Akira Fudo is the main protagonist of Devilman who has the alter ego of the titular character.
He is human or demon at times depending on the version and is often good. He is friends with/lives with Miki Makimura and Ryo Asuka (when Ryo exists). His parents are Reijiro Fudo and Sumiko Fudo, but they don't have much screen time.

So the A on his this for Akira is like with Speed racer's shirt thing right?
In the TV series, Akira has many powers, such as being able to change his body size when he transforms, super strength, and energy blasts (referred to as "debiru arrow" or "debiru beam"). He also has enhanced senses, and the ability to see through illusions. Devilman flies on retractable, rounded wings. Akira is frequently seen using his emotions (such as his feelings for Miki Makimura) combined with his intelligence to defeat demons.
In here he's voiced by Ryouichi Tanaka who reprised this role in Mazinger Z Vs. Devilmanββ, and kinda as Takeshi Maki in Devil Lady, Johnny in ep 19 of Cutey Honey, Kito and Rico in Mazinger Z, the teacher in Doraemon, Dr Briefs and Elder Kai in DBZ and DB super, Amon in CB Chara Go Nagai World OVA 2, Tetsuya Tsurugi in Mazinger Z vs. The Great General of Darknessββ, Cancer Deathmask in Saint Seiya, Rankiryuu in Sakigake!! Otoko Juku, Snake (Cobra Commander) in Transformers G1, Brainstorm; Bruticus (ep 13); Long Haul; Octane; Rampage; Snake Bomb (Triple Threat Snake); Streetwise; Wreck-Garr in Transformers: The Headmasters, Dado (ep 21); Lander (Landmine) in Transformers: Super God Masterforce, Blue Bacchus (ep 17); Mining Engineer (ep 6) in Transformers: Victory and Charlie Nash in Street Fighter II V.

That's what I wanna look like... except not crotchless...
In the OVAs Devilman:The Birth and Devilman:Demon Bird Sirene, Devilman has many of the same powers; plus including teleportation, electrical attacks via his antenna, and fire breath; but does not refer to them as they are being executed. He also displays his use of enhanced senses more frequently.
In here and CB Chara Go Nagai World he was voiced by ShΕ Hayami who was also Ryuusei Hagane / Phoenix in Beyblade metal f, Gennosuke Yumi in Grendizer U, Doll Geist in Jushin Liger, Twilight Princeββ in Cutey Honey F, Dino Tricera in Dinozaurs, Hauer in Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture, Eldo in God Mazinger, Klein Sandman In Gravion, Vanilla Ice in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Max Sterling in Robotech and its Japanese Macross spin offs, Mayor Light in New Cutey Honey, Yomi in Riki-oh, Sea Horse Bian in Saint Seiya, Oda Nobunaga in Samurai Deeper Kyo, Blast Off; Bonecrusher; Cutthroat; Ironhide; Sparkle/Spike Witwicky ; Spike Witwicky (teenage); Tracks; Ultra Magnus in Transformers G1, Sixknight in Transformers: Super God Masterforce and Shizuru Ozaki in Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer.
In the dub of Devilman:Demon Bird Sirene and Devilman:The Birth he's voiced by Alan Marriott who also did the voice of Daizaburo Eddie Ban in Mad Bull 34, Blue in Violence Jack Evil Town, Karon in Appleseed, Traffic Officer Motohashi / JGSDF / News Anchor in Patalabor, Scoop / Spud / Mr. Bentley in the US ver of Bob the Builder (G and X rated shows? What is he? The Yugioh Actors??), Victor Volt in The Secret Show, Glar in Planet 51, Sven in Voltron Force, Simon Rhodes in Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 (If only it was Alexis Rhodes from Yuigioh GX!), Mayor Kosmoceratops / Henry Hermit Crab / Herbie Hermit Crab in Dinosaur Train, Natan / Arsalan / Job in 2010s Superbook (Bibleshows and Go Nagai??), Buried Lede / Mr. Stripes in My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic(Gotta j-rk off to horses!!), Chef Rambley / Mr. Cheddarton in Nexo Knights, Stan in the Norm of the North movies (aw f--k no!! go back to being a hermaphrodite in violence jack!) and Darreth / Dareth / Captain Soto in Lego Ninjago.
in The Live Action Movie he's played by Hisato Izaki who was Takeshi Mikami in Crows Zero and Zero II.
In the movie's dub he's done by Peter Doyle who was Kurata Daiba in Iron Virgin Jun, Conrad L. Lawrence in Blue Dragon, Yurinojo in Naruto, Dominic Sorel in Eureka Sevel, Keybo in Tenjho tenge(hot), Ogawa / Satan B in Viper GTS(a p0rn0), Bacchi Gu in green green, Journalist in Metropolis, Io in Moonlight Lady (a p0rn0?), Orchid's Boss in Iron Monkey(ooh that ones good) and Shiba in Patlabor: The Movie.
Shin Devilman[]

This Ain't Brokeback Mountain!
In here, Ryo and he go ion an excellent adventure through time and fight daemons in history affects personages of historical significance. 1st they go to 1013 Germany and find a Painter named Adolf who's manager is greedy and has a big nose, After selling a painting of a chick he loved but is given too much money, he honestly returns it but in the buyers home, find the chick hes into being a slave to the buyer who chops up the painting in front of them, Akira wacks the guy as he's really a daemon but the chick is iced and Adolf decides to devote his life to wiping out the guys who caused this
Later they find Joan of Arc being caught by daemons in Hell and try her for te "crime" of trying to end the war, as they see war is good and advances things, Akira busts em up and Joan is saved, until she's burned at the stake by the brits as England is kinda the bad guy for centuries, We otta nuke em or something., Don't wanna hear about another royal wedding spammed nonstop on every news.
they go to Greece or Rome, what's it matter? its the same, like PokΓ©mon and Digimon, or pearl harbor and gone with the wind. So, they are soldiers and get caught and enslaved and this winged chick called Nike like the shoe company gives the enemy soldiers guns. so Akira goes Devilman and fights her but she's actually the lover of Amon from the past. how many chicks did this guy have?! I bet he had a huge d0ng! Probably retractable like in the shape Of Water. so Akira takes off her arm and she tries to bring back the Amon in him but Ryo lops off her head like Blue in Violence Jack Evil Town (who was also blonde and busty)
They go to France b4 the malcontent uprisings and trey to help Marie Antoinette who has a daemon in her, Akira and Ryo go in her and battle it and without it I think her protection goes and she gets her head taken off like Blue in Violence Jack Evil Town(who was also busty but unlike her had no 9 inch weener)
They go to the 1800s America and hang out with an Indian tribe and have fun, a chick is into Ryo but Ryo isn't into her, even though that don't make him gay as he's a hermaphrodite and its not gay for a guy to be with one, just look at 4Chan, they like girls with b0narz. So Akira and Ryo go off and when they come back, George Armstrong Custer has slagged the Indians and the chick got b0ned dead, So Akira goes off and fights them and slags em, but another Indian tribe takes the credit
Violence Jack[]
Violence Jack has extraordinary strength. He can regenerate most of any damage he takes rather quickly, and split into different versions of himself (such as a woman or a giant child). He uses golden birds to carry his power and can infuse others with it, as well as use them to seek out those who need help. He can cause earthquakes, and has the ability to warp reality with his powers, as well as being able to exorcise demons and bring others back from near death. He can also turn into a bird and travel.
CB Chara Go Nagai World[]
The Devilman One[]
In this anime, Akira is having a dream where he fights demons and transforms into Devilman

He gets nude in here too.
and wakes up when Miki Makimura is banging on his door, saying there is serious trouble. Akira jumps out of bed thinking its demons and falls on his horns and realizes he has transformed. He realizes the dream excited him and Miki walks in and freaks out but it turns out to just be a what if moment like in Scrubs. He goes on the light hanging from the ceiling and she comes in. He is surprised by her being chibi, and falls off. Akira is unnerved at the fact that he has become a chibi since he is a hero. Ryo Asuka then comes in to tell them that the fell into another world while sleeping, but Akira and Miki laugh since Ryo is also chibi. Ryo points his shotgun at them and tells them he's gonna wack them if they ever laugh at him again. Later, Akira is outside, complaining about how most people don`t usually fire and a truck drives through him, leaving him confused. Ryo explains that in the Chibi world, they are overlapped in reality. Ryo says that if they can figure out why the chibi world exists, they can return to their real world/shapes. He eagerly agrees to work with Ryo and Miki, who is on the balcony, asks what they are doing. Akira asks what she is doing and mentions he can see her underpants before she says she can see an iceberg and he climbs up the drain to get a look. Akira is glad the demons have arrived. As they walk, they run into Jinmen, who has animal heads on his back. Miki wacks off his head with an axe and he somehow survives and they devour his body. Jinmen tirades and Akira trys to stomp him but Jinmen threatens to expose Akira as Devilman. Akira then agrees act nice with Jinmen. When they sleep, Gelmer captures Miki and when Ryo and Akira wake up they find a note. Jinmen reads Akira the note since Ryo-san shot Akira for freaking out at his morning face. Its a challenge from Sirene and Akira and Jinmen goes despite Ryo-san`s attempts to persuade him that it may be a trap and their mission is to save the world and get back their forms. At the glacier, they find Abel and they fall off and Akira devil kicks him off the glacier. After they go inside, Abel comes up the elevator and Akira Devil kicks him to the bottom of the glacier. Akira falls when the bridge collapses and doesn't fly since Jinmen says Akira's secret identity will be exposed if he uses his wings and he makes a crater in the glacier. Abel tries one last time but falls in the crater and Akira goes up the elevator to the top floor. Akira throws a hose and uses it as a rope after he jumps to get to the part with Miki but doesn't make it to the top. He goes in a room and Sirene busts through the floor to grab Akira but gets Jinmen since he was on Akira's head. Akira makes it to the top but finds that its Gelmer in Miki's clothes and he froze in the glacier. Akira unfreezes Gelmer and they argue for a while until Akira transforms into Devilman and Sirene comes in. He is distracted by Sirene's bust and they talk for a bit until she hugs him and he passes out from the softness of her breasts. He wakes up in bed in the nude and Miki comes in, to see Akira/Sirene in a room together, with Akira in the nude in bed. Akira tells her he is Devilman, but Miki knows since she read the manga. Miki wants to know who Akira chooses and, after arguing with his conscience, he chooses Miki since Sirene is "not his type". After hearing this, Sirene busts them out the window and Akira transforms so he can fight Sirene and save Miki (along with Jinmen) from falling. During the fight, they bust up the rooms and background, and the Demon cleaning team comes in to clean up the mess made by the demons to keep humans from finding out about demons. The battle takes them out of the glacier and Ryo/Baron Ashura appear. Akira is glad to see Ryo, and thinks the airship is cool, when Sirene comes in and Ryo blows a hole in her. Ashura blows up the glacier and gets Sirene as Akira, and everyone survived.
The Mazinger One[]
So Ghoul busts up the mountain as the Demon Cleaning Team whines about having to clean up. A missile lands near Akira Fudo/Miki Makimura and Jinmen and sends em flying as Ghoul takes Sirene and flies off. Akira and Kaim try to save her but Kaim is too heavy for Akira and both fall like a company's stock when it makes adds with NAMBLA to be "diverse". Miki knows of Ghoul from watching Anime and is an Anime Girl so Akira and Miki and Jinmen go off to Mazinger World. So Miki and Akira walk along the land bridge between worlds with a rope around em and Jinmen on Miki's head as she sez she likes his Akira Forme more than Daemon Forme. Kaim runs along a land bridge and I'm not sure if its the same one. As Mazinger Z falls after getting nailed by Ryo, Koji wakes up and tries to fly it but the wing thing is stuck and e f--ks with the controls to no use. So he tells Mazinger Z to work and turns on the booster and it turns as its gonna hit da ground and gradually climbs until the wing flap breaks off and he goes outta control like The Guyver. Nearby, Miki sees the underground city of Geofront and wait its Akira who sees it and it reminds me of The Grand Cannon in Robotech. Miki sez its 500 meters or 500 feet in REAL numbers as the metric system is non canon and Jinmen thinks its just a Hole in the Earth's a55. Then Mazinger Z runs in and the Heroes run straight ahead instead of to the left, until Miki does that and Akira faces it, only to run. Koji Jumps with Mazinger and it craters the ground and Koji comes out they introduce themselves. After being told the story offscreen to save time, Koji invites em to stay at his place as Sayaka Yumi drives Mazinger and friends to the city and whines of being left out. In the hole in the earths a55, the heroes look out and it turns to night and the inner lights in it turn on. On an Elevator, Grendizer and Kotetsu Jeeg stop by and mock Koji for using an outdated model, wait, are they sentient? What about their pilots? Koji defends Mazinger for its fiery Heart and that he's still alive, like trying to show the modern teens that Sega Genesis is better than PlayStation 5. Like those devolved teens, they think they are better for being newer and tell him to go back to his moms t-ts(Who was Koji's mom? Cuz in Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen its implied to be Tsubasa Nishikiori and she had kinda good t-ts) and Koji sez its a reliable model (Like a 4:3 TV that don't f--k out after a few years like widescreen/flatscreen/hd tvs). Koji and Akira get along by being Hot Blooded Shonen Heroes and not sissy beta males who let their women b0ne big buff black guys like on reddit and Sayaka thinks they are dumba55es, but Miki and Jinmen get it and side with Akira and Koji. In Ghoul as Getter screws in lug nuts and Baron Ashura puts in a new engine, Akira sneaks on and confronts Ryo who's looking at the sun magnified to see The creator of their worlds. A flashback shows Baron showing the Creator making new worlds and having a cloud appear. Akira sez to stop this insanity but Ryo wants to return to the real world. Akira sez they might not be able to and going back would make em enemies. Ryo sez Karma can be modded and to trust him (Year Akira! Why don'tcha trust Satan?! Its not like he devolved you into a daemonic abomination and iced your fam and friends!). Akira sez this world exists for this, but Ryo don't like it as it's a foolish joke world, and he don't like God being better than him. Akira sez this is a Child's World and they can still all befriends, humans Robots and and daemons and devilmen. If they go back, they gotta fight but here they can be at peace if they have the courage to laugh at themselves. The music gets emotional and the night goes away and ghoul takes off as Akira stands cooly and his words of "everyone's getting used to this world but if Ryo tries to rule or break its balance, he'd fight him. Then a wind whirls around him and he walks out as Devilman and sez "The Final Battle".
The Violence Jack One[]
Sayaka Yumi puts Akira Fudo on screen with a flying cam that Akira thinks is Miki Makimura who devolved, but was joking. Akira tells them Ryo Asuka didn't wanna submit to any god but himself like a communist or new age guy, then again, he IS Satan, and that's who THEY like. Akira told Ryo that in this kids world, we can all getta long but if they return they'd have to fight. Ryo proudly says how he rebelled against God like some modern day youtube malcontent and thinks Akira can't beat him and is never satisfied with this goofy world. Ryo offers Akira a chance to join him and conquer the world, but as this is based on Devilman the manga, he refuses, cuz if he did, ity would be Totally out of character for him and go against all past canon evidence like its that butt f--king harry potter fanfic My Immortal! Akira heads for the sun ands says they can't live as stereotypes anymore and notices there's no other people aS IT WOIULD BE HARD FOR THE CREATORS TO MAKE, but really its cuz only those who wish it or have problems can come to Chibi World. If there is a God that created them (which is kinda proven as you literally are friends with Satan) then this world is a reward to live briefly in. (Wow this is kinda deep, even when j=rkin off and making a silly comedy anime, Go Nagai still has meaning and value in it. This is why he's my fave author, he's the most entertaining and has great range and talent.) So the camera goes back to the Photon Power Lab after miki sez its a world to take a breather and Akira thinks he knows what Miki would say as if he ignored his problems he'd disappear. Akira goes up to Ghoul and shows Baron Ashura his anus before blowing him a back door kiss but Ghoul blasts back with its rear thrusters. Ghoul sends out tentacles to fight him but have cameras on em and Akira used DeBiRu Beam to blow em and put up a Devil Barrier. the head of Belgas V5 comes out and Garada K7 throws a blade while hanging from a swing but Akira catches it and throws it back, cutting 1 side of the swing. Akira flies in the anus of the ship and Belgas is caught bu hands and Akira cuts down the Garada with his own blade by slicing the rope and saying DeBiRu Cutter! In Ghoul all these demon cleaning team guys gather and don't understand what the beardo one of em is saying. so he activates his power and these Kinnikuman symbols show on their heads and they recall they are Zenons pieces and they combine. Akira took the main face and its beardo as in the Manga, her was a Dragon and gave him a tough battle so now he threw the mAIN FACE OUT THE SHIPS a55 and he went out after it. Then the ship turned upward and Akira is squished under Belgas. Koji gets in Ghoul and turns on his Air Supply and not the band about that song making love outta nothing at all, which they used in a Wendy's add with a burger singing it and makes me think of making love with a hamburger. Akira has a barrier that protects him and gives him air but its not much and Koji tries to get him to come in the Pilder w/o using sound as there's no air for it to travel through. eventually get gets it and the Ghoul comes toward the sun. Ryo in his hermaphrodite forme phazes through the ship and fires a black magic attack that kills the sun by sending the corona to another dimension, which reveals the Creators true form, Go Chan! Ryo goes to see Mazinger and brings it up using telekinesis and closes the door so the air don't get out and the Ghoul opens its out bay doors to take in God. Akira thinks that God is big and wears a White Robe and has a Halon over His head and Koji thinks He's kinda small for God but when poking it, the Mazinger Arm gets sucked in like a d0ng in a korean boy band butt. Roy sez right now the hand is returning to the real world and we see Mazinger Z fighting Donau Alpha 1 after the Rocket Punch busts into the ground and Real Koji sez "the Rocket Punch got knocked back". chibi Koji wants to be manly and hot and accepts Ryo's logic of blaming God. Akira thinks by entering Him they can return to the Real World and Ghoul turns on the air and lowers Jinmen on a fishing pole into Him with a strong by Baron Ashura. He didn't seer anything cuz his eyes were closed and Ryo realizes that Koki has a video camera on Mazinger and moves him with telekinesis. Koji uses Koshiryoku Beam but Ryo's body is Made of Photons. Akira tackles Ryo from behind in a sneak attack and nearly knocks him into God but Ryo reacts and slices Akira in half like its Hokuto No Ken. Miki sensed something like with Lynn or Yuria in Hokuto No Ken when Knshiro gets f--ked and Jinmen yells "not my fault" over and over. in denial, Ryo says its a joke that Akira is kidding and sez "oops I did it again" and tells God to fix his acts(Which is a clever way of showing how those who blame God for everything often caused the thing they blame Him for and want a bail out like back door ba rock and the banks). Koji goes to avenge Akira by going full power on the Breast Fire but Baron runs and Jinmen has regrown his body and its small and turtle sized which grosses out Baron. They fall out the hole burned in the Ghoul and into space. Ryo uses telekinesis to throw Mazinger around and its still blasting and f--ks up ghoul and as Koji falls against God, he isn't sucked in but sees a wasteland world. Ryo looks into it and they see Jack and are freaked out. Jinmen uses a Devil Barrier like Android 17 in DBZ and keep air in but bump into a new land as a new world is being born. Ryo is bummed about a new world with Hyuuuuuu manz and explains to Koji that The Big Guy has an idea of a giant robot and advances the ideas to make new stories and tries things out to see if its good or not and thats this world. The good ideas are made into Manga and the cr-ppy ones are thrown to this world (Which is off as Kekko Kamen started as a joke he did, and he was surprised it was accepted but went on to draw more sexy curvy nude women and people being beat up and weird cr-p that only Japan could make.). Ryo sez that the Creator compresses the data to save space and not go over the limit and God agrees with a sign like in Ranma 1/2 but with more hermaphrodites. Koji asks if itsd for a new toy line and God flips the sign and sez "I don't think so". The world forms in and in West Shinjuku Baron and Jinmen are walking around this f--ktown wondering what f'd Japan. Ryo wants God to revive Akira or go back in time but He says he can't and won't. Ryo is gonna use a Revenge Death Ball like in DBGt with thicc sexy a55 bootylicious PaN IN TIGHT JEANS ASA THE ARTISTS ARE pAN sEUXAL AND is gonna send Koji and God into a Black Hole. Koji sez it might destroy the world if Ryo does it, but he doesn't care as he doesn't wanna be in a world w/o Akira. Loki sees that Ryo is into Akira but its not gay cuz Ryo's not a dude and isn't even human, like that guy on the learning channel who claimed his car was his boyfriend and he b0ned his car, then came out to his dad about his lusts. Koji don't wanna fight but Ryo sez he can't stop him but Koji self detonates Mazinger and takes out Ghoul and it falls to the new world. Baron sees it and runs but a chunk knocks Jinmen on the head, and both fall. Bunta and Ryu Takuma are there and jinmen chases Bunta and Ryo sez he know those guys ain't from here. Baron wonders if they are kids as everyone looks like a kid in Chibi and Bunta tries eating Jinmen. At Ghoiul, a Golden Bird comes by and sees Naked Ryo in his huian forme that don't recall anything and the bird is Violence Jack who sez Ryo can have a new start in Kanto (Oh f--k! He's gonna get his limbs sawed off and probably be b0ned a lot WOC without consent!). Jack shows up and tells em this is not their world and Koji sez "i go where i want! but Jack sez this is the kids world and their story is a new beginning as Ryo and Bunta catch fish with a sword (which is pretty bada55, redneck and ninja at once). Koji sez he's got sh-t to do in his world too and Jack mentions Koji's Loans but Koji is surprized he knew of them and as Jack leaves Koji notices something familiar about him. Jack says "in Another Life" like with Dana Sterling and Rem in that Robotech comic and says he's Violence Jack and give regards to Miki Makimuyra before turning into a Golden Bird and going off. After salvaging Ghoul, Baron sez they can Macguyver a way out by using Belgas as a Transformer, the ships batteries, and an anti gravity engine and the pilder as controls for a space ship and Jinmen can use his barrier to keep the air in. After cr-pping together the items, Koji and friends take off and return to their world and Ryu and Bunta say their names to em like in avatar how they showed the title at the end and race back to the fort. Jinmen goes back home and his daughter Jinmenko sez he's small and he yells at her. on Bardos Islandββ Dr. Hell and Baron hug and its cute, Koji shakes hands with Count Brocken as Garada and Belgas's head are behind em. Sayaka comes by in Aphrodite A and koji goes in the cockpit to be taken back and maybe b0ne her in there like its a car. He tells her Mazinger got busted but everyone's back, then remembers NOT EVERYONE. In Jacks world Jack is on a cliff and looking bada55 and manly but Psycho Jenny teleports in with Miki and she calls him Akira but he sez he's not Akira and he don't know her, while calling her Miki-Chan. Jenny wants to know where Ryo is and Jack wiggs out and sez this isn't their world but the chicks say his logic won't work on girls (When does logic EVER work on girls? They don't function rationally! and they are too emotional! and men are stronger and cooler and funnier!). Jack calls for God to do something but God in the sun stays there as the girls wanna see Jacks true form(and NOT his 40 cm b0nar JACK KNIFE, so JaCK JUMPS OFF A CLIff and the ep ends. although if this follows the Manga, Miki's gonna get dismembered and mo lested, like that death metal song i think my cannibal corpse.
Devilman vs. Hades[]
Someone add this
Devil Lady[]
In HERE, Jun Fudo meets Akira in Hell, after being sent there as part of a Demonic ritual where she gets violated. Akira then proceeds to give her a guided tour of Hell, while fighting off various Demons including the combined form of Sirene and Kaim, then Sirene in her original form soon after she was incinerated, and then brought back to life as well, as to have some fun with Jun along with finding time to teach her how to fly, much to the annoyance of Sirene. Akira then explains to Jun about how he ended up in Hell as well as being shocked that not only was the world βrenewedβ when he visited Earth from Hell, as a ghost, but that βDevilmanβ was now a popular manga. Jun then falls in love with Akira, he says that if Jun wants to get back to Earth, she had to get to the Ninth Circle of Hell, where Satan is. Eventually, Akira and Jun managed to get to the Ninth Circle where he says that Satan is an Angel who was trapped in ice, but that turns out to be Zenon instead. Later, after flying away from Zenon, Jun manages to crawl out of Hell but is upset when Akira disappears, falling in love with him, though he merely became invisible to her. He appears again, still invisible, where Lan Asuka can sense him but not see him, it turns out that somehow Akira has been an unseen presence from early on in the manga, and has in fact fallen in love with Jun before remembering how Miki died, and being sent back to Hell. Later when Jun is about to get violated, Akira appears to save the day as a floating Demonic Skull; whose shape looks remarkably similar to Akiraβs Devilman form. Knowing somehow it was Akira, Jun took the Skull back to her apartment where she drew then designed a βcostumeβ to go with the Demonic Skull, which he tested out against several Demonβs while Jun was in the bath, and then appearing once again in her dream before saving her once again from being violated by Vine-Man. In the final volume, after being defeated by Sirene, (who took over Aoi Kurosakiβs second Demon form and was still angered with Jun), Jun walks back to her apartment sad that the Human Alliance was destroyed, when she was followed by a mysterious man that looked like a male version of Lan Asuka who proceeded to get with Jun before walking off, later on Jun is seen giving birth (in Giga form) to Akira, whose body (that of a young boy) is still growing. As the world is ending, Jun is resting in her hospital bed when Psycho Jenny and male Lan appear before her, with the latter striping off her hospital gown. While that is going on, Akira whose grown up, walks in on Jun and Lan being merged into one being, who turns out to be Satan who split then reincarnated himself into the βRenewed Worldβ as two beings β Female Half: Jun Fudo and Male Half: Lan Asuka who used Demonic power to change himself into a woman as well as both of them becoming Akiraβs βparentsβ making him somewhat similar to that of the Antichrist, after digesting the fact that the woman he loved was not only his βmotherβ but a part of Satan himself, he happily decided to join Satan in the final battle against St. Michael and the Army of God, dooming Humanity and Earth (Which is kinda f'd as Ryo is the one who ruined his life, killed his family and friends, devolved him into a demon, and p-ssed him off so much he fought a 20 year war to kill Ryo, only to die fighting him. So Akira joining Ryo is like Guts rejoining Griffith after the Eclipse!).
The character Takeshi Maki is not only heavily based on the TV Akira, but has the same Japanese actor and outfit.
In the dub he's voiced by Joey Hood who was Jing in King of Bandits Jing, Kosaku Kaji in Shutendoji OAV 2, Tyo Hibiki in Sonic Soldier Borgman and Kenji Himura in Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection.
Amon: The Darkside of The Devilman[]


Looks like a pose from a RPG Attack Animation
Chapter 1[]
Miki is dead, her home burns, Akira holds her head and is feeling like giving up. The Bonze of Hinduism sense something beyond what they felt before and how chaos is f==king out the world. Miko notices the area melted into a gooey mess like AI Art and finds Miki's head before her clothes melt off. In the subway is hobos that look like Hige Godzilla, Omorai and the chick from Omorai I think and the news says there's a demon alert in Tokyo's OO Ward XX District and the Demon Investigation Team sez to evacuate to shelters. Ryo Asuka who showed the demon tape offered a 10 Million Dollar reward for Akira (As I guess he has that Demon Express Gold Card) and as the news warns of Akira, the hobos see him looking like The Crow cuz of the artstyle. The news sez to be careful of those around you like with the kung flu and this blonde chick is watching it as her dad comes back from I think slagging the neighbors, before he suspects his own daughter is one of THEM and aims his gun at her. The gun melts into him as does the girl into a counter and in the Demon Hunters HQ is Dosu-Roku and his droog Meri-Ken Jo in a jail cell as they were homies of Akira. The dudes try to explain the demons who run the media are tricking them to attacking good people, but like under back door bid en or beta male tru deau, the deceived don't listen. The guard is gonna slag em even though they need em as bait for Akira but he melts and so do the cell bars and the droogs escape to find people melted into each other like Genocyber. Miko throws em a rope and gets em up higher and tells em its like the Demon fusing ability melding everything. Akira is sitting by a building and some guys looking like 90s punks confront him for being Akira and wanting the reward but he sez he's not Akira and as the guy fires, the bullets melt in front of his face and he headshots him with his tentacle tail spike, then melts the rest as he leaves. The Bonze say his consciousness is faint and heart closed when Miki died and they use powers to see him by a cross as the Demon Busters arrive. The demons are not moving and the Bonze wanna send Devilmen to aid Akira as he's needed to win but might have a bad thing comming. Dosu-roku and Meri-Ken Jo fly on a daemon with Miko and she can see Akira with the busters and the Daemon formerly known as Akira sez it looks like Satan wont cone out. The Bonze psychically tell Akira to leave with the Devilman Army bit he sez he's not Akira which the gender offenders might get triggered by as its not the name he feels like today and he turns into Amon.
Chapter 2[]
In Vatican City the Catholics track this disturbance leaving Japan and heading through Siberia and heading for em. They see the end of the Vatican is the end of the world and order nukes to take it out and Amon in the USSR is melting the caribou as e advances. In sh-t a55 india the Bonze tell Dosu-Roku, Meri-Ken Jo and Miki they need the Devilman Army to slag Akira as he went Amon. Dosu-Roku thinks Akira is still in there and them being alive is proof, which makes the yaoi fans write cr-ppy p0rn0 of them as ANYthing 2 or more guys have in common makes them pair em up. Dosu-Roku admires Akira keeping his human heart after fusing with a daemon to save humanity and he's not into b0ning him. Miko sez Akira's human heart is still alive and Dosu-Roku vows to protect him despite what the Bonze think, but the Bonze know Dosu-Roku knows not of the god killer Amon. Amon faces demons and easily wastes em as Zenon watches and sez Amon is an enemy of the Devilman Army. Zenon praises Satan for a manipulating humanity but Satan sez Akira still lives.
Chapter 3[]
The Vatican and france got melted by Amon walking by and this old dude is chmpin out over how The Vatican wasn't the target and not to mock his God. He wonders why he survived and one of his men is melted and calls to him but the dude who's the commander headshots him for being a demon. Amon makes it to egypt and melts the sphynx while complaining of being sealed in that Butt Virgin Akira and wanting revenge. Meanwhile in sh-tty a55 india, Dosu-Roku wants to repay Akira by saving him and awakening his true self but the Bonze think he's no match for Amon. The Three strongest Devilmen agree with Dosu-Roku and know there's not much chance but wanna try fusing but Bonze think he might be absorbed by it and its gonna hurt. He wants to do it as Akira had it and Miko slaps him as he might get a evolved boy like her, and she's naked here but her nips and crotch and belly button and like open anus's. He sez Miko is still beautiful and tells Meri-Ken-Jo that its up to MKJ if Dosu-Roku f==ks up. The Devilmen fuse and its a Lion, Eagle and Bull like a Cherub in The Bible and Dosu-Roku joins in and runs gut 1st into the bullhorn then melts into em like cheese as he understands Akira's suffering. Later Amon senses something and its the Polymerized Dosu-Roku heading for him with Amon not knowing him but knowing it knows him.
Chapter 4[]
A 4 monster fusion of Dosu-Roku and 3 Devilmen fights Amon as the Bonze watch on a psychic projection with Miko and Meri-Ken Jo watching and the Bonze thinking he's f'd. Amon stretches out his arms like Luffy and grabs him to zap him but he fights it off. Amon nails him with a mouth blast and melts him to cheese but he charges at Amon and gets shanked through the head with the tail but uses this to contact Amon's consciousness and finds Akira naked inside it. Akira opens his eyes a bit and Dosu-Roku blows apart as he's slagged and Amon sees its Fudo's power he felt. Miko is f'd by Dosu-Roku's end as the Bonze say something got in the ay and 3 angelic things show up mocking him for nearly being beat by a Human. They tell him to return to Satan but he blows 1's face open with a ki blast and sez they only saw a fraction of his power and to bring Satan to fight him here if he wants Akira back. What is he? Freeza? The angelic things fuse back into Zenon and he vows to slag him.
Chapter 5[]
The Commander dude from Vatican sez if humans are gonna end, its by their own hand, like Shin in Hokuto No Ken. Zenon try's to talk Amon back to his side as demons can rule again and Amon attacks everyone but himself as he's their greatest hero/parasite. Amon sez he does what he wants and only for himself and slags anyone who gets in the way. Then the Nukes launched by Commander nail em and Bonze thinks its humans destroying itself but both super demons survive and with the sea burned away by nucular flame like Hokuto No Ken, Atlantis is visible. The Bonze say its the country of the gods that Amon sunk and wonders what he's playing at. Zenon's wings turn into d0ng tentacles that Amon busts and it devolves into a whirlwind and they get sucked into space and meteor back down. Bonze sez its a battle beyond comprehension and Meri-Ken Jo b==ches about Dosu-Roku dyin for nothing and how he believes in him and Akira. Bonze realizes Akira is still there and there's hope (If you read Devilman you'd know better, but Violence Jack fix's that, until Devil Lady). Wait, its only Amon who went to space and he streaks down at Zenon with a power fist and busts off Zenons right (our left) head. Zenon tries sending him to another dimension by warping space-tome but he gets sucked into Zenon and in there meets Satan.
Chapter 6[]
Amon fights Satan but gets parts blown off by force and puts em back with an evil grin saying he's having fun. They touch fingers and Satan sez Akira and the vision in the Bonze view goes black. Then from the sky he comes down holding Amon and Zenon thinks Amon is dead. Satan tells Zenon he's not dead and kisses Amon who urns back to Akira like a fairy princess kissing the prince back, but more hermaphrodite. He sez bye to Akira and Meri-Ken Jo wishes Dosu-Roku could have seen it while crying manly tears. Akira's placed in Atlantis as the bad guys leave and wakes up thinking its like a dream he hated Ryo. Then remembers Miki and turns back to Devilman.
Chapter 7 - 27[]
Backstory about Amon and friends so Akira's not in this.
Chapter 28[]
Zenon announces to Humanity the demons are gonna replace em cuz they are the REAL rulers then a minute later the ussr got nuked. Demons fused with people and humans got suspect of each other. In school a teacher sez this will be their last semester and summer vacation will be forever cuz everyone will be slagged on vacation. A nerdy chick who looks like the fat chick from Galko Chan sez she has to graduate High School and Teacher lifts her by 1 leg and reveals hes a demon. Mantaro Chain nails him with his long thin weener chain and Tetsuya catches the falling nerd chick. They say how they otta let Akira know that Makimura isn't here and Dosu-Roku and Meri-Ken Jo are with the others. Dosu-Roku is looking in a hole in the walls a55 while standing on Meri-Ken Jo to see Miki changing with the girls after swimming but Miki opens the door and knocks him over to call his disgusting. Then this water blasts through the hole in the walls a55 and sticks em in goo. Akira hears Miki's scream while hanging on a roof with Ryo and sez the battle gong has rung and goes off. Ryo sez Amons blood boils as Akira is happy and Akira saves Miki who's caught in web ooze by this daemon. Ryo sez to burn it cuz the others can't be saved and Akira grabs the phaIIic head and gets shocked and sees demons memories before taking Miki off and Ryo wonders what's up with Akira
Chapter 29[]
Akira is sleeping and making sounds but not j-zzing on the ceiling like in Devilman Crybaby and Miki comes in wearing sexy lingerie to look at his sleeping face. She gets into bed with him and kisses him but he's dreaming of eating a mans brains and wakes up screaming and not j=zzing on the ceiling. When he notices Miki he's shocked and wonders if they did anything and she sez no. He goes out wearing his A shirt like in the 70s anime and this dog got its head blown off for being a dog i mean demon, but its ok to slag dogs, they are idiots. 3 sexy chicks with 2 of em being devolved from the waist down are being chased and 2 get blown apart with gunfire as they claim to be human and Miko flees. Akira hangs with Ryo and talk of Akira's worry that he might not be ale to control the demon he possessed. Miko in the trash keeps telling herself she's human and Dosu-Roku comes by and sez he knows as she has a human heart and is here to help. She don't trust him and thinks he's gonna sell her like in The Garbage Pal Kids with The State Home For The Ugly but Meri-Ken Jo is also there and Dos-Roku sez he knows a guy with demon body but human heart that he believes in. She don't trust anyone now and sh-ts acid out her big open nipped t-ts and is nicks Dosu-Roku's arm. She b=ches of how no ne understands what she's going through like a teen turning queer and Dosu-Roku sez his demon buddy does and offers her help, but Cadney comes in.
Chapter 30[]
The Demon Busters have Dosu-Roku and Meri-Ken Jo at gunpoint and Cadney gives Miko a card for Kozo Ranimura and sez he's his butt buddy personal secretary. He tells her he's in a secret group under the ministry of defense that protects those like her and offers her to come with him. Dosu-Roku objects but is stomped down and Miko goes with him as he tells Dosu-Roku his friend is all demon(no s-min). Miki catches Tare in his p-ss and sees he wet the bed like Sailor Mini Moon and as se comforts him, he checks out her t-ts in the see through nightgown so she punches him for noticing her looks. Akira is outside and hoses off his head as his blood is hungry for violence and beats up a hippie wanting to pay a thicc chick to b0ne. The chick turns out to be an Apocalypse Zero crotch monster demon that bites his left arm with a phaIIic tentacle coming out of a toothy crotch opening on the stomach. Akira turns Devilman and tears off the tentacle then beats the monster til it blows apart into blood and chunks while wondering if its him or the demon he fused with battling.
Chapter 31[]
Dosu-Roku, Mantaro Chain, Tetsuya and Akira go to the place the card Cadney showed Miko said to get more members for the Devilman Army. The pillar they walk across breaks and Dosu-Roku falls but Akira saves him but drops him and flies down to save him. Mantaro Chain wishes he had a demon but Tetsuya sez don't be a baka. In a flashback Akira comes home and is gonna get sleep but jumps on top of Miki and she covers her face and sez she'd always believe in him. She goes to kiss but he's off her and sez thanks. Later Miki is sitting in her room and thinking of Akira as Tare is outside the room leaking but it might be j=zz. In the underground area in the present Akira and friends go through and find a buncha pods with daemon things in em. Akira sez he heard a huma voice and these things can't be saved but sees these naked devilman kids who wanna be saved so they don't go full reta I mean demon and be forced to kill cuz Cadney looks at guys and they lose their human hearts. They bring the kids with em and are told if they run or defy Cadney he slags em and their names are Susumu and Aria. The guys give em clothes from machines(Not Honey Kisaragi or Gamia Q who are often naked) and go on to find a hole like in Alien with geezers in hoverchairs cheering on demons to fight. 013 goes demon and attacks but Cadney dices him and the kids turned into a big plant thing that ate Mantaro Chain as they weren't real Devilmen. Akira questions if Devilmen are real and shreds the kids but then Cadney notices em.
Chapter 32[]
Cadney fights Akira and its like Hokuto No Ken but with seuxally challenged artwork and Tetsuya stops Dosu-Roku from interfering as Cadney is outta his league(and not only in bed). Cadney sez there's no such thing as a Devilman and this shocks Akira which connects to Ryo who drives off in his car. Cadney sez humans possessed by demons become demons and Akira can't get his game on Alexis so he powers up with Akuma no Chikara and goes Devilman but Cadney swings his arm and the wind cuts him down like Nanto Suicho Ken. Cadney spazzes out and this demon bulges outta his eye as he sez he's not a demon but different like the gender offenders repeating their lies to convince themselves they are normal and everyone else is wrong. Tetsuya sees his chance and takes off his coat and he's got armor hot dogs wrapped around his waist, wait its dynamite and he rigs it on blacked out Cadney as Dosu-Roku gets out with Akira and slides down a pipe. Tetsuya has him wrapped with the wieners and is gonna light it and run but Cadney wakes up and dices him with his force ki or w/e while saying "they don't exist" like back door candy a55 aids bag wikipedia says about many historical figures like Moses o Abraham or Adam or Noah. Mantaro Chain grabs the lighter TEtsuya dropped with his bike chain as he's a Devilman now and tells Cadney they exist and he's one and blows the place as Dosu-Roku screams for Tetsuya and Ryo arrives.
Chapter 33[]
Ryo takes Akira away and Dosu-Roku stays behind cuz Ryo isn't attracted to him like Yubel in GX for Judai. Then Cadney comes outta the busted building fresh as a daisey and after telling Dosu-Roku Tetsuya is dead, Dosu-Roku attacks and is blasted back by force into a wall. Cadney leaves saying Akira is a demon and Dosu-Roku sez sorry to Tetsuya and Mantaro Chain. In the car Akira comes to and asks Ryo is Devilmen are real or something he made up and sez he is afraid of himself while having visions of melting heads and open bodies. Ryo sez he is a devilman and brings him home but Akira spazzes out and a fleshy tendril extends from his shoulder and bites Ryo's Left arm. Akira sez he can't stop it but in a non literal moment, he goes to his true hermaphrodite forme and comforts him, until Miki comes in dressed like a h00ker and finds em on the couches. Akira's daemon arm like Yubel in GX is behind the couch and she feels his head with hers cuz he looks red and sez he feels warm. Akira and Miki go out and she takes Ryo's coat as Akira isn't wearing a shirt and Ryo gets bummed but not like Guts and Griffith did in Berserk but cuz he sees Akira is into Miki.
Chapter 34[]
The Demon Busters slag those accused of being demons like with the gov going after the uninjected during the kung flu and in their HQ Dr. Ranimura is watching the news telling people to distrust those who act different while smoking a pipe, but not as in man pipe. Speaking of man pipe, his butt buddy Cadney comes in after a shower and Ranimura sez he'd make Cadney's theory public tomorrow that dissatisfaction is increasing in modern society and strong emotions make people change. If the symptoms appear in a person they go full demon and can't go back (like being turned e deviento after being f'd up and THEY say its how you are and cant be cured). Ranimura reaches for Cadney but Csdney leaves and sez "later" implying they are b0ning like in Degrassi and thinks demons were from the human heart. The Demon Busters roast a couple alive with flamethrowers but they make out while cooking to sow they kept their human hearts. The Demon Busters say "they ain't human so its not murder" like saying "they're only cells/slaves/Poles/gypsies/hebrews/maruta/Whites/Males/Straights, ect". At Miki's place her bro and dad think Humans are gonna be ok and Miki gets Akira for breakfast as he wonders who really controls his body. Akira tries to tell her something but she goes on about stores being closed and the weather being nice but leaves and sez to herself Akira is Akira. Dosu-Roku confronts Ry of the film in a projector he has of Akira going devilman and is told he's gonna broadcast it before Ryo uses force to slug Dosu-Roku in the gut and across the room like Steven Segal. Ryo sez he's gotta do drastic things and will be the only one to save Akira and has no choice(like Jesus Christ Super Star makes Judas look more sympathetic) as he drives off across the f==ked out city.
Chapter 35[]
Dosu-Roku sneaks in the Demon Busters place to save Miko and is caught by the Demon Busters who think he's Miko's homie. The Akira busts in and saves him by sapping away the busters and tells him to go back as he'd save Miko. Dr. Ranimura goes over his Cadney's theory that demons are really darkness in human hearts and his evidence he got will convince everyone. Then Akira melds through the wall and grabs him by the c=ck sucker and I don't mean his a55 and has him bring him to Mio. He frees Miko with psychic force shattering the glass and sez they are Devilmen. Then Miki is in a room with Akira and sez things s=ck if ur demon or human and asks what he'd do if the world was ending tomorrow. She sez she'd like to have a normal day with her fam any maybe something with Akira but he don't get she means b0ning and mocks him for it, but knows the normal days will return. Ryo plays the tape of Akira devolving on TV and Dr. Ranimura is on the couch in a frooty pose with Cadney who recognizes Ryo as an organizer that one time. The tape shows Welvath going mouth T-ts and Cadney sez he was in the Black Sabbath but stayed human and has sliced off the head of Ranimura with his left demony hand.
Chapter 36[]
After seeing Akira go demon, Miki's Dad aims his gun at him and tells him to get outta da family as Akira sez he's still him. Miki's Dad sez if he is Akira he can't help him and to gtfo b4 the Demon Busters arrive. Ryo spreads fear by saying "anyone could be a danger" like the news did for the kung flu and the Demn Busters come for Akira as Miki regrets that she won't see him again(until Violence Jack) and as they didn't stop Akira from leaving, they are regarded as demons and taken away. Ryo is by a ruined building is pieces of it in a cross like when THEY did da tQvvurz and Akira confronts him over outing him. Ryo sez he's gonna be ok and Dosu-Roku sees Akira Henshin for the 1st time and gets freaked out. Ryo sez a new era is upon em for demons and Akira realizes his true identity and Ryo goes Angel hermaphrodite for Dosu-Roku wen asked why he did it. Ryo asks him "Do you love someone so much that you'd destroy the world for them?' and Dosu-Roku sees hedid it all for Akira O Nii San.
Chapter 37[]
A huge swirling vortex of daemons nails the Demon Busters HQ and Miki is with Tare Makimura and Masa Bokuto and Tare whines of the Demon busters taing their parents like california arresting guys for plastic straws. Masa sez Akira went there to save em and In there a guy tells Cadney to hide in the shelter as he's humanity's last hope. The news tells the HQ got f'd and Akira finds I think Miki's parents from the waist up holding each other and obliterate the humans who iced em as thy said "we didn't kill demons, only humans" while saying the famous lime "You are the real demons". Cadney fires a laser at him which he blocks with force and tells him the people he slagged had loved ones and that Akira is a real demon. Akira sez Cadney will die here and blocks a laser to the face with ki or w/e and Cadney gets naked saying "stfu! I'm not like u! I'm better!" and goes black angel wings with no man parts.
Chapter 38[]
Cadney sez only he can be called a devilman(cuz its his word boy, u ain't got no right usin it!) and fights Akira but then outta butt f--kin nowhere is a huge daemon thing comming from his leg. He freaks out and sez only he didn't change and at the Black Sabbath with Welvath, Magoad, Wagreb, and Gair turned, he hid in the corner curled up in an a55ball and claims he didn't turn and stayed human. Akira read his mind(he can do that?! What is he?! The Supreme Ka in DBAF?!) and remembers him and understands hu self loathing like a Straight White Christian Man in university and sees that pieces of Amon are in him and telling him things. He chimps ut over hs violet past acts like how he took out the eye of Kuriyama the Bully and killed him as the teacher didn't do anything about it. Also it felt "wonderful" to chop him up. Also he raeped a woman who called him "disgusting" and killed and ate her like that gay xxx star in soviet canada (Luka Magnotta). A woman bumped into him and didn't say sorry so he chopped off her feet. Man, this guy sounds like those malcontents who were on tumblr and twitter and reddit who whine about anything connected to anyone who did 1 thing they didnt like. Like the Harry Potter Game or calling a man a man. So he's always killing people and is an existence above humanity to himself and spazzes out about being "different and better" and not being a fragment, as he devolves into slop. Then devolves into a big abomination like T R Edwards in Robotech Prelude To The Shadow Chronicles and Dosu-Roku, Meri-Ken-Jo and Miko are there and the 2 boys run up to him. In Akira's mind Cadney is psychically attacking him with the memories Cadney absorbed, including the guy with the chain, Manjiro, and the memories affect the Humans there too. Akira sez "We are Devilman and you are different, now disappear demon!"
Chapter 39[]
In the crater like after Cell and candya55 Gohan beam struggled, Akira is back and meets Meri-Ken Jo, Dosu-Roku and Miko who's ok with her identity now. There's also a lot of surviving Devilmen and thy got their army now and Dosu-Roku sez Mantaro Chain's sacrifice wasn't in vain. and they think they won. Miko sez they ain't Devilmen so this ain't their era but her kinds and Akira sez they count as Devilmen as they suppressed the demon in themselves. Akira goes off but a piece of Cadney goes on his leg and Zenon talks to his master about how Akira's back. Psycho Jenny and Zenon say they can use this to drive Akira over the edge and make his Devilmen abandon him like celebs when THEY accuse em of something and they see Amon as a traitor to both the human and demon races(like the opening to the 70s Devilman?) and Akira gets to Miki's place to find her head on a stick and people dancing around.
Chapter 40[]
Akira goes full demon and cooks the humans like they deserve and Satan gets mad at Zenon as Akira seems like he's gonna die. Zenon sez its Destiny and Akira gives up as he sees nothing left for him but naked Miki comes through the fire saying she's a devilman. She asks if he loves her and when he sez yes asks why he burned Tare and the others, then her face is revealed and its Cadney and the naked Miki body breaks apart with blood spraying. Cadney laughs at Miki being dead and him tricking Akira and Akira goes SS5 and unleashes his fire. Cadney sez there's no such thing as a Devilman and Akira eradicates him finally. Wait, Cadney is standing and Amon is there and Cadney sez this means Akira is dead. Amon sez he came out as Akira hesitated and is gonna end Cadney finally.
Chapter 41[]
Amon kills Cadney and this time its for real-zees and is gonna go to the one who sealed him in that Butt Virgin Akira but Akira melds outta him and fight him. Satan flies to Akira sensing him being back and Psycho Jenny tries to stop him with looking really big like in the 70s anime I think. Akira equally fight and does well vs Amon but Ryo shows up and catches him. Akira gets up and slugs is once friend and never boyfriend you yaoi freaks and vows to fight him with it not being clear if its Akira or Amon or both's will. The area whites out after Ryo smiles and it goes back to the 1st meeting with Dosu-Roku's gang hassling Miki with Akira being a candya55 and Ryo showing up, pulling a gun and saying "that's right, I'm crazy".
Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman[]
Akuma Kishi[]

Disney had harpy nips in Fantaisa, but wiki's cant? Is it less free than the 1940s? Will we start segregation again?
In Chapter 3 in the 20th century Ryo and Akira talking on how Tokyo looks peaceful but people are going demon and who knows how many are going in other parts of da urth. Aira sez he dreams of Amons things and was a knight on a dragon in black armor in another land or time or dimension. Sirene was a knight and his coworker and demons invaded. A prince like Ryo was there and after a battle, they had merged and turned demon. The prince tried to convince him but was angelic and said evolution is to become a demon(Creationism Confirmed!!!). Ryo sez demon have super abilities like evolution and merging makes em stronger, but they look gross and its not desirable (Have you seems those deep sea fish? Its like Urotsukidoi!!). Akira sez Shirenu looked hot and Ryo sez those are rare and the desire for power makes em ugly but it mas em stronger. Also she lost but had she merged with Kaim from the start he might've won and if Akira might need to fuse more to win. Akira thinks he's enough of a monster to win and books it saying its good Ryo didn't fuse as he's an easy going guy(What about pulling a shotgun on Dosu-Roku in Vol 1?). Ryo wonders why he had the same dream even though he didn't merge but as the god prince who became a hermaphrodite. Also Akira didn't see the rest but he merged the night, werewulf and dragon into a Devilman looking monster. Ryo walks off wondering why he had that dream despite not merging in the ritual/rave.
Devilman vs Getter Robo[]

He wears all black like Naojiro Abashiri in Abashiri Family:OAV 4.
In here he and Miki go to see her childhood friend, Michiru Saotome, and he clashes with the Getter Team. They pull him away from the girls, but when they are taking a bath they are attacked by not-Gelmer and Akira saves them. He fights Getter Robo before turning to Sirene, and saving Michiru from her. After he tells the girls his secret, he puts the girls to bed while naked. They wake up and is embarrassed to see him with them, drives him out. He helps the Getter guys fight some more demon mechasaurs, but is helped by Miki and Michiru in their Getter Queen. After fighting a mechasaur demon Sirene, he fuses with the Getter guys into Devil Getter, and busts her. She goes to her final form and they defuse as Akira pulls Sirene out, grabs her and the team take down the monster. She thanks him for reminding her of Amon, and flies off after a boot to Akira's head. Later they say their goodbyes, and Akira tells Miki that he'd like to meet Kotetsu Jeeg, or Iron Muscle. Miki answers Azteckaiser or Battle Hawk, but Akira suggests it should be Kekko Kamen, as they drive off on his Motorcycle.
Devilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLR[]

This ends well but Ryo probably ran em over after or something.
A buncha cars are driving and Akira Fudo and Miki Makimura are in a cr-ppy Eco car being left behind as Miki complains and Akira claims it will protect the environment even though global warming isn't real. The cars that go by are an enzo ferarri, Volkswagen W12 Coupe, Bugatti Veyron EB 16 4, Sirene in a Cadillac Cen, Kaim in a Mazda RX-6 and Ryo Asuka in a Porsche Carrera GT(Step In To Da Grand Tour B==ch, Diss Iz Another Future Yo!), Miki thinks Ryo is cool and they got left behind in their cr-pmobile as punishment for trusting the media and other liars of global warming made by the C02 in the atmosphere going from 0.002% to 0.003% (the alleged 50% increase). Akira whines that he should have started sooner and factored in the delay and Miki wants a cool bf with a cool car who's not a candy a55 beta male cuz Akiras to gentle and girly. They worry of the Motorcycle police and outta nowhere comes the Harenchi Gakuen c=xk suckers dressed like Mad Max mother f==kers and are h=lls prisoners (like Hell's Wind??) and attack em. Not Dosu-Roku thinks Miki is Sexy and rips her clothes and Akira goes Devilman, beats em away and saves Miki from being b0ned dead for once. His car digivolves and then by a bridge like in the ending of the 70s anime they kiss for once and she says she likes Akira being gentle butt at times is a wonderful wild beast both man and car. Akira sez he'd be a beast for her (Like devil beasts in Devil Lady??) and his car is a Mercedes-Benz SLR with the add saying "A beautiful woman who likes a car that is also a wild beast". Hear that guys? if you buy this car you can get a gf and dont gotta h-mp a body pillow of Pan from DBGT!!
Devilman Crybaby[]

This run became a meme for a bit.
In Devilman Crybaby, he's much more sensitive and soft-hearted than his manga and other anime counterparts, even after demon transformation. He cries very much, but as Miki says, he doesn't do cry for himself, but rather "for others." There's also a scene where he j-rks off and blasts a huge amount of goo on the ceiling!
Here, he's voiced by Koki Uchiyama, who was Jack in Beyblade Metal Fury, and Metal Masters, Meruem-sama in Hunter X Hunter 2011, Kaito Tenjo in Yu-Gi-Oh!, ZEXAL and Arc-V, Daigo Ishibashi in Gundam Build Fighters Try, Smokescreen in Q Transformers: The Mystery of Convoy Returns, Melzargard in One Punch Man, Tomura Shigaraki in Boku no Hero Academia, Yuri Plisetsky in Yuri!! on Ice, Roxas in Kingdom Hearts, Messer Ihlefeld in Macross Delta and Banagher Links in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096
In the English dub, he's voiced by Griffin Burns, who was Shalnark in Hunter X Hunter 2001, Boy Student B; Cyborg 0018/Seth; Thug Guy B in Cyborg 009 Vs. Devilman and Danji Eyray; Yamagi Gilmerton in Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.
Cyborg 009 Vs. Devilman[]

He looks good. Far better than his Crybaby style.
(someone fill this in) Eevee: I got you bro!π I actually watched it
Akira's first appearance is towards the opening of episode 1 where a pair of purse snatchers steal a bikers purse. Miki springs into action, knocking the theives off their motorbike, but is cornered when one of the thugs pulls out his pocket knife. Akira them distracts them by tipping the theives' motorbike off the side of the mountain into a pond and the pursesnatchers attempt to pull it back over the railing, but are dragged with it into the water below. The camera then pans up to show that three ominous looking figures were observing the scene.
Akira's next appearance is when he goes to school only to learn that a new student (who is secretly cyborg 0015 in disguise) has joined the class and befriended Miki. Miki brings the new student to the roof to introduce her to Akira, but he senses something off about her though he doesn't mention it.
Akira's next appearance is not directly on scene. The titular Cyborgs are investigating an increase in missing persons cases around the city and notice that they correlate with "demon" sightings in the nearby forest. During this sequence, the Cyborgs pull up surveillance footage from the time of the murders and capture an image of Akira as Devilman flying over the forest during a mission.
Akira's next meaningful appearance follows the possession of a group of partying teenagers outside a conveinance store. The demons are loyal to Atun and immediately leave to meet their master except for the chimera demon Pazuzu. After Ryo and Akira sense the disturbance while on patrol, Akira transforms into Devilman and enters combat with Pazuzu. Both demons possess wings, but Pazuzu has extra limbs, including a scorpion tail and especially sharp talons on his bird feet which causes Pazuzu to quickly dominate the fight. The Cyborgs learn of the summoning ritual and the battle after 003 detects the demons and Ryo using her psychic powers. She incorrectly identifies them as Black Ghost members and enhanced humans, which causes alarm among the group. 009 quickly rushes to the scene and observes the fight which continues poorly in Devilman's favor until Ryo manages to land a shotgun blast on Pazuzu, temporarily stunning him. Devilman regains the upperhand and kills Pazuzu, but Ryo senses 009 and tells Devilman to kill 009 since they don't realize that 009 is a cyborg and not a machine-type demon (though he does figure it out later in the fight and still orders Akira to kill 009). At the same time, 009 believes the pair are members of Black Ghost and engages them which leads to a miscommunication between the two parties. 009 and Devilman fight each other, neither gaining the upper hand as Devilman can only occassionally dodge 009's superspeed punches and 009 cannot deal permanent damage. In the end, the two collide with a direct punch that shatters 009 metallic arm, causing him to short circut, while Devilman's arm is blow off and he reverts to Akira. 003 and Ryo arrive to the scene to recover their respective partners, which causes 003 to ask Ryo if he and the "demon" are members of Black Ghost. Ryo doesn't answer and leaves having learned who their actual enemies are.
Akira wakes up the next day fully healed as Ryo retrieved his detached arm and reattached it. Meanwhile, 0015 is approached by the demons summoned earlier that are loyal to Atun while she is hanging out on the roof with Miki. Miki faints at the sight of the demons and 0015 carries her back to their hideout to use as bait to lure out Akira.
Fast forwarding to the 3rd episode, Akira joins the cyborgs during the final battle against Atun who has fused with 0018, 0015's little brother and the reason she joined the organization, to create an ultimate demon/cyborg being that can defeat Amon. Atun, as it turns out, was the demon world's ultimate hunter who wished to defeat Amon in order to prove himself the mightiest of the demon race. However, he was robbed of that chance was Amon with bound by Satan to Akira. In order to travel to the human world, he made a contract with Dr. Adams to provide him with a vessel in the human world. Atun then savagely attacks Devilman who is severely injured. 009 and Devilman team up in an attempt to level the playing field while the other numbers do battle with the "High-Teen" evil cyborgs. Atun still manages to have them on the ropes until the cyborgs' self repair functions are disabled, allowing Seth's (0018's) conciousness to properly merge with Atun's instead of just being submerged, which creates the being Azazel. Azazel has reality altering telekensis and electrokenesis powers which destroy the "High-Teen" cyborgs and seriously hurt Devilman and 009. However, 0015's timely intervension removes 0018's soul from his body and reverts the transformation from Azazel back to Atun, but also kills her in the process. Atun picks up where the fight left off, but without the healing powers his cyborg body granted him. However, this time 009 drops from orbit with a supersonic, full-body drop kick which both stuns and severly damages Atun, and Devilman burns the vulnerable Atun to a crisp, killing him.
The Akira's presence in the series ends with Ryo and Akira (back in human form) driving away from the Cyborgs and Miki feeling that someone is missing from the school, not realizing that it is her friend 0015 (I obviously skipped a ton of character building since this article is specifcally for Akira).
He's voiced by Shintaru Asanuma who was Alex in Street Fighter V, Crow Hogan in Yugioh 5Ds and ARC V (I used to hate him but after watching it, he's not so bad), Zeo in One Piece (I got one piece for ja! hhhhnnnnggggg!!), Ken Daido in Mazinkaiser SKL (I hear that's cool), Recomon in Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (I stopped halfway through Fusion), Seiji Hayami in Cutie Honey Universeββ (I otta watch that), and a buncha cr-p I never saw.
In the dub he's voice by Bryce Papenbrook who was Adrien/Cat Noir in Miraculous Ladybug (which is pretty cool), Eren Yaeger in Attack on Titan, Basara Kurobuchi in B-Daman CrossFire (which was cool), Koda in Devilman Crybaby (which I hear wasn't too great), Bearmon and Coronamon in Digimon Fusion (which I didn't hate and had some good stuff to it), Densuke Mifune in Eiken (Which was really hot and awesome and fun and colorful and enjoyable), Jack in MAR (which I saw a few eps of), Caesar Zeppeli in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Which everyone sez is good but I never saw), Yo Shindo in My Boku No Hero Academia (Like Boku No Pico??), Marugori and Paradizer in One Punch Man (which everyone loves but I never got into), Red in PokΓ©mon Origins (Which was good) Buck in Pokemon Generations (I otta see dat), Cat Sith Cheshire in Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas (I otta watch that. Hope they didn't queer out and censor the bllood and gore like DBZ Kai and Super), Kazuto Kirigaya/Kirito in Sword Art Online (Which I never saw but heard was sexy), Eddie in Yo-Kai Watch (Which I thought was kinda good) and Shusui Hayasaka in Buso Renkin (Which I saw an abridged ep of once).
Chapter 001[]
Sirenes alarm goes off and she uses her spinning arm to nail it. Later she's walking to school and meets Akira on the way there. She greets him by lifting her miniskirt and showing her commando crotch that has feathers covering it. also her a55 feathers cover her thicc buns and she shows Akira who gets a nosebleed, but at least he didn't bast a lot of spurm out all over the ceiling. At lunch she poops out an egg and eats it cuz its unfertilized and offers to fertilize one with him, which kinda creeps him out. At least they didn't b0ne while fighting.
Chapter 002[]
In class Mr Katabutsu is teaching and yelling at the kids being ret-rded and can't read right. Akira thinks Shirenu is pretty and shes doing hand stuff to her crotch, which makes Katabutsu get p-ssed and take her to the staff room. He whips out his big b0nar and starts going in her mouth but she bites it of and he says "Oy BVey! I've been Hebrewized" Jk really he asks her what she was doing under the deck and she reveals her crotch and reveals the info that sometimes a feather grows in and itches and asks if he can see it. He runs out with a nosebleed and she's refreshed and says if Akira wants to know, she'd tell him. Which weirds him out
Chapter 003[]
Akira thinks of how sexy Sirene is and her thicc a55 and tail feathers lifting her mini skirt and Ryo comes in asking if he's dating her. He sez they are only friends ad Ryo sez she's dangerous and not to be with her and she jumps in and kicks him in the head with crotch open, then headlocks in her thighs and did the Kekko Kamen thing of crotch to face and maybe p-ssing in his mouth. He runs away and she thinks he's not much and sez Akira shouldn't listen to guys like him(HErmaphrodites?!)
Chapter 004[]
After a day at School, Akira is glad to be alive and thinks of Shirenu saying her t-ts are heavy and wants him to hold em as he thinks how scary/cute/hard she is. She hugs him from behind asking who's Scary/cute/hard? and he sez its nothing. On the way back she offers to bring him to her place and they go to this birdhouse in a tree thats big enuff for people. Inside is her mom (like in Amon: The Darkside of The Devilman??) and she's in a dress and has nice t-ts and thinks Akira is handsome. Shirene sends her off and Akira is gonna eat an egg from mom but it hatches and this baby bird thing comes out and flies out the window thinking Akira wanted to eat him and Sirene sez it'll be a migratory bird ad not come back. Akira thinks its Sirene's brother.
Cameos and References[]

Dat 6 pack! Ryo might be j-rkin off to this! Better join in!!
Being one of Go Nagai's most famous characters, he has brief scenes in many other works.
- New Cutey Honey: A gargoyle that looks like Devilman is seen in episode 1, and Akira later shows up in episode 7. He a tough guy who fights with gangs or something and has big pull as he could get 10 000 punks together at a notice. He tried to bring down Scorpion and even though he snapped her neck with a kick, she wouldn't bite it. He was later chained up in some kinda SM Dungeon and met Honey who was disguised as a guy. After Honey got whipped by a Nazi dude (Not Count Brocken) she BUSTed out and freed Akira. Honey fought Scorpion (I keep thinking Mortal Kombat) but couldn't do her best as Chokkei Hayami was hostage. Akira slagged the guards and set the place up to blow so Honey could face Scorpion and as the place got nuked, he saved her. He later said bye and mentioned how Angels and Devils lived in Cosplay City and when they meet next, they might be foes. Here, he was voiced by Tomokazu Seki (Ryo in the Amon OVA, Go Saotome in Getter Robo Armageddon, Domon Kasshu in G Gundam, Kamui Shirou in X/1999, Keisuke Takahashi in Initial D, Van Fanel in Escaflowne, Yoshimitsu in Tekken, Werehog in Sonic Unleashed, Tracey in PokΓ©mon, Eiji Shinjo in Battle Arena Toshinden, Selkie in Boku No Hero Academia, Stinger in One Punch Man, Luckky in Fairy Tale, Masataka Takayanagi in Tenjho Tenge, (dat
MayaAyaEmi Isuzu!!) Yzak Joule in Gundam Seed, Igneous in Wedding Peach (dat Momoko) and Sousuke Sagara in Full Metal Panic!) and Brett Weaver (Ryu in the ADV dub of Street Fighter II V, Roy Focker in SDF Macross, Damaramu in Dragon Half, Goh Saruwatar in Godannar (Sexay!!), Osamu in Ki*Me*Ra (A hermaphrodite yaoi!!), Carrot in Sorcerer Hunters (SM Babes!!), Gunther Schultz in Attack on Titan, Ranbert in Getter Robo Armageddon, Goldias, Jeffrey and Old Man in the Slayers OVAs (With SM Babe Naga!!), Shingo Susa in Re: Cutie Honey OVA 2, Tora in Ushio & Tora and Toji Suzuhara in Evangelion) in the English dub.
- In Oira Sukeban Chapter 1 we get Miki Makimura, Akira Fudo, Kozo Makimura and Tare Makimura as Banji's Neighbors with Miki having a thing for him. She smooches him and when he comes into her bath she comes onto him and her dad and Akira come in and get their irish up. Hre tries o beat up Banji and his sexy mom Banchiyo Suke comes in and he gets beat out.

I had to censor the butt crack as fandom is less free than Spongebob. Buncha candy a55 commies!
- In Berserk the character of Guts is much like Akira. He is the dark-haired, wounded soul lead down a dark path by the androgynous albino ally of his, that leaves his lover destroyed, and winds up attaining godhood after the hero turning on him, as well as wiping out everyone the dark hero cared for. He too, has a tragic series that's set in a dark, messed up world, and is a powerful warrior, known as a great destroyer for his accomplishments in battle.
- Re: Cutey Honey: In one of the OVAs and 70's anime, Akira and Miki show up for a second or so.

Pay no attention to the brazillian subs in front of the curtain

Right in the Uterus!!
- Iron Virgin Jun: In the manga, he and Ryo Asuka show up. Akira punches Jun Asuka with in the gut and gives her to Ryo, who then drives off. He later street fights a group of men in a brawl.
- Hanappe Bazooka: Around half way through the Hanappe Bazooka OVA, Devilman is seen when Hanappe goes into the room full of demons, and he tells Hanappe to shut it.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's main character, Yusei Fudo, may be a nod to Akira in terms of appearance and his surname.
- Shin Megami Tensei: Features a character by the name of Akira Miyamoto, who is later killed and possessed by a demon named Amon. This somewhat parallels Akira's transformation into Devilman, and is in fact an intentional reference.

shhhhhh! we're having a black ritual!
- In PokΓ©mon starting with Ruby/Sapphire, the Dragon/Flying type Salamence has a similar design to the 1970s Devilman, esp with its color and wings.
- In Yugioh the character of Yugi and The Other Yugi are sorta like Akira with this timid teen getting possessed by a guy that made him bada55 and confident and go around killing people. (Also Bakura being a chum who turns out to be the final boss and this great power that is gonna f up the world is like Ryo) and his best bud is this tougher blonde teen (Joey ) and a dark haired chick who is touched a lot (Tea)
- Also in Yugioh the cards Legendary Devil (Or its slave name Legendary Fiend), and D-HERO Diabolic Guy (Ot its slave name Destiny HERO Malicious) look like Devilman, The HERO is his 80s oav look and the other is his 70s anime look.
- In Yugioh GX season 3: Jaden Yuki has his friends slagged by this Daemon friend from his childhood as a way of affecting him and he winds up getting fused with a Daemon to save them. It makes him more bada55 and tough, gives him powers and he fights an invasion by dark forces (Only he saves his homies and doesn't wind up in H E Double Hell)
- Neon Genesis Evengelion is like Go Nagai but more gay, emo and mentally unbalanced (like Tennessee Williams). Shinji is this little candya55 who is a wiener and the hero who combines with this thing to fight Angels to save his fam. Only Shinji is a little dink and never gets to be bada55 like Akira after he fused. Plus he j-rked off on Asuka's
corpsecoma body. He's pretty much the Milhouse of Akira clones. Also Shinji is gay for Kaworu like with RyoXAkira and kills him to save the world, sort of a twist on the Ryo slagging Akira and Akira trying to save the world from Ryo.
Idea DEVILMAN vs SPIDER-MAN akira meet spider man has hero good person but Akira Fudo got very interest with spider man not avengers but Akira Fudo see spider man identity face but akira found out that spider man identity name was peter Parker . Akira Fudo is gay for peter Parker is spider man but Akira Fudo has towards feelings for spider man identity peter Parker akira fudo / peter Parker friends but Akira Fudo knows that peter Parker is kind person that akira mind form miki was kind person but Akira Fudo project is friend peter Parker because akira really care about peter Parker because akira fudo trust spidey for his life
- In Robotech Rick Hunter is a non violent dark haired guy with a dead fam who's his Blonde Haired Blue Eyed close homie Roy Fokker gets him into a war and gets more violent but keeps his humanity. Also much life on earth gets ended and he has a doomed relationship with an Asian chick.
Devilman characters | ||
Devilmen | Akira Fudo β’ Miko β’ Dosu-Roku β’ Puffurle β’ Yumi β’ Bonze of Hinduism β’ Moyuru Koda β’ Cadney β’ Mantaro Chain | |
Makimura | Miki Makimura β’ Tare Makimura β’ Akiko Makimura β’ Kozo Makimura | |
Demon Tribe | Zenon β’ Amon β’ Satan β’ Illuge β’ Maegawa β’ Jinmen β’ Psycho Jenny β’ Agwel β’ Gelmer β’ Sirene β’ Kaim β’ Aleda β’ Beeq β’ Daruni β’ Rerasu β’ Henka β’ Ebain β’ Bugo β’ Zanin β’ Crab Demon β’ Medok β’ Seylos β’ Sheena β’ Zuboo β’ Zann β’ Welvath β’ Tollg β’ Adal β’ The Genrelessa β’ Texsch β’ Magoad β’ Spider Demons β’ Masstuff β’ Lala β’ Imclugent β’ Muzan β’ Faim β’ Godman β’ Dorango β’ Gondoroma β’ Zoldoba β’ Miniyon.β’ Gairββ β’ Gardalza β’ Onemamac β’ Jurad β’ Vegard β’ Trijask β’ Wagreb β’ Gande β’ Loscead β’ Massack β’ Caboon β’ King Duba β’ Mother β’ Susumu and Aria | |
Other Humans | Reijiro Fudo β’ Sumiko Fudo β’ Black Sabbath Dancers β’ Ken β’ Sachiko β’ Susumu β’ Alphonse β’ Principal Pochi β’ The Jainitor β’ Demon Busters β’ Dr. Ranimura β’ Professor Asuka β’ Masa Bokuto β’ Tetsuya β’ Go β’ Meri-Ken Jo β’ Himura β’ Koji Nagasaki β’ Wam β’ Gabi β’ Miyo β’ Chiyako Narukami β’ Kyohiko Todoroki β’ Todaiji Nyuro β’ Lisa Kamitori | |
Crossover | Devil Getter β’ Getter Queen |
Cutie Honey characters | ||
Honey And Friends | β’ Honey Kisaragi β’ Misty Honey β’ Takeshi Kisaragi β’ Natsuko Aki β’ Seiji Hayami β’ Danbei Hayami β’ Junpei Hayami β’ Mami β’ Chokkei Hayami β’ Mayor Light β’ Akira Fudo β’ Jun Fudo β’ Lan Asuka β’ Twilight Prince β’ Kyoko Izumiya β’ Chief Clerk β’ PCIS β’ Todoroki β’ Natsuko β’ Akakabu Hayami β’ Daiko Hayami β’ Goki β’ Seiko Hayami | |
Saint Chapel | Paradise School Principal β’ Principal Pochi β’ Alphonne β’ Miharu Tsuneni β’ Naoko Sukeban β’ Scarlet Hamano β’ Ichigo Koyama β’ The Sukeban | |
Panther Claw | Panther Zora β’ Sister Jill β’ Panthers β’ Fire Claw β’ Tarantula Panther β’ Jango β’ Iron Shadow β’ Breast Claw β’ Badfly Clawββ β’ Cutter Clawββ β’ Octo Panther β’ Dynamite Claw β’ Scissor Claw β’ Scorpion Panther β’ Spin Claw β’ Aurora Claw β’ Blade Panther β’ Coral Claw β’ Crocodile Claw β’ Snake Panther β’ Tomahawk Panther β’ Jumbo Panther β’ Puman Claw β’ Drill Claw β’ Dragon Claw β’ Eagle Panther β’ Sea Panther β’ Gill Panther β’ Great Claw β’ Twin Claw β’ Dolmeck β’ Peeping Spider β’ Deathstar β’ Jewell Princess β’ Virtual Hacker β’ Saline β’ Gene β’ Yasha β’ Scorpion β’ Gold Digger β’ Mrs. Bee β’ Prince Zera β’ Dark Panther Honey β’ Freddy Claw β’ Bat Claw β’ Panther Cobra β’ White Claw β’ Rinko Terada β’ Aya Nagase β’ Gold Claw β’ Cobalt Claw β’ Scarlet Claw β’ Black Claw β’ Triple Panther (Destroyer Panther β’ Doctor Panther β’ Scoop Panther) β’ Tank Panther β’ Sky Panther β’ Bazooka Panther β’ Unicorn Panther β’ Iron Kaiser | |
Other | Chiruru β’ King Monaco β’ Mami β’ Paul Tamamoto β’ Koyayashi β’ Scavenger β’ Bulldozer Hoshi β’ Junji Ogimori β’ Saori Fukuzawaβ’ Mikio Hiruta β’ Muyo Nagaiwa β’ Toshio Tanaka | |
Cameos | Goemon Abashiri β’ Naojiro Abashiri β’ Juzo Kabuto β’ Kekko Kamen β’ Miko β’ Miki Makimura β’ Pokey β’ Mayumi Takahashi β’ Toenail Of Satan β’ Sayaka Yumi β’ Boss β’ Tobatiri β’ Slum King β’ Gamia Q β’ Kanko Renau β’ Jim Mazinger β’ Sosuke Oshibaβ’ Yukiko β’ Ryoma Nagare β’ Shingo Susa β’ Sayuri Yukishiro β’ Kikunosuke Abashiri β’ Kichiza Abashiri |