bb0ning. He usually does not do Yaoi and when having Shingo Hibiki being b0ned by 22 guys, it all happened offscreen as he's not into that like the Boku No Piko guys. While[ Dororon Enpi-chan DID have Yukihige being butt hammered by a bear, this was meant to be comedic and not sexy like in Cutey Honey or Violence Jack. Yes Devilman Crybaby had male on male sodomy, but that's only based on his manga and was not written by him directly.


he likes slipping his other characters into other stuff. kekko kamen in the background of hsnappe bazooka, ginnai doma in iron virgin jun, or outright Jim Mazinger in Violence jack. He reuses story stuff too. but in different ways that is always cool and fun. like that queer bennet the sage sez: Go Nagai, You are never boring"
