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Devilman:The Birth is an OAV from 1987 based on the Devilman manga (mainly the 1nd volume). Its got pretty awesome animation and music and the English dub is so bad its good, homie!



The opening only makes sense once you see the ending

It starts with naked angels in prehistoric earth. then they get f'd by demons. so they start nuking the place. oh and this big thing with a high rank angel is floating with abominable creatures in it. Millions of years later, Akira's parents find frozen demons in the south pole. Then they wake up and violently kill em (see Devilman:Demon Bird Sirene on how his momk got it) later, after school, Akira checks on the rabbits. and they're dead. Some leather clad homies slagged them with a slingshot and take a hit on Akira as he protects the surviving rabbit. When he refuses to hand it over to be f'd dead by em, Mantaro Chain‏‎ nails Akira in the skull with a bike chain. Impressed by Akira's toughness, he lets him go as Miki arrives. Miki tends to Akira's wounds. As Akira and Miki walk home to happy music, things turn creepy as Ryo shows up and Miki thinks he's a chick (see Devilman manga vol 5 to get the hidden meaning behind it). Ryo takes Akira to his place and tells him his dad committed suicide after becoming possessed by a daemon (why not at a prayer?) also dad tried to slay Ryo and chopped up Ryo's dog John/Joan. at Ryo's place he shows Akira the Demon Mask and he freaks out. Realising that demons are back to take over the Earth and no one will believe them if you say; "hay homie! daemons are at the south pole! we gotta nuke it!" they have one other option. But 1st they gotta get da f outta there as demons are after em! they drive away but the car gets possessed and they blow it. A piece survives and tentacle grabs Ryo's leg and Akira's gun, so Akira grows some gon adds and runs up to it like a bada55 and blows it apart! (Wait, a piece survives, grows tentacles, and attacks them on their own? Its john carpenters the thing!!) Akira and Ryo return to the house and sneak inside and it's revealed the only way to beat a demon is to be one. (still could just pray) So they gotta fuse with one, and control it by being pure of heart or w/e(wait, Ryo isn't pure hearted. he's one stone cold mother...). So they open the door and it's a f--kin sexy drugs and rock party. so when people lose their senses its easier for demons to control them(this is actually true. in the Bible it says the people who don't get into heaven and one is "sorcerers". In the original greek the word used is "Pharmacia" which means drugs. As drug use and altered mental states lowers your spiritual defences and lets wicked spirits have easier access to you. same with alcohol). Akira worries that all the people there will be turned and its gonna be just Ryo and him against so many. But Ryo points out that their mission to defend humans from the demons is pretty much the same thing so if they fall here it won't matter as they wouldn't last anyway(man that's good writing. Go Nagai really gave it his A game here) So akira has booze and parties as Ryo stabs the place up with a broken beer bottle. He gets his a55 kicked by punks and Akira gets some chick rubbing his face in her t-ts. then the chick turn into a b00b mouth monster and the other people turn too. Akira didn't turn and neither did Ryo and they're in a room full of demons! (maybe a prayer would help?) Akira freaks out and runs but he's scared senseless and Amon takes over him. He turns into Devilman and busts the mouth t-t girls head with one hand. he said he's no longer Amon and violently kills the demons as Ryo is astounded his kind gentle Akira is a bada55 monster enjoying splattering these abominations. later Akira turns back and is nude. He finds Ryo and cries out as the credits play with Stonehenge showing and we get beautiful orchestral music. the end



"add what you can"

  • fun fact: there aren't any dino Deamons.
  • The ending with some ki or w/e from stone henge going to space might be a ref to Violence Jack Harlem Bomber how a comet comes from space, perhaps returning the call?


Pretty sure theres none. Might've missed it if there were

Anime by Go Nagai
1970s TV DevilmanMazinger ZDororon Enma-kunCutie HoneyGetter RoboGreat MazingerGetter Robo GKotetsu JeegUFO Robo Grendizer‏‎Daiku Maryu GaikingGroizer-XMajokko Tickle
1980s TV Psycho Armor GovarianGod MazingerJushin Liger
1980s OVA BarabanbaDream Dimension Hunter FandoraViolence Jack Harlem BomberDevilman:The BirthViolence Jack Evil TownShutendoji
1990s TV Getter Robo GoCutey Honey FlashDevil Lady
1990s OVA Devilman:Demon Bird SireneViolence Jack Hell's WindCB Chara Go Nagai WorldAbashiri FamilyKekko KamenKama SutraIron Virgin JunDelinquent in Drag‏‎Hanappe BazookaBlack LionNew Cutey HoneyHeisei Harenchi GakuenHarenchi Koumon ManyuukiGetter Robo Armageddon
2000s TV Demon Lord DanteKotetsu Shin JeegShin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen
2000s OVA Amon: The Apocalypse of DevilmanShin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter RoboMazinkaiserMazinkaiser vs The Great General of DarknessNew Getter RoboRe: Cutie HoneyDemon Prince Enma
2010s TV Ghastly Prince Enma Burning UpRobot Girls ZCutie Honey Universe
2010s OVA Mazinkaiser SKLCyborg 009 Vs. Devilman‏‎ Devilman Crybaby
2020s Getter Robo Arc‏‎Grendizer U