Like the 3 Lights from Sailor Stars. But less hermaphrodite(that's Baron Ashura's job)
Getter Robo Go (ゲッターロボ號? Gettā Robo Gō) or Getter Robot Go, also known as Venger Robo or Venger Robot Go outside Japan, is a Japanese mecha anime and manga series created by Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa.
The anime was originally broadcast from February 11, 1991 to January 27, 1992 on TV Setouchi and TV Tokyo with a total of 50 episodes. Along with the TV series, a few manga versions were released. One of them was released in the US under the name Venger Robo and in Spain as Venger Robot Go. The anime and manga are unrelated, and while the anime is a remake of the original series, the manga is a sequel of the original manga. The series is sometimes wrongly written in Japanese as ゲッターロボ号.
- Go Ichimonji
- Sho Tachibana
- Gai Daido
- Hayato Jin
- Professor Tachibana
- Raseshi
- Junichi Yaguchi
- Yamagishi
The anime is a remake of the original Getter Robot series with no real relationship with the previous anime or manga. Each episode features a different metal beast enemy, a similar format to the anime television series Mazinger Z. The design of the Getter Robot has some features reminiscent of Mazinger Z, such as a "Rocket Punch" attack. The series also marked the renewal of business relationships between Toei Animation and Go Nagai, which were interrupted by the conflict with Daiku Maryu Gaiking.
In the year 200X(f--king megaman!!), Doctor Rando, a genius scientist gone mad, has broken the peace on the Earth by trying to conquer the world from his Polar base, using an army of his Metal Beasts, super robots developed by him to conquer the world and led by his genetically created officers. No regular weapons seem to work against the Metal Beasts. To combat him, Japan's Defense Agency request the cooperation of NISAR, the Japan International Aerospace Corporation, which has developed a robot, the Getter Robo. Dr. Tachibana, the head of the Getter Robo project, is reluctant to use the robot for battle. Despite this, Getter Robo, piloted by Go Ichimonji (later joined by Sho Tachibana and Gai Daido), is able to defeat a Metal Beast with the sacrifice of Shinichi, the son of Dr. Tachibana. This prompts the improvement of Getter to make it a transforming machine piloted by three persons, capable of defeating the Metal Beasts and stopping Dr. Rando from conquering the world.
Three manga versions were published with the release of the TV series. Two of them were drawn by Tatsuo Yasuda, the first one was published in the magazine TV-kun from December 28, 1990 to April 30, 1991 and the second one in the magazine Bessatsu Coro Coro Comic Special from February 1991 to June 1991, both Children's publications of Shogakukan. None of these have been re-printed outside the magazines.
Another version, written by Go Nagai and illustrated by Ken Ishikawa, was published in the magazine Shōnen Captain, published by Tokuma Shoten, from February 1991 to May 1993. This version was originally compiled in 7 volumes, and later reprinted in other collections published by Daitosha and Futabasha.
From this manga, the first stories were published in the United States by Viz Media in 1993 in 7 issues (not volumes) under the name Venger Robo.
Some of these numbers were also published in Spain by Planeta DeAgostini in 1995, under the name Venger Robot Go. In France, the series was published from 1999 to 2001 for a total of 5 volumes by Dynamic Vision. A volume of the series was also published in South Korea by Seoul Cultural Publishers. In Italy, the series was published integrally as part of the Getter Saga series, which included all Getter Robot series in a single series of 12 volumes. There are a lot of major differences between Go Nagai's version and the TV version. The whole plot is rewritten to match as the sequel to the last series, Getter Robo G as well as incorporating characters and storyline that would later be adapted in the OAVs Getter Robo Armageddon and Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo. Another interesting thing is the debut of the iconic Shin Getter Robo in the Manga's last volume.
Sixteen years after Ryoma Nagare, Hayato Jin and Benkei Kuruma defeated the Hundred Oni Empire (百鬼帝国? Hyakki Teikoku), research has begun to develop a new set of Getter Machines in order to fight the threat of a new, cyborg-like species known as Metal Beasts, led by the evil Professor Rando of the "Vega Zone". Leading this project is Hayato himself, who soon scouts and enlists three young pilots: Go Ichimonji, a young professional athlete, Sho Tachibana, the daughter of Prof. Tachibana (leader of the Getter-Go project) and a skilled sword-fighter, and Gai Daido, a former Getter mechanic. Together, these three pilots use a new set of Getter Machines to form the super robot known as "Getter Robo Go", and begin a battle to stop Rando once and for all.
Volume 01[]
Chapter 001[]
Lt Kuroda bites it in a Getter Robo test, but at a school track race Go Ichimonji comes in third and Junichi Yaguchi wins and gets attention and might make the Olympics. The coach chmps out at Go for losing on purpose but G sez he qualified and has more events comming. He came in third but a nerd sez he has great stamina as after all these events he didn't break a sweat but moderate scores. After f--kin out at Shot put on purpose as the weight was too light the coach chews his a55 out and sez he'd reveal Go's secret of beating a guy so bad, wound up in a hospital on guerero street if he don't do well as if the school does well he gets a raise. Go don't care and throws a shotput like a baseball into the wall by the head of some long haired guy who notices he's left handed. Then some suits are there and are here to ice if if they have to. Go beats em out and a samurai chick slices his pants and shoelaces so he falls trying to getta way. The mysterious guys leave and Go gets home with mom slagging on him for the school calling and thinking he beat another guy half dead. He lays in bed thinking of the 2 and outside is the suits who 1 used to be a boxer and is amazed Gob dodged his punch. They are gonna beat his a55 so word don't get but they got beat by a teen but this big devolved looking guy slags em. El Devolvo jaywalks and crushes a truck heading for him like Jiro Shutendo in Shutendoji OVA 1 then comes in Go's home and mom thinks its his friend. This raging sasquatch pulls out big a55 guns and shreds the place but Go busts his face with a baseball bat and thinks its cuz he threw a trash can at a Yakuza Office or nearly killed a p-mp. The bg dude gets up, tanks another baseball bat hit that f--ks up the bat, then slugs Go down an grows claws from his fingers like Mad Saulus in Violence Jack Evil Town. As he's gonna use his long fingers on the boy like a creepy teacher, he picks up the monstrous dudes gun and basts him with it til his skin comes off and e's a robot under it like Ginnai Doma. Coach is nearby and robo roids slams him away as Go runs andthe 2 mysterious guys from b4 monitor in a van and say how those they scout get attacked but let the cyber monster go after him as a test as a regular guy can't beat a Cyborg but they don't need regular. The satellite data sez he can run 100 meters in 10 seconds but the metric system is seuxally challenged and real men use inches and feet. He jumps over 15 meters which is lik 50 feet or we, I don't know, metric is for spurm junkies, and the cyberoid chases and he decides to fight. He throws a metal rod but its caught, then throws 1 from above and it goes through his hand and face. He finishes it with an axe t the head but tendrils come out and a big mech had busts through the wall ad the long hair guy sez e chooses him and is Hayato Jin, the man who'll show him h-ll.
Chapter 002[]
Under the north ice a Sub nears the north pole(which is aid to be the Garden Of Eden in real life) and this huge kaiju monster slags it. A guy tells Raseshi to recover the nucular sub and she sez to contact their homies around da urth. There are people with f'd up bodies in glass tubes and Professor Rando vows to be the one to rule the world like some 80s cartoon villain. He is in this Dr Wily Castle and orders the destruction missions to start but Hayato contacts him and insults him and says he'd stop him. Go wakes up from a knightmare and is in armor and given a gun and the samurai chick sez there's no time to explain. He tries to leave but sees he's in a Skybat, Japans high tech stealth chopper. The target is a hospital run by a cult and they go in and slag the patients but Go tries to stop em. A patient devolves into some kinda Yokai and the guy he was aiming at blows the Yokai away and Samurai Chick slices through a tentacle guy and sez never hesitate. The patients are corpses revived with cybernetics and the hospital ices people for making into cyborgs. Go is moved by this evil and slags more cyber zombies with the chick and they get out as a big kaiju metal beast comes out and busts the place. A nerd driving it sez its almost complete but is enough to crush the area so Go jumps in and takes it on. Hayato is gonna launch the Getter but hears Go is grappling the Meal Beast and cancels it. as if something this minor can end him he's better off slagged.
Chapter 003[]
Go jumps past the Metal Beast limbs and fires at the nerds cockpit but it does nothing, so he beats on it with the gun, like its stronger than bullets but surprise, it does jack sh-t. The monster nears the city and the chick fires a bazooka but not Ophisto Bazooka and it does nothing, so Go tackles through the glass and sez to stop it or he'd blow off the nerds head. Nerd attacks and gets claws from the fingers but chick slices him apart and sez she told him to never hesitate to slag em. Hayato sez to launch the Getter and he'd pilot unit 1 with the other 2 on Auto Pilot. Go and chick Can't control it and nerd head is alive and sez humans can't so Go shreds the controls with gunfire. Head sez he slagged the targeting system and nothing can stop it. Hayato launches the Getter Jets and they combine into Getter Robo that fights the Metal Beast. Rando sees somehow on a screen and sez that Hayato made it but Raseshi sez the Bomber Beast will be there in 5-6 mins. Rando goes on his backstory of how he got funds from the elite to make a North Pole Base but 1 guy investing was Hayato Jin who saw through the lie that it was a space research thing but to make his base, the Vega Zone! He transformed the scientist bodies to do his plan but Hayato stood against him and he saw that he could finish 5 years sooner with him so he didn't transform him. Jin stopped Rando's plans and blew his base and could take on whole armies alone like the Contra Guys but Rando thought Hayato was dead after he sank in the Polar water. As Rando babbles on about his f'd up past, Hayato gets Go and the chick Sho Tachibana to drive the Getter Robo Go and slag the Bomber Beast bustin Japan like its WW2. Hayato's scars show up as he's tense and Go feels excitement for the 1st time in his life.
Chapter 004[]
The Getter Machines combine but Getter 3 is off and f's up. In Nisar Command Center ho and Go get out and this uggmo b--ches of Go's timing being off by 0-,024 seconds. Go ses it was Getter 3 who f'd up and uggmo b--ches at him about how he was in the air force and baka like him get people killed but Go sez they both gotta look out for baka and reveals its Lt Yamagishi. Gai comes by and checks the damaged Unit 3 and sees the radiation cylinder blew and crys for it. Yamagishi tells Col Jin he don't wanna work with those 2 and thinks they'd get him iced as they are a chick and a punk kid. Hayato sez he chose them and Professor Tachibana sez he's nly a scientist and operational things are Colonels job. Hayato sez they survived longer than Yamagishi's last partners and that shows they are better than his past partners. Later Go talks with Gai about how Yamagishi don't trust em and how Gai loves Machines(Like Honey Kisaragi??) and you need to love em to fly a Getter. Hayato won't let Gai fly one as he's too slow but is a good mechanic and claims to know everything of them. Then a Kaiju attacks and Hayato sez Yamagishi is too unstable to fly and needs to get over his issus as Yamagishi has PTSD over his past battles. Go is excited a Metal Beast is comming over the sea of Okhotsk and Hayato se only a superior pilot or a nut can do Getter. Gai sez he did the best eh could bt its gonna fly like a (I'm not making this up) Duck with a cattle prod up its butt, and Yamagishi is kinda unbalanced over worrying about biting it and wanting total authority over the mission. Gai sez he fixed it so unit 3 have its controls disconnected by 2. They launch and Yamagishi is really demanding and formal and wants to go for Getter 2. Go sez that's for Air Combat and they go for Getter 3. They come in too fast and nearly f out and Sho takes control and reverses thrusters to save em. Hayato goes out even though Dr Tachibana sez he's not fully healed from his wounds escaping the Vega Zone cuz Getter 3 needs a pilot in unit 3 for sea combat. The Getters return to base and Gai wigs out over the damage done to Unit 3 but Go gets Gai to pilot it as if they use Autopilot it'll be f'd and they need someone who knows it and can overcome his skill issue with love like f==kin Sailor Moon. The jets launch and Gai sees the starboard engine is f'd so he lowers the port one to 525 and Gai sez to combine under water as the resistance will make up for the f'd speed as the reverse thrust slagged it and it might f-k apart. They combine under water and bust the Metal Beast in Getter 3 and Hayato sez good work Gai as Sho thinks they are three Baka working together.