Go Nagai wiki
Boss Borot Mazinkaiser

Still looks cooler than those dinks in Yugioh arc v

Boss Borot was a cr-ppy robot made of junk from Mazinger Z and its spinoffs. Its piloted by Boss and is usually comic relief. It has been known to help in certain times though.

Mazinger Z[]

Someone fill this in

Great Mazinger[]


Someone also fill this in


Boss Borot Great Mazinger Triggered Win


After the fall of Dr. Hell the Photon Power Lab calls Koji Kabuto to deal with new monsters attacking. Mazinger Z, Diana A and Boss Borot go to face it and Grantonios tells em its not some metal puppet but was sent by the Great General of Darkness to slag him. Diana gets f'd by Biranius's fish (with 1 biting the b00b) and Grantonios whips off Mazingers right arm and crumbles Borot with vibrations. Koji tries a Rocket Punch and Koshiryoku Beam but they get rebounded and bust his cracked Mazinger. So Mazinger Z just got f'd dead and somewhere else, Kenzo Kabuto somehow senses his kid needs him and sends Tetsuya Tsurugi in Great Mazinger to save him. He arrives and slags both baddies with fancy moves and carries the busted Mazinger off (As Sayaka and Boss and just stay there).

Later Great Mazinger tests his weapons and Jun sez Tetsuya Tsurugi is great and Kenzo sez they were born to pilot the mechs Venus A and Great Mazinger. Then Kenzo thinks about taking them in after their fams bit it and trained em to stop the Mycenae. Meanwhile, the Great General of Darkness rags on Minister Argos about how Argos otta know where Great Mazinger is. He sz its in the costal waters of Izu (Like in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue?) and G G O D sends General Angoras to cause a storm there to lure G M out. Later its night and Boss is pretending to have a Takoyaki date with Sayaka and he sees a sexy chick comming outta the sea. Turns out its Venus A and Jun comes out. Boss comes on to her and sez he pilots the Borot. she introduces herself (even though he seemed to know her last chapter) and sez he likes her big b00bs. She throws him and sez she's been training all her life to be the pilot of Venus A and she's too much for him. Boss trys to charge her but Tetsuya stops him and sez he and Jun are close like Bro and sis and Boss don't care as he's totally gay for Jun and wants to fight ads the cool robot guys get all the hot chicks (If you've seen Mazinger Z Infinity you'll know they get b0ned by em). Suddenly, a tidal wave made by battle beast Mamerugosu happens and Jun/Boss get in their bots (Mucha and Nuke ride with Boss) and are hosed by the wave as Mamerugosu uses gravity to make waves(like da moon?!). Angoras and G G O D talk about how this looks good for em but where's Poochy I mean Great Mazinger? Tetsuya is trying to dock with Great Mazinger but the Tsunami might stop it. Her equips and slags Mamerugosu but Angoras sez he was just the bait to lure him out and sends in his real warrior: the Mcconnell! A bullet shaped Fish Type Battle Beast! In Attack mode! It plows Great Mazinger into a wall and blows as its full of asplosives but Great Mazinger survives at the last second.

Later Boss trains by driving his Borot along the beach to beat Koji I mean Tetsuja and Marquis Janus shows up in there and turns her head around to show a 2nd face on the back. She hypnotizes him and his droogs to push a button when Tertsuya sez "unbelievable". Also she has her goons mod Boss Borot with charges to blow and mind wipes Boss to forget she did that. Later a Battle Beast attacks and Boss Borot Beats it as Great Mazinger Arrives. Tetsuya sez Boss Borot is unbelievable and this triggers Boss to push the button and fire a missile from Borot at Great Mazinger(Didn't the Manchurian Candidate do this first?). Janus sez Great isn't invincible when attacked from nearby(Das f--k?!) and sends Merutazu out. Great Mazinger had its Right Arm blown off by the missile and it gets splashed by Acid from the Beast Machine that will melt it from inside leaving it a hollow doll(Like how wasps plant eggs on things and they hatch and eat em alive while leaving the vital organs last). Great Mazinger chops off its arm and slices off the monsters head as it sprays acid, The head flies and spins and soaks the body in acid and slags it, Janus is amazed at Great Mazingers power and Boss has no memory of it but Jun don't buy it.

L:ater Kenzo is making that thing Mandark used in Dexters Lab to beat the Japan Monster but only made it stronger. Then Great General of Darkness comes himself and Jun and Teysuya take off in their Hetero EVA Units. General launches a buncha Battler Beasts and Venus and Great fly up as Kenzo zaps the Beasties with a hypno ray and makes em attack the Great General. Kenzo sez hhe studied Marquis Janus's hypnosis on Boss and friends (F--kin how?! There was no cameras and Boss snapped outta it after he was triggered!) but not everything can be hypnotized. So G G O D slags his troops like he's Megatron and faces Great Mazinger. Great General's Sword absorbs energy attacks and the punches bounce off. He slices off Greats arm and Venus sh00ts her t-ts at him but he eye beams her out. Boss Borot goes to save Jun and Kenzo is gonna use Photon Force Guns on G G O D but Great Mazinger is too close. Great flies fast and cuts by him holding the boomerang but the 2nd try he gets grabbed and spun around and thrown into the lab, which makes it asplode for some reason. So G G O D is gonna take off Greats Head but Great kicks him in the torso face and Naval Missiles him a lot. and takes off his head like Black Zarak in Transformers Super God Masteforce. As his head is in his body (Like Black Zarak) he grabs Great Mazinger ands strangles it (But it don't got lungs or a throat!) and is gonna bring Teytsuya to Hell with him! Great Mazinger jams his fingers in his chest eyes and Thunder Breaks him from inside (Kinda like how when Narumi strangled Riki-Oh with his guts and Riki-Oh slugs him out with one of his 2 free arms). so the General Asplodes like the Leprechaun in those so bad its good 90s movies.

Later Kenzo Kabuto is gonna revive Mazinger Z with Prof Yumi and a new Super alloy Z and have Koji return. Marquis Janus sees this with her science or witchcraft or w/e and Grand Marshall of H-ll sez to stop em but Koji is already in Japan. Koji is driven with Sayaka and Battle Beast Ruby Ghilas shows up and blasts the car. But its really a flying saucer made In America and flies off(Da f--k?!). It follows them but Great Mazinger slags it and Venus flies on a Scrander of its own to guard them. At da base Koji reunites with his dad and Koji, Sayaka, Jun, Tetsuya and Boss vow to work together like the Power Rangers. Grand Marshall goes all out and launches all his sh-t at Japan and slags Tokyo. They also attack the Photon Power Lab and Jun and Tetsuya go there as Mazinger and Sayaka fight the other area. Great Mammoth and General Julicaesar attack Mazinger Z and Diana A buyt Great comes in and slags em. The enemy runs after their leader falls and they f--k em up. Even Boss Borot and Shiro in his own kiddy mech come in as Kenzo said Shiro could come. Jun realizes that Kenzo planned to nuke the base and take Dr H to h-ll with him! He uses the nuke in the base to wipe the area and says sorry for not being a great dad to Shiro and Koji(Couldnt you do this by remote?! Did you have to be there to set it off?!) and Dr H survives as he wasn't close enuff. The Double Mazingers attack GMOH and he's resistant to missiles with his mantle like he's Enma-Kun or some sh-t. He blasts them with fire and Great Mazinger uses Thunder on its blade and throws it through the GMOH's mech eye and slags him(At least until Mazinkaiser or Mazinger Z Infinity). Later Koji and frends say bye to Kenzo and thank him for helping them beat the Mycenae Empire. Now Koji can grow up to be a scientist but not be a beta male like those big bang theory dinks! The end!


I saw this but don't remember much so someone fill this in (I might later though)

UFO Robo Grendizer[]

Was he even in this??

Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen[]

I'm pretty sure he was in this.

Mazinger Z vs. Transformers[]

Boss Borot Grimlock Boss Mazinger Z Vs Transformers

2 bada55 dumba55 fan faves meet

Chapter 001[]

In some extra dimensional place these robed beings watch different universes with Koji in Mazinger Z bustin Baron Ashura's robot. The G1 Season 1 Autobots fight the Decepticons at the Space Bridge and Starscream's beam deflects off Grimlock's head to blow off his right wing and send him into a Space Bridge which sends em off. The robed beings intervene and 1 asks "what would we gain as a result". In Mazinger World like CB Chara Go Nagai World, Boss, Mucha and Nuke work with the scrap from Koji's fight and the trio b--ches about how there's nothing worth much here. Shiro sez Proff Gennosuke Yumi sent em to find out of the diamond beam used by the mech that cut Mazinger's Wing in the fight. Boss gets excited at the diamond and wants it for money and in Boss Borot finds Grimlock who transforms and sez he's no mechanical beast. They clash fists like a Shonen Anime and both go flying (which makes you wonder of Boss Borots power as Grimlock beat up Megatron who survived an energon ship blowing with enough force to move planets) and Grimlock is surprised its piloted by humans, which they become friends. As Grimlock is low in Energy, Boss takes him to the Photon Power Lab as The Autobots emerge from the vortex and find Baron Ashura, or Ashler in some dubs, b--ching about Mazinger.

Chapter 002[]

The Decepticons found the Photon Power Lab with Laserbeak and want its energy, with Starscream malcontent as usual about Megatron not having him fixed. Megatron tells him they don't know where the are and its Starscreams fault, but then Mazinger Z comes out and fights Baron Ashura's Kijkaiju. The Autobots show up as the good guys gotta fight good guys like He Man Vs ThunderCats and Mazinger grabs Bumblebee with Optimus telling Baron to not fire as it might hit him like with Hot Rod in the Movie. Koji, I almost wrote Toji, is surprised they talk and realizes they ain't Kikaiju but Baron blasts through Mazingers back and out his front with a beam. Optimus confronts Baron on firing and he/she has the mechanical beasts beat on Mazinger as Megatron watches and finds interest. Mazinger takes a beating protecting Bumblebee who notices and Grimlock comes in with Boss Borot riding him but not in a b0ning way and burns the diamond beaming one with fire breath, which shocks Baron hot hot he in and not in a b0ning way. Optimus sez sorry and Koji is ok as he knows Baron tricked em and they fight together to pound the Kikaju to Jigoku and not in a b0ning way. After Baron escapes Koji gets out and meets the Autobots and they see both are good guys as Megatron meeets Baron.

Chapter 003[]

In Saluud Megatron plans with Baron and in the Photo Power Lab Sewashi/Morimori/Nossori are amazed by WheelJack and Rachet being Super Robot Life Formes. Ironhide lusts for Aphrodite (Wait til you see her in Mazinger Z 2022), Boss/Mucha/Nuke/Koji play ball with I think Mirage. But then Megatron and the Mechanical Beasts attack the Lab and the good guys team up to fight em but the Scrander isn't fixed yet. Ironhide gets mad at Rumble trying to crack Aphrodite A's Dome and the Constructicons forme Devastator which matches Mazinger's power and holds him as Starscream tries to headshot him. Optimus Prime Riding The Scrander saves Koji and busts Starscreams left wing as he was fixed I guess by Dr H's goons.

Chapter 004 and 005[]

He ain't in this. I guess he's done. Yeah, he's done, now move on.