This would be a cool video game.
Furture City (Not Futurama) is an islsnd city by Japan where there is a Hyper Grapple tournament. In the Hyper Grapple arc its revealed by Susano'Oh that after Mondo Saotome bit it, Tatsuma Mido used his psychic powers to create a fake Mondo. Susano'Oh is mad that Mido has such psychic powers and Mido being in Future City is clashing with his powers off keeping the illusionary city up and tried to have em whacked but after Mondo slags the attackers, has his Loli Daughter bring them in and talk. As a psychic battle (Like in South Park with Cartman nananana-ing at the psychics?) would be tough and cause him to lose concentration keeping the city up, he trys to talk em into leaving but later decides to ice em with his powers of summoning naked dr's to vivisect Mido. Violence Jack comes to the city and f's things up and Mido and Mondo escape and after the city vanishes, swim to the wasteland. Mido is worried of Mondo being In the Shadow Realm dead but Mondo says maybe its some kinda Alternate Reality thing and in 1 reality he's alive and another he bit it. This revives Mido's spirits and they go to the wastelands together. Also a lot of the people in it are made of psychic cr-p by Susano'Oh and Fire Venus and Iron Muscle are there. The bad guys sense that Muscle is got something of him and make him b0ne Fire Venus. Turns ooot: Violence Jack was possessing him or in him or w/e and fought Susano'Oh to stop him. After the city vanishes, the people are in da ocean and some problanly swim back to shore. the rrest go to H E Double Hell