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Getter Robo
Getter Robo Cover
Cover of Getter Robo #1 (1990)
Manga information
Kanji ゲッターロボ
Romaji Gettā Robo
Other names Getter Robot
Space Robot
Genre Mecha
Author Go Nagai & Ken Ishikawa
Illustrator Ken Ishikawa
Original publisher Shogakukan
Other publishers King Comics (hk)
Daran (tw)
D/visual Taipei (tw)
Dynamic Italia (it)
Seoul Media Group (kr)
d/visual (it)
Demographic Shōnen
Magazine Shukan Shonen Sunday
Original run 1974-04-07 ~ 1975-05-18

Getter Robo or Getter Robot is an anime and manga series about 3 vehicles that somehow combine into a giant robot(despite that they have no logical way of turning into the said robot).


  • Dr. Saotome
  • Emperor Gore
  • Ryoma Nagare
  • Ichigan Nagare
  • Michiru Saotome
  • Tatsuhito Saotome
  • Hayato Jin
  • Sugiyama
  • Musashi Tomoe
  • Captain Ranba
  • Galilei
  • Dera
  • Garo
  • Neon
  • Professor Shikishima
  • Genki Saotome
  • General Bat‏‎
  • Masaru
  • Sho
  • Tomio
  • Tatsuo
  • Dr. Gura
  • Emperor Burai
  • Marshall Hidler
  • Miyuki Saotome
  • Princess Gora
  • Jack King
  • Mary King
  • Asataro

What Happens[]




Chapter 0[]

Oy starts with Scientists pumping Getter Energy into a Robot but its too much and short circuits it. They reduce the flow to 1/3rd and 1 nerd talks about how Getter Rays are a great science thing thats a Particle with huge energy output that advanced science. Another nerd says they are going too fast and need more prep time but these winged Panzer Dragoon things go by the moon and the nerd Professor Saotome says they dont got time. Then the energy starts working as it was reduced and the circuit wasn't so bad and the robot comes to life. Then we see a volcano spazzing out and sh-tting rocks and a beardo drives his car through the h-llstorm of fire and rock like its Violence Jack and this multiheaded Dinosaur come out like its Zenon in Violence Jack and f's his car with a rock. Beardo vows that someone will stop the Dinosaurs and will know of them even it he is iced and his chomped in its jaws with a spray of blood. The Dinosaurs say even if Humans know of them, they can't do sh-t. Then Emperor Gore says how the surface used to belong to his kind and now he's gonna take it back like its f--kin Devilman or something.

Chapter 1[]

So these guys are doing football and Dr Saotome and his goons are watching a video of it saying his skill makes him good for their goals but his grades s-ck so they wanna keep looking. The goons say they've been through nearly 400 guys and Saotome gets p-ssed and sez they need a strong will/body to do it. The goons are gov guys working for him and he turns down a call from the Prime Minister of Japan to keep working. Later its raining and theres a Martial Arts thing and this guy in a ratty coat like Violence Jack carrying a framed picture comes over and effortlessly beats the guards. The judges say the contest is settled but the ratty guy comes in saying its not over til there's no opponents left and easily slugs out the ref and champ and b--ches about Japanese Martial Arts being devolved. The other guys are gonna try to beat him up (and probably gets f'd) but are stopped by a long haired guy who asks why ratty guy profaned the sacred match. He replies in battle there's no sacred or profane, just who wins and shows the picture of his dad Ichigan Nagare which long hair knows for being a Dojo Destroyer who was feared in Japan for his epic strength. Ratty guy says they were the REAL Dojo Destroyers as they ruined his rep after losing to him. Long hair says Nagare's Karate was just violence for winning and was too dangerous but Nagare Jr sez dad told him people learn Karate cuz there's others stronger than you, and don't stop until they are all beat. Then shatters the Karate Trophy with 1 punch and says they're Martial Arts s-ck and is just a dance. The other Karate guys attack and he kicks their a55es like its Streets of Rage on Sega and busts long hair's head with as kick. The goons are there and see him and follow him and at his cr-p shack: he talks to his dads picture about having avenged dads disgrace on TV but don't know how to feel as there's no REAL Karate schools in Japan now. He felt strong kicking a55 and thinks of his training from youth of fighting dogs and his hands swelling sand being soaked in salt water. But it got him jack sh-t as he didn't redeem Japanese Kung Fu and don't know what to do with his life. He busts the picture with a hit and some guys come in and try to ice him with a Katana and Kunai and a big black guy. He fights hard and gets busted out through a wall, then as the Katana swings at him, he catches it and gets the blackasaur through the head with it. Then throws the Katana and takes off the Kunai guys arm with only having taken 1 Kunai to the shoulder. Then Saotome comes in and says he's found what he wants and has the blacked out Kung Fu Dude driven off with him. Then a f-kkin Pteranodon attacks and carry's off the cart, but the guys in it get out and I guess it didn't notice.

Chapter 2[]

So its the Saotome Research Facility near Mt Asama and its raining like Soviet England. This guy is covered with Newts falling on him and I guess is eaten alive. Ratty guy dreams of Dinosaurs like he's Ryo Utsugi annd wwakes up screaming. Michiru Saotome is there and sez her dad brought him in blacked out last night and ratty guy gets b--chy at Saotome doing sh-t to him. Then the speaker sez to Michiru if Ryoma Nagare (ratty guy) is awake: bring him in and Michiru sez her dad is scarier than Ryoma. He gets up and she gives him his boxers as he was BARE A55 NUDE under the sheets cuz he was soaked by rain (and she saw his uncut parts). So he gets on pants and under pants and goes to a robo lab where Michiru sez he's gonna work. They meet Saotome who's jolly and shows him Tatsuhito who will spend the next few months training Ryoma. Ryoma wants an explanation but Saotome sez Ryoma wouldn't understand and to follow orders. Then something gets in the factory and Saotome so to go to emergency mode and this wave of Newts busts in! Tatsuhito fights em off with a chair and has Saotome , his daughter and Ryoma escape as Saotome sez something probably changed their environment as they never chimped out like this b4. They escape with bada55 Ryoma carrying fata55 Saotome and his Thicc daughter and the robots in da lab get blown f--k. Ryoma and Saotomes escape to a hidden area with Getter Robo but its not finished and Ryoma flamethrowers the Newts. But the people swarmed by the newts are zombified (Like how those who listen to the news get devolved mindless) including Tatsuhito. Ryoma don't wanna slag him but he keeps comming at them and Michiru sez not to slag him as Tatsuhito is her brother! He's aboot to get Ryoma and SaOTOME SLAGS Tatsuhito saying you can't think and must ice the enemy and they iced his son. Then goes on about how they will wipe out humanity and Ryoma wonders wtfs going on and how a lower life form like a Newt can do this. Saotome sez how they ain't lower and squeezes out the brains of 1 saying its bigger than usual and they are at a level awaiting a human like body(You're a level even higher! Shine on! And B Da Man! Join In! To Da Klan!). He shows em a skeleton with monitor lizard head, Pteranodon wings, and a Human body that's a composite reconstructed from one found in a plain crash. Its not ancient and others were found at scenes of accidents where people got iced. Then goes on about the DISPROVEN theory of Evolution (Loo up Creation Science! Its real!) and how after Dino's went, Mammals came and some digivolved into Humans. But other creatures might have done the same and took over da urth. Then huge Pteranodon attack and bust the lab but the incomplete Getter Robo flies somehow and busts through 1 as the other goes off. Ryoma thought he's break flying it but its so powerful and Saotome sez it can only be flown by tough boys like him. So the lab is f'd and everyone else is in Hell but Saotome don't give a sh-t and he can get more guys from the gov. Michiru b--ches at him for being a cr-ppy dad as his son just got slagged and he don't care, but Saotome sez as long as he and Ryoma live: Da Getter Project can work. Now they just need 2 more bada55es like Ryoma. Ruoma notices Saotome is crying in the rain and elsewhere in Japan: New digvolution of Dinos happened t9 wipe out Hyumans.

Chapter 3[]

So at this f'd up building is this group planning to bust a bridge when a cabinet minister drives on it and shred him with gunfire when he flees his bulletproof car. It was the plan of Hayato Jin so his violent school will be more well known and the media will spread word. Also the minister is comming from Saotome Labs. 2 guys joined but don't think they can ice anyone cuz they're in high school and don't care about the revolution but just are there to f--k about. So Hayato grabs em by the face, lifts em up with his fingers digging in, and they beg for forgiveness. Hayato sez they know too much and tears off 1 guys face with his bear hand like its Riki-Oh. The other guy gets a wood and swings it but Hayato catches it with 1 hand, snaps it, then takes out his eyes, ears and nose and uses him as a warning to the others. Saotome reads about malcontent teens rising up against alleged injustice and being violent over it (like antifa, blm, idle no more, the occupy movement and the global warming dinks) and 1 gang is lead by Hayato Jin who has an IQ of 300 like Dr Robotnik and was a minor celeb(like david hogg or that greta nut?). He did well in gymnastics and now his gang took over a school house. Saotome wants to use Hayato as the next Getter pilot and sends Ryoma in and he tears off a dogs head with 1 swing of his Tommy Wiseau/Rasputin Man Hands. He asks for directions top Sonic's Hayato's School House and finds some of Hayato's droogs. He beats some out then Hayato shows up. But then this abomination with a spaceship body and 2 long neck Dinosaur heads on the sides comes in and spits Pteranodons at this building. At Hayato's Monkey House: Ryoma asks Hayato to join Saotome but 1 goon attacks. Ryoma nails the guys hand to the wall with an umbrella and sez the make believe revolution isn't worth it and there's a real war to fight. After beating out more guys, Hayato sez all Ryoma did was stir up sh-t and they fight and Hayato uses his nails like Yomi in Riki-oh. Theyseem around even and 1 of Hayato's goons Sugiyama comes in with his arm chopped up saying something ate his arm! Hayato goes out and Ryoma tells him not to as he'd be iced but Hayatos men hold him down, despite him being tough enough to easily slag em. Hayato gets to the class and this dino demon thing is eating a guy. Ryoma watches to see how Hayato handles it as another comes behind Hayato and Hayato spazzes out and violently f--ks em ep like he's Akira Fudo in Devilman:The Birth. Hayato tears off the eye and some face of 1 and jams a metal pole through the mouth of another. Its not dead and Ryoma nails it with a desk and sez Hayato is perfect for Getter Robo, but they can't finish em by normal ways or some reason as they can regenerate. Then does an Oswald Cobblepot and has a switchblade in his umbrella and slices through em, before firing arrows at the 1 eyed one. The umbrella was an Anti Reptile thing made by Saotome and Ryoma sees Hayato whizzed himself in fear. Hayato then throws a metal rod but its really at the surviving and hiding dino daemon that dodges and escapes to the flying abomination. The flying thing stars f--kin up the school and Saotome watches saying they must fear Getter Robo as they are going after the pilots(How did they know they were the pilots?! Are there spies in the Saotome groups telling em the targets?!) and launches the Getter Robo units,

Chapter 4[]

So the dino thing is wrecking the school and slagging teens(take that teens! little c-ck sucker candya55es!) and the Getter Jet launches and saves Hayato and Ryoma by firing missiles at the dino thing. a voice tells Ryoma to have him and Hayato drive the Eagle and Jaguar units and Ryoma brings Hayato to the ship on the ground and puts a helmet on him. Its an Electronic Brain Wave Transmitter and will help him drive it somehow and Hayato don't wanna do it. Ryoma tells him to man up and not be a candya55 and they launch him in the Jaguar. Ryoma gets in the Eagle and takes off as the dino thing gets near. Hayato spazzes out and nearly gets iced and Ryoma chews his a55 over it. Saotome is in the Bear Unit and the 2 headed king brachio takes off and fires a bullet h-ll of missiles. the 3 vehicles somehow combine into Getter Robo and chop up the double dino with Getter Tomahawk but a piece ejects and they fly off.

Chapter 5[]

So this unknown thing crossed the alps and heads for the sea of Japan and jets head for it. A jet or 2 is slagged and its Getter Robo chasing the dino thing from the last chapter. also Hayato is f--kin out and Saotome is getting f--ked from the Getter speed thats over Mach 2 (3 more and its Speed Racer). Saotome nosebleeds but not from naked chix and Hayato barfs. The thing they chase goes in the sea and despite Ryoma's objections that it might be a trap and them not being at full life; they go under water after it and find all these allegedly extinct creatures that the Old Earth Theory says went millions of years ago(Even though the Earth is proven by Creation Science to be only a few thousand). This big a55 fish mech base comes out and Emperor Gore shows up in hologram and tells em he's gonna take over za warudo and they otta give up. Ryoma Getter Punches but its just amoeba making a hologram. Gore bashes em with Human Phobic hate speech and says long ago the dinosaur empire ruled the world. There were climate changes that made them evolve faster but their reign ended when space radiation microwaved da urth and they used their tech to escape inside the earth(Spoiler: In REAL Life Da Urth IS hollow and is full of daemons and things we think is from space). Also the space rays digivolved the apes and they took over(Totally not like with God in Demon Lord Dante being energy from space that wiped out the REAL inhabitants and evolving apes into humans). Ryoma thinks he can win as he's got Getter Robo and attacks the big teeth fish base, and actually forces open its mouth and snaps its teeth! The dino base blasts it back with wind or water or w/e and launches a tentacle monster called Mechasaurus Jiga which beats on Getter Robo and ties it up like some kinda SM thing. Its going in to finish Getter Robo with a Drill coming out of its body that shouldn't be able to fit in there as its longer than its body is thick. But Getter Robo splits into its parts, recombines as Getter 2 and nails it with a drill arm! then goes back to Getter 1 and blows it apart with a Getter Beam! They try to bust the fish base but it blows em back and escapes somehow. Hayato is better and wants to try drilling through the ground but Saotome sez its not complete and they'll try again later.

Chapter 6[]

In Hokkaido near the base of Mt Daisetsu these truckers in a big pick up truck looking thing are driving and its raining and nearly run over this devolved looking guy asking for help. He keels over and they check his wallet and it sez he's a teacher at Kitayama School. They take him to a near village but its covered in jungle plants and the power and phone lines are cut. A cop trys his car radio and another devolved guy busts his head with a club. The truckers are gonna go back but these devolved guys slag em and start eating em and the remaining cop. This fasta55 comes down from training to buy sh-t and is attacked by a devolved guy, but the club snaps off on his head as he's Musashi Tomoe: Toyo high's Judo captain and big a55 bad a55. At Saotome Labs: Dr Saotome sez to check out these devolved guys sighted in Hokkaido. After chatting about who goes:‏‎ Ryoma goes in the Eagle (Like Bud Eagle from Wild Guitar?) and sees there's smoke in what should be an extinct volcano. He goes in and sees there's a machine in the smoke thats raising the temperature like the Yugioh card Raise Body Heat that boosts Dinosaurs by 300 Atk/Def. At the Lab: This devolved guy from Hokkaido (Is this like that censored Kaiju movie Half Human from Toho?) is brought over and they drugged him to stop his spazzing out. They examine him and find he's turning into Peking Man (Which probably is just a mutant and not a new species in REAL life) and they tell the health group incase its a disease devolving people (Like Facebook?). Saotome is gonna dissect him but 1 guy sez the devolved guy not only might be contagious, but is still a human and has rights. But Hayato don't care about Human Rights as he's a commie or w/e. At Hokkaido: this Mechasaurus takes down Ryoma and he crashes in the jungle and leaves his jet. His shoulder is dislocated and he's kinda f'd up and he sees people but they're devolved. He's grabbed from behind and the hands wave the devolved guys away and helps his slowly hide. Then these dino grunts come in and the hands are Musashi who orders the devolved guys to attack and he and Ryoma use their kung fu to f em up. Musashi introduces himself and treats Ryoma's f'd arm. The Saotome Lab sends a rescue team to help Ryoma, but they'll probably just get iced, and Saotome vivisects the devolved guy like the commies claim Japan did to gaijin in ww2(But they also say the Daly lama is violent, so I'd not take their word on it) and finds other than a lower White Cell count: nothings wrong with him. Michiru comes in saying Ryoma's Jet got f'd and they send the Jaguar. In Hokkaido Musashi sez he tamed the devolved guys as he proved himself stronger than them and Musashi trys fixing the Eagle. The rescue jets come by and are instantly f'd apart by the Mechasaurus and the Bear and Jaguar attack with missiles, but it does jack sh-t. Ryoma can't use his left f'd arm and can't fly it but Musashi goes in and hits buttons to make it go. Eagle nails the monster and saves the others and its cramped in there as Musashi and this devolved guy are in there and the devolved guy keeps moving its monkey butt at Ryoma (So it want to be b0ned?) Wait, where are all the devolved chix?! Caveman chicks are kinda hot, but if too devolved its not. so Ryoma chats with the team and the Saotome wants to return to base as the Eagle has been f'd, but Ryoma gets em to try to combine. In the Volcano, Captain Ranba is watching and Gore wants him to send all the Mechasaurus's at once. Giro Boar and Bull are sent out and the Getter Jets combine to Getter 1 and beat on the Mechasaurus. when he means to finish it off, Musashi accidentally hits the wrong button and nearly detaches the Getter 1. the Mechasaruus, named Dova, wraps its tentacles around it like Disney does to good things and trys to destroy it, and cuz the shoulders are covered; they can't get out the Getter tomahawk. the other Mechasaurus's are coming and Saotome notices the tentacles in Dova's head are 2 lizard tails and its head is an amplifier. They think if they can kick it, they can beat it, but Ryoma has Musashi hit the pink button again and Eagle comes off and flies around, busting the tentacles, then tears the head off and finishes it with a slam. Saotome wants to go to Getter 2 but the head and tentacles are still alive and more Mechasaurus's are coming. Gore activates Operation Blazing h-ll Hokkaido and this artificial sun made of Earth Magma comes up and starts cooking the area. Getter Robo fights the Mechasaurs and they use creative tricks like firing off horns on jets like a Rocket Punch and Saotome sez its like Ninja. Getter 1 can't handle this agility and Ryoma is f'd in the arm and Musashi is whining about the heat. Ranba sez they and Hokkaido are gonna bite it and he sends Giro and Bull to slag Getter Robo. Getter Robo charges at the flying horns and comes apart to dodge it which rips up the head tentacles on it and reassembles as Getter 3, which grabs and crushes Bull with its bear hug(which would be hot if a beefy babe did it). Giro runs around Getter 3 and it makes a hurricane somehow, which lifts and slams Getter 3. Giro tries it again but they come apart and become Getter 2 and outspeed Giro, then drill into his head like Mr Burns did to Hans Moleman. But Gore has Giro self detonate and take Getter Robo to h-ll with it. But Getter Robo drilled underground at Mach Speed(Is that f--king possible?!) and is heading for the dinos base. The dinos send subterranean torpedoes(How would those even work?!) and they are shot down(or up as its underground) by a Getter Beam. They are gonna fire the remaining torpedoes and Getter 2 busts in, throws a Torpedo and slags Gore. Or so it seems as Ranba is in a Mechasaurus and has humans at his feet. He reveals they experimented on Humans to find how to wipe em out. Ryoma wants to help em but Hayato is a heartless commie and dont care about slagging humans. Saotome wants to not bust the lab as he can use it kinda like the story that the Allies made deals with Japan to not go after those who were said to be in human experiments so they'd share their research. Getter 2 turns away but slags Ranba in 1 shot with a Rocket Punch Drill. Then Gore has the base blow and slag all the people they just tried to save.

Chapter 7[]

So after a quick recap of the Dino Force story, Gore calls for the Minister of Tech Galilei who is making a new hybrid thing. He made a Getter Ray Diffuser Device that mutates Jellyfish and they test lasers and flamethrowers on it. Gore likes what he sees and sends it to the surface to end Getter Robo. At Saotome Labs: Musashi is being tested but has 100 IQ and does cr-ppy on the other things so they say he's not fit to drive a Getter. But he sez he's got a righteous heart that yearns for justice and has courage and wisdom. A Mechasaurus is attacking some place and Hayato and Ryoma say he's too cr-ppy to be a Getter Pilot but he sez he's the strongest and that should count. But they say if strength was all that was needed, they'd all be Sumos. Musashi won't give up and will go to the professor but an Osaka Kobe Industrial complex is under attack and Musashi is gonna go, but when confronted, says he's going back to the country. He sees the professor and sez he's quitting but Saotome sez Musashi was so close. Then Musashi takes him to a closet and butt hammers him offscreen swaps clothes with him offscreen and fakes being Saotome. they fly to the place but Bear is lagging behind and when they get to the Mechasaurus, argue which Getter to use. Musashi sez they optta use Getter 3 and they see its not the Saotome. He says Saotome asked him to but they don't buy it. then the Mechasaurus blows and attacks. They have Musashi go on auto pilot and fuse into Getter 1 which beats it down and chops with Getter Tomahawk. They attack the Jellyfish thing with Getter Beam and it absorbs it. the Real Ghostbusters Saotome comes on the radio and has em try it again so he can see and tells em not to attack it. The Jellyfish thing goes to town absorbing people and getting bigger by turning them into energy and did the same to Getter Rays. Saotome saw a similar thing in America with a Solar Rocket that refracted light it absorbed like this. Gore laughs as its gonna eat Japan and calls Humans monkeys like he's Freeza in DBZ. They try the Getter Tomahawk but it melts in it and its just radiating energy. Saotome figgers out it only grows at a set rate and radiates extra energy out, but will eat all Tokyo in 60 mins. so Ryoma is gonna overload it by going in with the Getter. Saotome says it probably won't work and Hayato sez the devil will take it easy on em if they wing up in h e double korea, and wants to meet him(Well, he is a commie). Ryoma sez Musashi did well replacing Saotome so he can go on and Musashi seems cool with biting it()Which would become kind of a trend later). Getter Robo goes in and eventually unleashes its energy like the SDF-1 on Dolza's Fortress in Macross Robotech. Jellyfingers disintegrates and Ryoma and Hayato are out cold from the strain but Musashi isn't as he's a bada55 and has Getter 1 stomp whats left of the thing. So I think Musashi is now part of the Getter Team and singing the theme song and the volume ends with a dino guy planning to end the Getter Team.

Chapter 8[]

So it starts with Musashi singing the Getter Robo theme song and p-ssing off Ryoma and is stoked about piloting Getter Robo. Musashi goes to p-ss and Ryoma talks with Hayato about how Musashi isn't like them as he's unaware of the danger and wants to fight unlike them and might f up da team. Hayato sez not to worry and in the Lab are dead guys skewered on the wall by bladed and chopped up. Musashi comes in and slips on blood and sees everyones been slagged and Getter Robo is gone with graffiti saying I took the Getter Machine. He looks in the Hanger and hears a voice saying he knew someone would head to where Getter Robo is if he left a message in BLOOD! This horned guy shanked Musashi with his forehead spike and sez he's from the Chiryu Clan that has weird powers that the rest of the Dinosaur Empire hates em for. Musashi bada55ly lifts up the horned guy who's horn in in his torso and he swings him into a metal girder which busts his head. As another lizardo goes for the Getter Ships, Musashi hits the alarm and the gates seal the area. Musashi is down and horned guy is extending his forehead horn to finish him but Ryoma jump stomps the horned guys head in and tears into it with his hands. The lizardo spun like a beyblade and drilled through cement but can't do steel. Lizardo returns to his crew and is revealed to be called Dera and tell em the horned guy was called Garo was iced. Neon has head tentacles like Sirene and has visions of the future that predicted Dera would bite it and says the Chiryu clan will end Getter Robo by using confusion in Garo ranks. Meanwhile; In a lab area is this scarred professor who was researching past war weapons and was forced to work on the nuke b4. Once the war was over he wasn't needed and Saotome saw his skill and hired him. The Getter Team wants supe weapons and he sez he's got bacteria, laser and paralyzers and Ryoma has a big a55 Magnum Gun from him to test. This dino dude comes in with a gun under his body and shreds people and others like Dera are slagging guys. Saotome and Michiru are in a safe place with an electrical current to keep em out but knows these dinos are special Garo comes back to life despite his brainwaves and heart not doing sh-t and says he's gopt 2 hearts, 6 lungs and 2 extra brains that let him revive(which is like that 2010s Frankenstein movie with the Harry Potter guy). He faked being iced to get close to Saotome to wack him and Musashi wakes up and attacks. The other dinoes are busting through the metal barriers to get to Getter Robo and are nearly there but the doors blow out and its Ryoma with a huge riding cannon. Then takes out Dera with a Magnum that f's his hand numb and is like a shot gun. The weapons professor gets close to Dera but Dera comes to life and wraps its tail around professors neck and will pop off his head if Ryoma tries anything as while his body is f'd, his tail works. Professor wants to be slagged with his own weapon. Dera thinks its a trick but professor wants to keep his face good and goes on about wanting all but his right face busted and where he wants his guts to spill but then Dera try's to book it and Ryoma nails him with the Magnum. Ryoma sez it was great show but Professor sez it was real and he's apparently just that f'd up. Musashi takes on Garo and his wound spills blood but Hayato blows off Garo's head with a f--kin Bazooka! Saotome was slugged out by Garo and with Musashi f'd there's no one to pilot the Bear. And a huge winged Mechasaur is comming! They plan on hiding as if they used Autopilot the Getter Power wouldn't be as good as its best with 3 pilots working together and with only 2, wouldn't be enough to beat the Mechasaurus. This wiener kid whines they otta try and Musashi comes in and wants to go even if his guts spill out. Ryoma has them take off ALL of Musashi's clothes and we see his parts and tells the guys to hide underground as he goes to do something. Professor is at Getter Eagle and loaded it full of ammo as Ryoma is gonna Kamikaze, even though they'd be out a Getter Jet and the Dinos would be still coming. Professor is glad and jealous that Ryoma gets to bite it epically. Hayato comes in and says he wants to sign up and the professor is ShikiShima. He punches Ryoma and Musashi comes in dressed like a 1600s Japanese dude and wants to go. Ryoma sez he was gonna blow to save the Jaguar and Bear and they can have more tome to fight back. Also he tells them not to get iced b4 the fight and Hayato sez he knows Ryoma knows the Getter would be f'd irregardless of his attack. They launch and combine but Neon in the Mechasaurus busts the lab and gloats about his win and how the outcasts have saved the Dinosaur Empire! General Bat‏‎ contacts him and Emperor Gore sez without Getter Robo the humans can't stop em and he's gonna free the Chiryu Clan and make them head the main attack. But out from underground arises the Getter Robo and throws a huge chunk of rock that was on it then attacks the bad guy! but Neon detaches the wings and tail like that Mazinger thing and the Wings with the Pteranodon grabs and lifts Getter Robo and drops it. The Tail spins and nails Getter 1 and returns to the Mechasaur to be used as a big a55 club. Getter Robo splits to dodge and tries to reform as Getter 3 but Musashi misses as his eyes f'd out for a sec. He tries again but combines wrong and becomes the legs as he can't see right. The Mechasaurus's attack the Bear, which they somehow know the name of, and the kid and Michiru somehow survived and get outta the slagged lab. The Wings grabbed the Bear and is gonna throw it to the body to be smashed with the Mace but the other Getter Jets catch up to it, combine to Getter 2, and drill through both the tail mace and the main Mechasaurus! Musashi blacked out but woke up and is ok.

Chapter 9[]

In the sea of Japan off the coast of Hachijo Island is this sub looking at under water volcanoes and the Dinosaur Empires base rises up. Then the Getter guys are testing Professor Shikishima's new gun that has the power of a missile and a gun has chemical that can melt an elephant in 30 seconds. Btw the art is all different and more srs and detailed. Shikishima shows Ryoma this huge gun and they get word the Dinosaur Empire is coming! The Navy can't do sh-t from the heat and fumes and retreats like Cobra Commander. The base is 3000 Meters Long and 800 Meters tall, but that's the Metric System so its non canon. Also its giving off Sulfur and Carbon gasses and is surrounded by Mechasaurus's. Its trying to change the Earth's Atmosphere to how it was in Prehistoric Times and block Getter Rays from Space. Gore sends a message saying he's gonna wipe em out and Shikishima sez to send American Nukes! But Saotome, now with full face hair, sez if they do: it would f da earth and Japan somehow. So they send Getter Robo and it can't get in as its drill proof as its magma proof. But underwater volcanoes are going off and the base is using water to cool itself as it emits high temp gas. Then Getter Robo slags a buncha Mechasaurus's with a huge a55 gun that uses homing missiles as bullets. The Getters see there's water going in and are gonna go in that way but Gore fires a magma cannon and thinks he ended Getter Robo as there's no signs of it. but Galilei worries as if it survived and got it; the base would be polluted by Getter Rays. If Getter Robo was really iced by the shot, it would have blown huge. Then Gore realizes that Getter Robo isn't on its scanners as its right on the base! The calls are coming from inside the house! Getter 2 busts in and slags guys in the Mechasaurus Manufacturing Faculty and its near the nucular core of the Magma Cannon. And if they slag it there, the Getter Rays would flood the base! Then Getter 3 fires Getter Missiles and busts the dinos and Gore sez to ditch the Faculty as if the reactor goes, the other will and end the base. The base goes back down and drops the Faculty and Getter Robo escapes as it blows but they can't finish the Dinos as they're almost outta power like in Transformers Victory where Deathsaurus didn't finish Star Saber.

Chapter 10[]

So Musashi is stuffing himself on Michiru's great cooking and he teases Ryoma about how Ryoma might be jealous of him being with Michiru. Ryoma goes and Musashi is getting full but more food is coming. Is this like Se7en with the lardo? So these clouds are being weird and they turn into twisters at the Asama Plateau. They gotta launch the Getter Robo but Musashi is too stuffed an can't walk as he's a f--king fata55! He gets up and while Hayato jumps in cooly, Musashi can't as he's a fat f--k and Michiru and the kid laugh at him. they launch and this Mechasaurus with several heads in the clouds is zapping em with lightening and looks kinda like Faburil from Urotsukidoi III. They try to combine but get zapped and Ryoma wakes up in some f'd up Violence Jack wasteland and he finds these gradeschoolers who stayed behind while the adults and girls left for the hills. they stayed to do something and when Ryoma tells em to get before the twisters come, they nail him in the shin. Turns out: the other kids got iced and the survivors wanna avenge em. Then the Mechasaurus's come out and the Faburil looking one is powering em with lightening. 1 is a transformer to increase the voltage and 1 hill blocks the way to the Getter Machine. The kids have Dy no Might and are gonna use it to fight but Ryoma sez they'd just get wacked. They knock him out with a headshot and are gonna go to avenge their fams and chums but queer out as its too much, but Masaru goes on. Eagle comes out and Hayato jumps in and saves Masaru and says Musashi is driving it to keep it from the enemy. He lands and Ryoma and Hayato run to their Getters as they yell for Musashi to get in but the wind make him not hear. They get in and combine to Getter 1 and take on a Mechasaur, then go for the Faburil one Moba. The kids get slagged by the winds and the Bancho looking one is carrying the head of one wanting revenge. Getter Robo gets an arm slapped off by a tentacle and is being zapped by 10 ooo volts(Although the Mythbusters said its AMPS that matter). The Bancho guy, named Sho, goes nuts and attacks with Dy no might to avenge Masaru, Tomio and Tatsuo and runs in with a full box of dy no might. he blows and damages the transformer tentacle thing and its gonna blow. Getter Robo's kinda f'd up and Ryoma is f'd with a glass shrapnel face and f'd eyes. Getter Robo grabs the Faburil thing in a leg lock and I think breaks its neck but I'm not sure. He tells em to get out and he might survive and detaches. The transformer one blows and Getter Eagle can't be found and all volcanoes in 50 kilometers of Hachijo start f--king out.

Chapter 11[]

So and Getter Robo is being rebuilt but Ryoma isn't seen and Musashi drinks for him thinking he's dead. Michiru thinks he might be alive as they never found a body but Musashi sez he was burnt up as the cockpit was open in Getter Eagle and the rocks around it were melted. Then in a town there's an earthquake and these Oni Demons show up and wanna conquer the Earth against the Humans and Dinosaurs. Later Hayato is gonna bodyguard Saotome and drives him(wasn't he in high school?!) and Saotome sez its time to find a new pilot. A bandaged guy stops the car by standing is the road and want's Saotome but when Hayato takes out his gun, the bandaged homie wraps the gun hand with bandages and fight Hayato. Saotome recognizes the bandages fighting stance and as bandages is gonna finish Hayato, Saotome calls him Ryoma and tells him to stop. Bandages spazzes out and runs off not knowing who he is and drops medicine from Y City General Hospital. At there, these dr's say how the bandages didn't get Saotome and is spazzing out. 1 bald beard dr grows a horn and zaps him with magic to stop him from taking off his face bandages. Ryoma is getting back his memories and the Oni are gonna operate on him to make him an Oni, but he might not survive. Bald Beard is gonna operate but Hayato and Musashi come in and wanna see Ryoma, but the hospital guys say he's not here. The kids whine that the dr's are good and help people for free. Bald Beard is gonna operate on Ryoma but then a Mechasaurus comes out from underground and the patients grow Oni Horns (Is this Shutendoji?!) and all these c-ck suckers swarm the Mechasaurus! Hayato goes in the hospital and finds Bald Beard with antlers in a horned throne with horned guys! Beardo zaps him and says how he f'd the peoples brains to make em his slaves and is gonna cook him but Ryoma comes in and pulls the wires on the head thing. A truck nails the Mechasaurus like Shutendoji OVA 1‏‎, which makes me think they might not have needed the Getter Robo is a normal Truck can bust it. The Dinosaurs wonder wtf and Emperor Burai‏‎ calls him saying they are daemons from Hell of the Hyakki Empire who's gonna f up the world. He tells Gore not to interfere and logs out. Gore tracks the message to 49 kilometers west of Ohgasahara and heads for it. Emperor Burai‏‎ sez Gore isn't fit to rule and Hidler tells him of the Dinosaurs coming and they head to Japan and hope the Dinosaurs and Getter Robo will slag each other, like how the USSR stood by and let Poland fight the Nazies before coming in to take out the Winner. In the ruined city, the people took pout the Mechasaurus and its busted up and Musashi and Hayato reunite with Ryoma who don't remember sh-t. Bald Beard who's actually Dr. Gura rockets off saying the Dinosaurs are coming and he's rooting for the Getter Team. At Hachijo Island the Navy fights the Dinosaurs and gets f'd and Gore sends out the Mechasaurus's who's not finished as he don't wanna wait years to finish em and will try to win with sheer numbers.

Chapter 12[]

So Ryoma has amnesia and a dr sez they just gotta wait and Musashi is p-ssed at that. The Mechasaurus fleet is heading for Japan and in an underground lab, Saotome is making a New Getter Robo but they nee 1 more day. Also Ryoma can't pilot Getter Robo as he don't recall how to. The Mechasaurus army arrives and the defence systems and cannons are holding them off better than the Micromasters in Transformers Zone did the Mashogun. Ryoma goes outside to be reminded of his sh-t as Hayato snipers the missailes with a laser rifle. Then more missiles than can be stopped come and this chick saves him but gets hit in the back. Hayato goes off on Getter Bear and says bye to everyone who ain't there. Hayato b--ches at Saotome for sending out Musashi to die but Saotome sez its for a reason and Hayato has a f--ked up more future than Musashi. Getter Robo combines on autopilot and gets f'd and gets swarmed by Dinosaurs!

Chapter 13[]

Emperor Gore is glad Getter Robo is getting f--ked but General Bat sees its moving too slow and somethings wrong. Realizing its gonna self detonate, Bat tells Gore to tell the guys to pull away, but ?Gore don't believe it as he only cares about beating Getter Robo. Wasn't his whole reason of coming here to beat the Oni? did he just forget about them? So Bat says the Humans have a plan and Gore dont care as he believes in his power. Getter Robo starts heating up and even the heat resistant Mechasaurus's are being affected. turns out its just the dino meat being melted and the metal parts are on as its just Getter Rays. A fully equipped Mechasaurus might survive but the unfinished pones wont and gore sends his guys at the damaged Getter Robo thats taking Recoil. Musashi pulls out the Getter Energy Tank and says buy to Ryoma and Hayato and takes the Dinosaur Empire to H-ll with him as Ryoma gets back his memories of Musashi. Ryoma finds Musashi's armor are hears Musashi's thoughts about him recovering his memories and crys as if he had remembered, Musashi would be alive. Saotome says they can fulfil Musashi's last request and gore sends his remaining underwater forces to attack and goes himself as they can't stop him w/o Getter Robo. Gore goes on a wordy monologue about his peoples oppression of humans and how he's gonna end the Saotome lab himself and rule the world. Later they get to the base and its empty and they hear Getter 3's treads. They go to check it out and Hayato snipers and blows a tall rock wall and it crumbles on the metal and flesh bad guy thing on The crew tells Gore to get away but they see Getter 1 and fire on it but it vanishes. Getter 3 is seen and Gore thinks its an illusion and won't attack em but they get hit by Getter 1's Getter Tomahawk. Then a Getter Beam nails em and it turns to Getter 2 and uses its Jet Drill. they try to go forward but Getter 3 is there, then they get the head piece of the ship wacked through with Getter 1's Tomahawk. Gore is freaked out and all 3 Getters show up as they tell Gore this fear is what Humans felt when he attacked. Saotome and help use a light thing to change Getter 2 to Getter Liger as I guess it was an illusion thing THAT WON'T F--KING WORK IN REAL LIFE! YOU CAN'T BEAM AN IMAGE ON SOMETHING! F---KING LIGHT!! Getter Liger busts Gores ship and Gore tries to escape but Getter turns to Getter Dragon and chases Gores rocket pod. Gore wants to get to the sea and have his army aid him. But once he gets there the fleet is already dead like that Robotech ep where Scott Bernard went to the base but it was totaled. Then this huge a55 mech attacks and its the Hyakki empire with Burai wishing both sides ended each other but tells them to go after Gore. Getter Dragon fight this Oni thing and Gore comes back to the base but its already gone as they got f'd by the Oni. General Bat is taking the lead and vows to return and save the surface from the humans. Gore sees he's f'd now and the Getter team says he's not a danger as he's like a lizard with its legs pulled off, which would be a real snake if it identifies as one today. Gore reveals his kind have a Hibernation Period that comes and he wanted to take over before it came, like trying to do all your homework on Sunday Night. He goes in on one last Blaze Of Glory Attack, but is iced by rods fired by the Oni. Getter Dragon attacks the Oni Mech and plows into it with its legs hanging out. It blows apart and Getter Dragon picks up Gore's ship meaningfully. As the Dinosaur Empire is done, Ryoma vows to beat the Oni. The End.

Special Chapter[]

So the Dinosaurs are closing in and the whole facility is out from food poisoning. So its up to Musashi with Doggy Robo and Jumbo Machinder. Hayato sez Musashi ate 3x as much as them but Musashi sez his training on Mt Daisetsu had him eating Raw Bear Meat, Tanuki, Mice, Grass, Bugs and Worms and now his tummy is invincible. While Ryoma and Hayato blast out both ends, This huge Mechasaurus Giga is made from Data of all past battles and is the pinnacle of Dinosaur Empire Design. Jumbo Machinder is Eagle and Doggy Robo is Jaguar but Saotome wonders if it will work. Giga goes to Anti Getter 1 Mode and Musashi has the Jets Combine but they f'd it up. The Jets detach as Giga attacks with Axes and they try to go Getter 2, but f'd it up. They fight and Galilei and Gore are amazed by this new forme as they prepared only for their known formes. They reform and beat Giga with Daisetsu Zan Oroshi Punch! Musashi saves the day and Galilei tells Gore they need to find ways to beat New Getter Formes.


  • Hanappe Bazooka has Getter Robo toys in Hanappe Yamada's room when he's j-rkin off.
  • Contra Hard Corps has a boss that's 3 robots that unite in impossible ways to form 3 different Robots and 2 of em are based on Getter 2 and Getter 3, while the last forme is a Big A55 Bird. After beating all 3 formes, it seems to be uniting to an ultimate final forme, but blows in a huge asplosion.
  • In the Yugioh GX Manga Syrus uses these Roids that combine 3 different ways as Solidroid Alpha, Beta and Gamma.
  • Pacific Rim had the ancient monsters that are like dinosaurs from in the earth and teams of pilots driving robots to fight em, but was also like Mazinger Z as the robots don't transform or combine.
  • Oira Sukeban has a number of refs to it in the Anime and Manga.
its super awsome
Manga by Go Nagai
1960s Harenchi GakuenKikkai-kunAbashiri Family
1970s Gakuen Taikutsu OtokoMaroDemon Lord DanteSusumu's Big ShockZuba-BanOmorai-kunDevilmanViolence JackDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyMazinger ZGetter RoboOira SukebanKekko KamenGreat MazingerIyahaya NantomoShutendojiKotetsu JeegShinrei Tantei Occult Dan‏‎ UFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Henchin PokoiderKing BomberAzteckaiserGarlaGroizer-XBattle Hawk‏‎Violence Car Hono no TakaKikkai vs OmoraiBlack LionHenkin TamaiderShin DevilmanHanappe BazookaSusano OhMachine Saurer
1980s Goodbye Boy‏‎ • Haru IchibanX BomberAru Nichi Shojo wa...Maboroshi PantyMild 7Cinderella KnightIron MuscleIron Virgin JunChoushoujo UFOChonoryoku Senshi Jenes‏‎BarabanbaGod MazingerHarenchi MamaFull Metal LadyMazinger USAJushin Liger
1990s Kama SutraGetter Robo GoMazinSagaThe Ninja DragonCutey Honey 90s‏‎Heisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiLovely AngelDevil LadyZ Mazinger
2000s Dororon Enpi-chanSalacia ~Waga Hakugin no MermaidGetter Robo ArcSharakuCutie Honey: Tennyo Densetsu‏‎MazinkaiserViolence Jack Sengoku MajindenDate MasamuneDevilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLRHarenchi Golfer JubeiHoujou SouunShin Violence JackKinshiro Burai SakuraMaeda ToshiieDemon Prince EnmaRobo-Humans Of The BattlefieldSirene Tanjo-henSuikoAkuma KishiCutie Honey vs Abashiri Family
2010s Devilman vs Getter RoboGekiman!Demon Lord Dante vs Getter Robo GSirene-chanCutie Honey vs Devilman LadyDevilman SagaGrendizer Giga
2020s Violence Jack 20XXMazinger Z 2022Yagyu RashinkenReiwa Harenchi Gakuen
Anime by Go Nagai
1970s TV DevilmanMazinger ZDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyGetter RoboGreat MazingerGetter Robo GKotetsu JeegUFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Daiku Maryu GaikingGroizer-XMajokko Tickle
1980s TV Psycho Armor GovarianGod MazingerJushin Liger
1980s OVA BarabanbaDream Dimension Hunter FandoraViolence Jack Harlem BomberDevilman:The BirthViolence Jack Evil TownShutendoji
1990s TV Getter Robo GoCutey Honey FlashDevil Lady
1990s OVA Devilman:Demon Bird SireneViolence Jack Hell's WindCB Chara Go Nagai WorldAbashiri FamilyKekko KamenKama SutraIron Virgin JunDelinquent in Drag‏‎Hanappe BazookaBlack LionNew Cutey HoneyHeisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiGetter Robo Armageddon
2000s TV Demon Lord DanteKotetsu Shin JeegShin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen
2000s OVA Amon: The Apocalypse of DevilmanShin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter RoboMazinkaiserMazinkaiser vs The Great General of DarknessNew Getter RoboRe: Cutie HoneyDemon Prince Enma
2010s TV Ghastly Prince Enma Burning UpRobot Girls ZCutie Honey Universe
2010s OVA Mazinkaiser SKLCyborg 009 Vs. Devilman‏‎ Devilman Crybaby
2020s Getter Robo Arc‏‎Grendizer U